I Got Hunted By The Military

– That helicopter is carrying a military squad,
and it’s gonna land right over there.
(explosion booms) If that squad successfully
hunts me down before the end of the day,
they get this hundred grand.
Run, run, run.
Get in, get in. – Go, go, go.
– Oh, they’re running after us.
They are right on our tail,
we gotta get outta here.
I purposely put their car further away
so I can get a head start.
– [Sean] Get in the vehicle, let’s go!
Come on.
(intense instrumental music)
– Right now he’s not too far away.
He’s right on the other side of these trees it looks like.
– All right, we gotta be quick.
Okay, we’re crossing the bridge.
Hey Chandler?
– Yeah? – You know what to do.
– I got you. (engine rumbling)
I’ve been waiting for this.
– So I’ve done this in the past
where I ran away from a bounty hunter, and the FBI,
but I’ve never ran away from three different people.
(intense instrumental music)
(explosion booming)
– I think Jimmy can get away now.
– We’re like a mile down the road and I heard that.
– Ooh. – Oh.
– Yeah, you might have to go another way.
– The quickest way out of that field is this bridge
that we just blew up. (explosion booming)
So now they have to take the long way out,
and that should give me like a five to 10 minute head start.
I rented an entire museum, have dozens of cars,
giant military equipment, and so much other cool stuff.
This is just the beginning.
– He’s heading up, back up like northwest.
– This is where things get fun.
As you see the Squid Game mask over there,
we’re in the right place. – What?
Who is this guy?
– Now we are in a warehouse full of jeeps.
Let’s just say when they pull up,
they’re gonna be very confused.
Do you know what to do when they get here?
– No. – No.
– [Jimmy] Just drive in a random direction.
– Right now? – No, when they get here.
– Oh. – And now we patiently wait
and monitor the security cam.
– Looks like he’s stopped at a building.
– [Cameraman 2] What’s the strategy? Wait, is that a knife?
– Yeah. – Is this the spot boys?
– Yeah, this is the spot. (intense instrumental music)
– We’ve spotted the military squad on the security cameras.
All the doors on this building are locked.
Let’s see if they break into the warehouse.
– I’m gonna stay out front,
just in case somebody decides to run out the front door.
– We’re gonna check out the backside,
see if there’s a vehicle back here.
– So one of them is waiting at the front door,
and two of them are in the back.
We’re just gonna patiently wait.
– The tracker is still in the building.
– [Zach] We got some glass doors
we can break up front here.
– All right, sounds good.
I’m gonna grab this to go break some windows.
– There are fresh tire tracks leading in as well.
– Jim’s going to get the vehicle,
I’m gonna go ahead and break in.
– [Sean] All right, go
(glass shattering)
– [Voice On Radio] Military has breached the building.
It’s time to go.
– I should probably recline, so its harder to see me.
I’m gonna hide under this blanket,
so they can’t see me in this car.
Lock your doors. – Go, go, go, now!
– Zach, let’s roll back to the Hummer.
(intense instrumental music)
(engine noise drown out speaker)
– [Jim] Which one? Which one?
– [Cameraman] That should be them, right there.
– [Jimmy] Do they notice me?
– [Cameraman] We drove right past each other.
(intense instrumental music)
– We made it out with all the other teams.
Oh my gosh!
Dude, they didn’t even know how to react.
– He’s on the move again.
He’s straight ahead due south.
– This is the tracker that is telling the military squad
where I am at all times.
And if I put the tracker inside of this special bag,
it jams it.
And now they don’t know where I am.
– It looks like the vehicle may have stopped.
– I don’t see Jimmy.
I think he’s messing with us.
– All right, so hold on. It just updated.
He’s straight north again.
(Sean cheering)
(upbeat instrumental music)
– And now we’re in the middle of nowhere.
There’s literally nothing out here,
except this old barn that I had constructed.
– Whoa. – Mind if I set
my hundred grand right here?
Bad news.
There’s only two seats inside of here.
(Jimmy groans)
– I think I see them. (duck quacks)
– Coming up on the tracker.
– Holy cow, here they come!
– Check the car, and take the top.
– Go, go, go, go, go, go, go. – Hey, hey, hey, look, look.
There he is. There he is. – Brace yourself.
(wood splintering)
(intense instrumental music)
– [Jim] Get in, get in.
– [Sean] Let’s go.
– Oh my god!
– Run away! Don’t stop!
Go! – Hey guys! Guys!
Hey, I’d like to join your guys team,
what do you think?
– Get in. – You think?
(Karl laughs)
– [Cameraman 2] That’s not funny.
– Saved Jimmy some time.
Hopefully that’s enough.
– Go, go, go, go, go.
– All right boys, here we go.
Let’s go.
– It’s this as quick as she goes?
– Full speed.
– There he is. There he is.
We’re coming for you Jimmy.
– Oh my God! They’re catching up!
(intense instrumental music)
– [Cameraman] This is scary man!
– We’re coming up on the rocks.
(squad laughs)
– We got you!
– According to our calculations,
their cars shouldn’t be able to go over these rocks.
All right. – Here we go!
– Go, go, go, go.
Just go.
(truck engine rumbling)
(cameraman laughs)
– [Cameraman] Later nerds!
– Let’s go, yeah we can go.
Just go.
(intense instrumental music)
– Oh no! (cameraman yelling)
– Clear.
Boys let’s go. – Wait!
They weren’t supposed to go over the rock!
– I don’t think he thought we were gonna do that.
– Oh no! I’m screwed!
The plan was to get in those porta potties,
but then the rocks didn’t work.
Just go!
(intense instrumental music) – [Zach] And what’s the plan?
Let’s think of a plan. – The plan is
we’re gonna catch him.
(squad laughing) – [Zach] That’s it. That’s it.
(intense instrumental music)
– Send the helicopter.
Go, go, go.
(intense instrumental music)
– [Cameraman 2] You heard Jimmy?
– Hurry up, he’s in there.
He’s in the truck. – Get me out of this
and I’ll give you ten grand.
– We’re coming for you.
– That’s a badass truck. – Yeah it is! (Sean laughs)
They can’t go very fast though.
– They’re right behind me,
and I can lose a $100,000 at any point.
So I’m gonna tell you guys about Current real quick.
Current is the future of banking,
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The first 100,000 people that sign up
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and download Current right now!
– Do it. – Thank you Current,
and hopefully I don’t lose a hundred grand.
(engine roaring)
– All right, we’ve got a proposition.
You double the money to 200K,
we’ll give you 10 minutes from right now.
– What about 150?
– 150, deal?
Pull over Jim. – Can we get
a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup Blizzard?
– Do know who Mr. Beast is?
– Yeah, I do. – We’re actually chasing him
right now, so we’re gonna need these pretty quick.
We just gave Jimmy a 10 minute head start.
We already decided we’re gonna donate the money anyway.
We know we can help out a lot of people with it.
– And while the military got ice cream,
we buried Nolan alive so that they would think he was me.
(slow instrumental music)
Nolan? – Yeah.
– Are you ready? I’m about to drop my tracker down.
I dropped it. Did you get it?
– No. – Good cause I didn’t drop it,
but I just did.
(Nolan groans) – [Nolan] Ow, it hit my face
– Act like your me, I’m gonna go hide.
Me and Chris are hiding in the woods,
let’s see what happens.
Do you think they’ll see us here?
I swear to god if we lose a 150 grand cause of your hiccups,
I’m gonna kill you. (Chris hiccups)
– I can’t help it, I can’t get rid of-
– Can you just go walk down and see if you find them?
– Yeah, sure.
It’s very dark and spooky out here.
Couple of, oh…
You guys aren’t very good at being military people.
Oh god! Don’t tackle me.
(Chris screams)
– I just heard Chris screaming.
I’m gonna call him.
– [Chris] Jimmy they got me. – Did you see that video
where I buried myself alive?
– We’ve done a lot of reconnaissance on you my friend.
– I can tell.
This whole video you’ve been screwing up all my plans.
It’s annoying.
I’m currently buried alive.
Good luck. (phone beeps)
I hung up on them.
That was a complete lie, let’s see if they fall for it.
– So right now he’s still supposed to be buried in here,
so we’ll see.
(phone rings) – [Karl] Hello?
– Karl, they’re almost here.
You go investigate, report back.
– Okay. – Hurry.
(phone beeps) These guys are good.
I’m terrified.
– Hello?
– [Jimmy] Who was it?
– Are these my Marine friends
that are right in front of my car?
– Is it a Hummer?
Wait Karl who is it? – That are right
in front of my car.
(engine rumbling) – Karl, is it them?
– Hey, what’s up? – Karl, is it them?
Karl, is it them?
Karl! Karl! – Wait before you go,
wait, wait, wait, wait. Oh, you’re driving away right now,
and he is driving through the path right now.
– They blocked off our exit route.
I have no idea what they are,
I’m just laying in the woods.
– Jimmy? – Yeah?
– Earlier today, before we jumped on the helicopter,
who’d you talk to?
– I don’t remember, that was a long time ago.
– Was it FaceTime or phone call?
– FaceTime.
(Sean grunting) – Not him.
– You couldn’t have been like, “I don’t remember,
I’m Jimmy, I’m famous.”
– I have the tracker.
You can’t find Jimmy without me.
– Fair enough.
– You literally have to dig me up.
– You guys have to dig up Nolan of all people.
– Hello?
– Let me know if he comes down this path.
– He’s passing my car right now,
you gotta go somewhere.
– [Jimmy] Yo, yo, yo.
He literally just walked right past me, oh my gosh!
– [Karl] Just move it that way.
– I can’t believe he literally walked past me.
I’ve been laying down on the side of the path.
(intense instrumental music)
– If you come to me right now, we’re fine.
I moved their Humvee, so it’s not blocking us anymore.
– So the coast is clear Karl?
– Yes. – Okay, I’m coming.
I’m trusting you. – Okay.
I don’t actually know if it is.
(intense instrumental music)
Close the door, oh my God! – Just get us outta here.
Go, go, go.
Oh my God, I can’t believe we got away!
We’re currently driving to the final location.
I literally rented an entire museum.
Two hours until midnight, $150,000 on the line,
let’s do this. (Karl cheers)
– Hey Nolan, just letting you know
they’re contemplating breaking the glass.
– [Nolan] Oh don’t…
No seriously, I’ll die.
– If you tell me the information
that we need to know to keep moving,
I’ll get the Bobcat,
and we’ll dig you out a hundred times faster
than Jim and I can dig you out with shovels.
Deal? – Deal.
The North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences.
– I’m just letting you know,
they’re not getting the backhoe, they’re leaving.
– No. – All right,
we’ll see you later Nolan, bye
– Are they lying?
– And now we are finally at the museum.
– Let’s spend a night here.
– There’s literally multiple different floors
to this museum,
and I could hide anywhere I want.
Now I’m gonna sit in this corner right here,
and I’m gonna cover up my back with this jacket.
(Karl grunting)
Now I’m hidden below this makeshift rock.
Cut the lights.
– Oh.
I’m gonna go meet with them,
and try to get them to go other directions.
– [Jimmy] Okay, have fun.
(Humvee door slams) – All right.
– Exactly an hour left to find Mr. Beast.
– The military guys are calling me.
Hello? – Hello?
– I promise you I will not leave this museum.
I am in here somewhere.
Goodbye. (phone beeps)
Why is it so much fun to hang up on people?
– Hi guys. – Hey.
– What are you guys looking for?
– [Jim] Ignore him, he’s the enemy.
– I’d check the theater. – I’d check the theater.
– No. – Yeah, he’s not allowed
in there.
(all laughing)
Yes, he’s probably this way.
– Ah, nope. That means no.
Jimmy come out.
Do you know where Jimmy is? – Yes I do,
and of course I’ll tell you.
– Okay, where is he? (Sean groans)
All right, nothing.
– Hello? – Did you by chance
go across any bridges?
– Lots of bridges,
especially the bridge I blew up at start the video.
(Jimmy cheers) – Oh!
(Karl laughs)
We got 45 minutes.
– Jimmy.
We know you’re here.
(suspenseful music)
– Oh no.
What gave it away?
– Your shoes. – Wait, really?
He’s taking a picture (camera snapping)
for his son.
All right, get this stupid rock off my head.
You guys just won a 150 grand.
(squad cheering) What are you
gonna spend it on?
– We’re gonna donate it to the HunterSeven Foundation.
The HunterSeven Foundation does research
on toxic exposures for veterans from the last couple wars.
– By the way, your friend Nolan, he’s still in the ground.
♪ Mr. Beast oh ♪ (explosion booming)
– Dig me out. Dig me out!

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