Pokémon Diamond and Pearl | EP19 | Twice Smitten, Once Shy! | Pokémon Asia ENG

stay here
and so do you twives
you’re so cute
hey brock what’s up dawn’s been standing
there and staring at that pokemon like
that for quite a while now i think she
wants to catch it
let’s see
the elf squirrel pokemon it gathers
static electricity and hides fur balls
along with its favorite fruit under the
eaves of houses
oh i can’t stand it i want you
now hip-hop go
well that was sweet kiss piplup’s
totally confused that’s how she recent
something hip-hop return
funnier i choose you
that furball rocks
yeah but i think that furball’s getting
now’s my chance
yeah people’s confusion’s all gone now
bumblebee go
and now it’s time to go
as eternal city and ash’s next gym
battle lies ahead a pokemon contest soon
to be held in flor aromatown has dawned
positively brimming with excitement
perhaps another one of jessie’s
delusions now she’s sick it’s called
contest queenitis
it’s simple there’s a plural contest
this time i will become its queen my
loyal subjects will bow down you know i
think we’re both right but which royal
pokemon will still use
i’ll catch myself a pokemon with the
rarefied arab aristocracy
with your non-stop cuteness and my skill
and beauty the florama contest is ours
for sure
a tickle
that tickles
oh such a cute thing
perfection yes time for another badge
what do you say pikachu
that’s great getting a badge after
putting in all those hours of hard
but this time it’s my turn to win a
contest ribbon my patricia and i are
going to turn the contest world on its
all right let the training begin
you’re fast pacharisu
i spent all of those hours doing my hair
and now this
all right you rascal returns
yeah one patrice who’s out of control
and just keeps running all over the
some people would call that really
healthy don we’ll help you thank you
pikachu grab that pachirisuk
and nonstop
i hope they’re all right
it didn’t bother pikachu being an
electric type
look at pachirisu probably used up its
power and collapsed
come on
wake up you’re just fine
this instant
how could something so cute be causing
me so many problems
the truth is maybe pachirisu doesn’t
like me
dawn’s been in there a long time i think
pacharis is freaking her out a little
hey don you all right
guess not
whoa dawn’s not looking good at all
you know you’re really fast
not only that you love to run and run
but to be honest i was wrong when i
thought we could ever really be friends
i always seem to learn things the hard
it’s okay
you’re free now which means you can run
anywhere you want okay
it’s over
hey dawn strap on the old feed bag
no thanks i’m not hungry
i guess dawn’s really having a rough
you’ll feel better if you eat something
what’s up dawn what are you so bummed
out about
it’s just
i let pachirisu go that’s all
but why why when you wanted pachirisu so
the idea i could handle that pokemon
please what are you talking about are
you pulling my leg
well look at all the trouble i caused
hey any pokemon’s gonna be tricky to
deal with in the beginning i’m telling
yeah i think it’s a little too early to
be giving up
well it’s too late i already let it go
i’m sure pachirisu is running wild and
has forgotten all about me
don’t count on it look to me like
pachirisu is having a whole lot of fun
with you yeah
what a dull a perfect 10 on the cutie
meter say that fabulous bloat ball could
be the prime pokemon that whisks me to
the wind
you know
i guess i really need to have pachirisu
you know
of course you’ll need to catch it again
yeah and we’ll help you do it wow thanks
you guys no problem it couldn’t have
gotten far if we all have a look for
sure we’ll find it in no time
getting the pokeball out of cobwebs all
and in one shot
oh well at least you tried i know you’re
a quitter but not me team rocky
what are you doing with pachirisu huh
all hope and putting fear in its place
by any other name is just as sweet when
everything’s worse our work is complete
jesse and it’s
james putting the do-gooders in their
place team rocket leave in your face
hey that pashirisu was done but when
jesse threw her pokeball it had no
issues climbing inside and of course if
there was another landlord it wouldn’t
have done that
so if you’re promoting this as your
property let’s see you call it back to
your pokeball
i thought so perhaps pachirisu is purely
taking a walk on the wild side as a free
unsigned agent all right it’s true i let
it go but i’m catching it again well
well well that may be on your twerpish
wish list but i think pachirisu has
other plans you think so but why don’t
we let the final decision rest in
guess don’t have faith don’t worry i’m
sure pacharis will choose you all right
give me every last morsel of food we
have left
what that means we’ll have none left for
ourselves you may need to fast but not
give me the food and cut the weight
jokes you know the way to a pokemon’s
heart is through its stomach you got me
here bochy pachy pachy pachy pachy
this yummy bread also builds strong
pocket bodies 12 ways brock just give it
some of your food i really don’t want to
go there
luring it with food isn’t going to prove
a thing then give that inflated ego of
yours a rest and realize pachiriso’s
that’s it i win this fab furball knows
real beauty when it sees it
well at least we had the better grub
i’ll be sure to keep that fact in mind
while i’m starving to death hachirisu
doesn’t like those three at all excuse
me twerpin boots but i didn’t see
pachirisu giving you any love shocks did
you talk about a positive spin she
really ought to consider a job in
politics come on don now’s your chance
uh excuse me please i’m sorry and i want
you to come with me
i knew it brock hashirisu wasn’t ever
gonna forget about dawn no way really
pachirisu would never choose you after
all we’ve been through
that pogirisu is faster than water off a
waylord’s back that’s what buttons are
for as you can see i’ve got them
that goop will keep pachirisu planted in
the same place until we pull the plug a
brilliant plan i thought you were stuck
on stupid butt silly me dancing pikachu
don’t protect pachirisu
like bubble gum do ya
of course you can’t blow any bubbles
with it stuck on your head and feet
that’s enough
pacharisu stays
hey it’s good to stay in one place but
let’s not forget we have other plans for
pachirisu one sprint’s a team rocket
poison and it’s a dumb deal say i didn’t
know you were well-versed in
aromatherapy of course don’t raise a
from my vantage point you look like
you’re grounded the perfect punishment
for a twerp quick pacharisu go get them
it’s no good if it launches an electric
attack that close you’ll be heard too
don’t worry about me you take care of
yourself no we’ll take over from here
yes come to papa
you know this stuff really grows on you
after a while
i’m going to grow on you just like a
virus here pachirisu come to jesse run
oh you see i’m clearly this little cutie
pie’s cutie pie but how
so better luck next time bye but what
about pikachu each time we help
ourselves to too much we get our heads
handed to us so for today one is more
than enough
i think that mush knocked a little sense
into our resident queenie of course it’s
just a guess
and what’s a queen without an adorable
sweetie love of my life baby doll
if i want that brand of affection i’ll
just beat my head against the wall the
thing is i actually thought jesse was
getting smarter
all things must pass
oh well
i guess pacharisu didn’t really like me
after all although i can’t blame
pachirisu for a moment after i did the
awfully silly things i did i wouldn’t be
so sure huh
yeah just have a look
you came back
well you can’t say pacharisu doesn’t
like you dawn yeah check it out
it’s so great you’re back
oh no not again
who cares
how’d you like to come with us
yeah and we’ve just added some serious
speed and cuteness to our family
there’s nothing like the thrill of
catching a new pokemon for inspiration
and in the case of pachirisu you can be
certain that dawn’s more resolved than
ever to make her next pokemon contest a
winning one

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