Press This Button To Win $100,000!

– If you push this button
you will get an insanely stupid and random punishment,
which probably makes you wonder why would you press it?
Well, one random press won’t be a punishment,
it will actually be $100,000.
I grabbed all my friends,
and what plays out in this video is hilarious.
You guys get the point
by pressing that you could win this
$100,000 here for your sister,
or you could get punished.
I don’t care. – Can I press it now?
– Yeah.
(bell dinging) All right.
Wear pants filled with mayonnaise.
Before we make him put on mayonnaise pants,
anyone else wanna press it?
– It can’t get worse than that.
– Break a two by four using only babies.
– What?
– We have Chris’ pants here,
and we have to mayonnaise it.
– Here we go.
– [Chris] It’s gonna look like I took a dump.
– [MrBeast] Oh no.
– Ew, I can feel things dropping.
(all laughing)
It’s so cold.
– All right, let’s go bash some babies against two by fours.
– [Karl] Oh, you disgust me.
– Here’s a two by four.
– Okay. – And here’s a baby.
I don’t know how you’re gonna do it,
but you gotta break that in half.
– Let’s get to work.
– [MrBeast] Oh, and if you need an extra baby, here you go.
– Okay, good, good.
– [MrBeast] And if you need another one
there’s another one.
– We’re going two handed.
(babies crying)
– While he’s busy bashing babies I’m pressing the button.
(bell dinging)
(explosion booming)
Yeah, let’s go.
– What that means is when
you get a punishment you don’t like
you get to press this button and skip it,
but you can only press it once.
– Oh, okay.
– Nolan and Chandler,
neither of you have pressed the button yet.
One of you guys wanna take a go?
(bell dinging) All right.
(explosion thudding)
Go home and flush your toilet.
– My home’s in Nebraska.
(group laughing)
– Just go to the hotel you’re staying at.
– Okay.
Let’s go.
– Nolan is going to flush the toilet,
Chris is showering from the mayonnaise,
and Tags is still busting it two by four with babies.
Who’s pressing it next?
What says this next one’s a punishment?
– Years of knowing you says.
– Oh, oh.
Pick someone and pie them in the face.
– Yes.
– That could’ve been you.
– Oh, hey, look who just walked back.
Did you read the TV?
– No.
All right guys, I’m leaving.
– I mean, it’s a lot of money,
this $100,000 could literally
pay for my sister’s entire college tuition.
– They said I only had to use babies.
(intriguing music)
(saw rumbling)
(wood thudding)
(explosion booming)
– Oh hey.
– That baby stood no chance.
– Did you actually break it in half?
– Yeah. – Look what he is doing.
I might not have rushed back. – Oh, what?
– If I’m doing a challenge
I don’t have to get pied in the face, right?
– Yeah, you don’t.
Watch this video of Chris farting for 20 minutes.
All right, go watch Chris fart for 20 minutes.
– Why do you have Chris farting for 20 minutes?
– Karl, for the love of God,
you’ve gotta pie something.
(pie thudding) (all laughing)
– You got the most thick pie.
– Now I know if I’m ever pieing someone
don’t buy pumpkin pie, it didn’t do anything.
– No, keep buying pumpkin pie,
I’m very happy that happened.
– This is is a 20 minute montage of Chris farting.
Enjoy, you gotta watch it all.
– Red bull gives you farts (farts).
Red bull gives you farts (beeps).
– It’s just farting.
– Red bull gives you farts. – Is this actually 20?
Oh my gosh, it’s 20 minutes.
Jimmy’s gone, maybe we’ll have better luck if we press it.
(bell dinging) (explosion booming)
– No.
(Karl laughing)
– Oh my God, wait, who pressed it?
– I don’t know.
– Here’s the fish?
– 100 times?
One, two, three, four.
– Currently Chris is beating himself with the fish,
Chandler is watching you fart for 20 minutes.
And Nolan is going to flush his toilet.
Karl, I think you should join the party.
(bell dinging)
Sit in a corner for an hour.
– Ha. – Now that you’re sitting,
see this counter above your head.
It’s started.
– Hey. – What?
– 69.
– Nice. – Nice.
– Bam. – Oh.
– Let’s get it.
– Do 100 pushups.
– Oh, I’m done with my punishment.
(bell dinging)
– Sort this bowl of M&M’s by color.
(candy rumbling)
– 18,
– This might seem stupid and you probably wanna quit.
– Mm-mm.
– Oh, all right, nevermind then.
– You think sitting in a corner is gonna stop me
from doing more punishment?
(upbeat music)
– You cannot push this button until you pee.
So while you’re sitting in this corner Karl
here’s some water.
– [Narrator] Ooh, ooh, ooh.
(Chandler grunting)
(upbeat music)
– I’m flushing this toilet for you Natalie.
(toilet flushing)
Let’s go.
– My sister is worth all this pain.
– [Narrator] Aww.
– [Tags] 60, oh my God.
– You wanna take a break sorting M&M’s
to go watch Chandler watch you fart for 20 minutes.
– Yeah, that sounds nice.
Hey buddy, how’s my farts?
You’re gonna go to sleep tonight,
and it’s all you’re gonna hear looping in your head
is my fart.
I’m sure your sister appreciates this.
Get back to my M&M’s.
– 99.
Oh my God, I’m so close.
Mom, this is for you.
– Congratulations on your 100 pushups.
(bell dinging) (explosion booming)
Kick a field goal.
We rented a football field,
I’ll text you the address you gotta go kick a field goal.
– All let’s do this.
– Four seconds.
– Red bull gives you farts.
– One.
Go, go.
(upbeat music)
(door squeaking)
– [Narrator] A few moments later.
(toilet burbling) (door squeaking)
– Chandler is back.
(bell dinging)
Let’s see it.
Pick a contestant to skip the next 10 turns.
– Me.
– You’re supposed to pick someone else.
– One of the next 10 ones could be the winner.
– I doubt it.
– Chandler just expelled himself for 10 button presses.
Nolan has literally been gone for an eternity,
I’m gonna call him and see where he is.
Nolan, where are you?
You’ve been gone for like three hours.
– I’ve been gone for like 20 minutes bro.
What are you talking about?
No, you haven’t, it’s literally been an hour and a half.
– If I wanna win this 100,000 for my sister
I gotta get back as soon as possible.
– It’s good, I have my pee bucket,
and my pee blanket, my pee, what?
Pre pee.
(upbeat music)
– That took forever.
(bell dinging)
– Go give away $1,000 to 10 random strangers.
I know you just got back Nolan,
but here’s a briefcase with $10,000 in real money.
(upbeat music)
We are about 13 button presses in,
and so far so many crazy things have happened.
Tags is currently kicking a field goal,
Nolan is giving away money.
Chris and Karl are in corners,
Chandler’s playing video games, it’s crazy.
I can’t wait to see who wins $100,000 for their sister.
– I’m not leaving this corner until I pee.
(upbeat music)
– You want $1,000?
– Yeah. – There you go.
– And what? – Enjoy.
That’s it.
– [Stranger] Oh, thank you.
– Camera, camera, I’m peeing.
Oh Jimmy.
– I take it you’ve peed?
– Yeah.
– Oh, it smells.
– This one’s the 100 K.
– This next press is the $100,000?
– I’m feeling it, I’m feeling it, ready?
(bell dinging) (explosion thudding)
– Beat Minecraft.
(laughs) Karl now has to beat Minecraft
on a brand new world.
– For a better chance at winning $100,000
for my sister right now.
– Jimmy, I’m done.
(upbeat music)
– Oh.
– Oh, come on, why has that gotta be mine?
Come on.
– Press it again.
– You brought it back.
(bell dinging) (explosion booming)
– Let Carl draw whatever he wants on your face.
I need a moisturizer and I need a marker,
and a Karl.
Before Karl draws on your face moisturize your right arm.
Oh Karl.
– Hey bud, how you doing?
(both screaming)
– Karl gets to draw whatever he wants on your face,
I’m gonna go check on Tags, I’ll be right back.
– Since Jimmy isn’t here if I don’t like it,
I can just not do it.
– Ooh, let’s go.
– [MrBeast] Get a one hour massage.
All right, here.
– And they said they were punishments.
– All right, this might seem like a good thing,
but technically for the next hour
you can’t press the button.
– 100 grand, massage.
Sorry mom.
(group laughing)
– After three more presses Chandler can start playing again.
– I got you buddy.
– Two more.
– FaceTime your 69th contact in your phone.
(mellow music)
Karl buddy. – Hello?
– How’s it going?
– It’s good, I just got old iron.
– So how long till you win?
– Realistically an hour, I’m gonna be honest.
– You still have two more presses until you can play again.
Tags is getting a massage, Nolan is giving away money,
Karl’s beating Minecraft, and you’re just chilling here.
Time lapse.
(upbeat music)
– [Chris] All right, how many do you have left?
– Two.
– Make it one.
– Skip a punishment.
– Hey.
(bell dinging) (explosion booming)
– Dump a bucket of baked beans on your head.
– I’m gonna go ahead and skip that one.
(bell dinging) (explosion booming)
– Stop, no, just stop it.
(bell dinging) (explosion booming)
– No.
– Chandler’s going to get Arby’s,
but you have to pick some of your crickets.
– You know what goes really good
with a nice game of Minecraft?
A little snack.
Oh, Karl.
– Oh, hey man.
– You got the gamer hungrys?
– Not really.
– [Chris] You want a gamer snacky?
– I don’t.
– Didn’t you throw a water bottle allegedly?
– Allegedly, it didn’t happen.
(upbeat music)
– I’m curious, are you eating the crickets one at a time,
or you are just four and done?
He’s four and done.
– It’s the texture, it’s the texture.
Oh my God.
– All right, let’s move on.
– We’re at Arby’s, this food is gross.
Can I get a kid’s meal?
– [Narrator] 4,27.
– Thank you.
– [Narrator] Bruh.
– Wear a princess helmet.
– For the duration of the video
you now have to wear a princess helmet.
– Let’s go.
(funny music)
(bell dinging) (explosion booming)
– Pick someone and send them to McDonald’s
wearing a Burger King costume.
Hey Tags you wanna go to McDonald’s?
– [Tags] Yeah.
– Tags it is.
– Just finished giving away the $10,000,
we’re going back to press the button again.
(bell dinging)
(explosion thudding)
– Pop this balloon with a marshmallow.
– Wait, what?
– [Narrator] There you go, you have a good one.
– Thank you.
– This is the driest chicken I’ve ever had in my life.
(balloon pops)
– [Crew Member] There it is.
– I did it.
– [MrBeast] So you beat Minecraft?
– Yes.
– Congrats, let’s go.
Pick someone and stay handcuffed to them
for the rest of the game.
(bell dinging)
– Ooh.
(explosion booming)
– Unlock the correct lock.
– Have fun with that.
– While you’re thinking I’m gonna go get locks for Chris.
This is a wall of locks,
and Chris here is the key.
Find which one it works for,
and you can push the button again.
– It looks like one of these
so I’m gonna try all of these first.
– Here is a pair of real handcuffs,
once you handcuff them,
they can’t come off until the end of the challenge.
– What if I have to pee?
– Pee together.
(bell dinging)
Jump in a swimming pool fully closed.
There’s no swimming pool here,
go find one.
Not joking we’re getting close to the $100,000 press.
– [Tags] Could I please get two Whoppers?
– [Narrator] We don’t have Whoppers.
– First we gotta find out…
Okay, so it’s probably one of those.
All right, let’s just speed run it.
– Build this six year old Minecraft Lego set.
– No.
– Have fun.
We were recording this video for a very long time,
and there’s a ton of punishments that I just can’t show.
Or, this video would be an hour long.
– [Karl] Oh, button.
– Okay, wait, before you press it,
what do you wanna say to Chandler’s sister right there?
‘Cause you might steal 100 grand from her.
– I wanna steal 100 grand from you.
– Well, you didn’t.
Open this present.
Here is a giant present I spent all morning wrapping.
Open it up.
(wrapper rustling)
– No.
– (sighs) I can’t, I literally cannot actually.
(upbeat music)
– I love how the guy who is handcuffed has to do this
so it’s even harder.
– It hurts so bad. – It hurts.
What is this?
– Carl is not allowed to push the button for five turns.
Oh, can I use my button on that?
– Yeah, you could actually.
– Oh, you’re surrounded.
(explosion booming)
– [MrBeast] All right, he skipped that punishment.
Start a fire and put it out with a fire extinguisher.
Go have fun.
I love how the box is attached to them.
(box thudding)
(ping pong ball thudding)
– Yes!
– That was his, what did you get?
Give Jimmy $4 and 20 cents in pennies.
– That seems simple enough.
– Go find it.
– Hey, you, anybody got pennies?
Chandler, you got some pennies?
Do you have some pennies?
– No.
– You got pennies?
You got no pennies?
– [Voiceover] Ooh.
– Fire? – Fire.
– Fire!
(extinguisher wheezing)
(upbeat music)
(bell dinging)
– Ten.
(both screaming)
– Nobody had pennies,
so we’re having to go to the gas station to get some.
– Give it a press.
Maybe you wait, do you think this is it?
You won a…
Just kidding.
– You guys got one of the hardest ones,
you have to paint this entire side wall right here.
– Come with me.
– Oh my gosh, it’s kind of working.
– [Karl] The pee, the pee.
– It got all over me.
– You’re gonna sit out the next two presses.
– Yeah.
(bell dinging)
– [MrBeast] Chris, that’s the 50th press.
Build a gingerbread house.
– (claps) Yes.
– [Nolan] Is there any way I could get
change in pennies for this?
You don’t have enough?
All right.
(upbeat music)
– Ladder please.
No one come hit the button.
– Here’s a gingerbread house, here’s some icing,
here’s some duct tape, you have to put it together.
– Right.
– So somebody back at the studio apparently had pennies,
I didn’t ask enough people I guess.
(upbeat music)
– The word on the street is Tags literally fell asleep.
His 15 minutes ended 10 minutes ago,
but he’s still laying in bed.
(MrBeast yelling)
Hey, you’re 15 minutes is up.
– [Nolan] Where’s some pennies?
– [Ethan] I stepped in your pee.
(all laughing)
– Stop worrying about pee Ethan.
– We’re at 51, how many can there be?
(bell dinging)
– Jump rope for 10 minutes. – 10 minutes?
– Why do you get all the physical ones?
(upbeat music)
– All right, I’m gonna hit it, I’m gonna hit it.
Do it, do it, do it.
– So you are gonna press it?
(bell dinging) All right, what is it?
Solve a difficult
math problem. – We got this, we got this.
– We?
– Here is a maths problem Chandler,
when you solve it you get to press the button again.
(upbeat music)
– I got the pennies.
– Did you go to a bank?
– No.
– All right, so $1, $2, $3,
three and a half dollars.
This is only $3 and 65 cents.
– [Nolan] Where did the other ones go?
It said it said $4 and 20 cents,
this is actually the answer to the math equation.
That actually looks good, the wall is complete,
I am actually surprised.
I thought they were just gonna quit.
We are on press number 53.
– You were here first.
– All right,
who’s pressing it? – He was here first.
– Oh no.
– It’s between you and me again.
(all laughing)
– Oh, here you go.
Okay, oh wait.
Choose who pushes the button next.
Karl, you gotta pick.
– I was gonna hit it next.
– Okay, I’ll choose, I’ll choose.
– Yeah, so, you can pick.
– I pick myself.
(bell dinging)
(explosion booming)
– Yes.
(all cheering)
– Yes.
(bell dinging)
– Oh, you’re so disgusting or I’d hug you.
– Here, we can hug each other.
Let’s go.
– Hey.
– The winner had to give 100 grand to their sister.
– And you’re my sister.
(group laughing)
– Hey, you have two brothers which one’s your favorite now?
– Karl.
– All right, thanks for watching and goodbye.
And there you have it,
Karl’s sister just won $100,000.
If you haven’t already hit that subscribe button
I’m trying to hit 50,000,000 subscribers
and it would mean the world.

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