I Bought The World’s Largest Firework ($600,000)

– This is the most expensive firework in the entire world.
And it cost me over $160,000.
And I also bought a $5,000 firework, a $10,000 one,
and this big behemoth right here is a $40,000 firework.
And everything here, we spent over $600,000 on this video
and every single firework will be launched.
Starting with this one, it costs $1.
Chandler, go launch it. – Gimme this.
It’s lighting.
(firework buzzes)
That was kind of lame.
– Here’s a $10 firework.
Let’s see if it’s better.
– Gimme that.
(firework shrieks)
– Chandler got so scared.
Here’s a $50 firework.
We’re gonna go up to 200 grand.
Go. – It’s on fire, but it’s nuts.
I don’t like it! Run!
(firework pops)
– I can’t wait till you see the $200,000 firework.
I don’t know why I’m holding up a seven.
– That was a little step up from last time.
I like it.
– Chris just had a baby.
As you see here, it’s really adorable.
Good for him.
Hence, why he’s not here today.
Here’s the $375 firework.
You’re Chris for the day, go light it.
– Someone give me a lighter.
– This is $375.
I’m so afraid.
– Oh, it’s so much.
Oh, oh, oh, oh!
– [Jimmy] It’s so colorful.
– Oh wow, this is spectacular.
How is it gonna get better than that?
– I got $1,000 firework with your name on it.
– My name. – Let’s go get it.
– Where’s my name?
– Bada bang, ka-chow!
Those nine boxes combined equal $1,000.
– [Karl] Go. – [Tyler] Oh, shoot
– We’re gonna die.
(rock music) (fireworks pop)
(Karl screams)
– Oh my goodness.
– The drone survived.
This next firework is the most epic thing
you have ever seen.
This mortar will leave this tube
at 500 feet per second.
– Speed, baby.
– It weighs 160 pounds, which is more than Karl.
– But I’m brighter.
– We even had to get FAA clearance to light this.
There can’t be planes in the sky.
– All right, buddy, go boom for us.
– We’re gonna light it,
but you guys have to go 500 feet away.
So step one is you hit the power on
and then I was told to turn this key.
Okay, now it’s beeping.
There’s a lot of buttons,
but they told me this is the one that matters.
Chandler, give me a countdown.
– [Chandler] Three. – [Jimmy] Fire!
(fireworks explode) (upbeat music)
– Oh! – Oh my God.
– Whoa!
– That looks like a nuke.
– Yo, that was insane.
– This is Manny and Manny wants to fly.
So we strap 100 rockets to him.
– We needed it to get in the air.
We decided we had to dress it pretty fly,
you know what I’m saying?
We had to get it up there.
– Shopmrbeast.com.
– Buy it.
– I got the Cobra boys.
Chandler, I’m gonna let you do it.
– Three, two- – One!
– [All] Oh! Oh!
(fireworks explode)
– [Tyler] Oh my God! Oh my God!
– [Karl] Oh my God!
– [Tyler] Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!
– What did we put in there?
– Why did the fireworks blow up?
Why didn’t we just have
fireworks that just went up?
– [Tyler] Bro, they like went over like-
– [Chandler] Us. – [Jimmy] Dude, it looked like
aliens were attacking.
– Wait a second, where’s Manny?
(guys laugh)
Manny, are you- – [Tyler] He’s right here!
– No!
– [Jimmy] Where’s his head?
– No!
(sad music)
– I’ve always wanted to launch
a bunch of fireworks in a car.
What does it do?
Does it ricochet?
Does the car blow up?
Who knows?
Three! – [Jimmy And Karl] Two!
One! – Three.
Oh! – We have the shot.
(rock music)
– [Jimmy] I think it’s ricocheting.
– [Chandler] It is.
– That’s terrifying.
– Wait the roof blew. – [Karl] What?
– [Chandler] They’re shooting far.
– Whoa! Oh, shoot.
– [Karl] It’s on fire.
– Oh, it is. – [Karl] Yo, there’s a fire.
There’s a fire straight up.
– [Jimmy] Yeah, it’s on fire.
– We wanna blow stuff up.
So that’s what we’re gonna do.
– The whole trunk is full of fireworks.
We’re gonna add these.
We’re gonna light this one
and it’s gonna go boom.
– Light me.
– Your lit. Go!
(fireworks explode)
– Look at the fire.
That’s as ferocious as it’s gotten.
Bro, it just, go.
Yo, the fire is engulfing it.
Look at it.
– Oh! Oh! – Run.
(rock music)
– Yo! Hey!
Now that’s what we’re looking for right there. Yeah!
(guys applaud) – We did it.
– In the past I microwaved a microwave.
And after that I microwaved a microwave
microwaving a microwave.
Then I grilled a microwave,
microwaving a microwave,
microwaving a toaster,
toasting an iPhone watch, microwaving a microwave.
I have a lot of experience with microwaves.
And tonight we’re microwaving a firework.
(door slams)
Oh shoot!
– Alright, let’s see what happens.
– [Chandler] How long is it cooking for?
– I did it for a minute.
I was told we only needed a minute.
– [Chandler] It’s gonna be so loud.
– But this is supposed to explode
like 1,000 feet in the air.
– Oh, is it?
– Guys, we got bulletproof glass, we’re fine.
– Four seconds left.
– I thought it was gonna-
(microwave explodes)
– [All] Oh! (Karl screams)
– [Karl] That was awesome!
– For this next scene,
we have hundreds of drones here
and we’re gonna do something very cool.
Just watch.
Hundreds of drones are currently flying up in the sky
and they’re about to disappear.
– [Karl] What? – Just you guys wait,
I have something really cool planned.
Here’s how it works,
whatever you say in this walkie talkie
the drones will spell.
– No way.
– [Jimmy] Watch.
What does that say? – Oh my God.
– Chandler, what does that say?
– Oh my God! – Burger.
– Those hundreds of drones
currently spell burger in the sky.
You could see that a mile away.
What do you want the drone to spell?
– Cheese balls, cheese balls.
– [Tyler] Oh my God. – [Karl] Brah!
– Come over here. – Oh.
– This next one, I let Chris pre-pick it.
I don’t even know what it is.
Oh, of course he did the gotcha symbol.
– I love my mom.
– Okay, I’m gonna override it.
Karl’s dumb.
He’s gonna get so mad.
– Brah, what!
– Whoops, I guess the drones are broken.
– [Karl] My name’s Karl with a K. Stop doing this.
– You thought in this video we just have epic fireworks.
No, we have tons of cool stuff.
We’re just getting started.
What’s a 4th of July show without sparklers?
– It’s a bad 4th of July without sparklers.
– I agree.
These are normal sparklers that you could buy,
but their lame, so activate the project.
Bazinga! – Bazinga!
(fireworks pop) Oh my gosh!
– We bought 520 sparklers and drew our logo.
– [Tyler] Woo! – Karl,
yo, is this fake man.
– There’s nothing fake about it.
I’m an expert.
Like, they don’t make t-shirts that lie.
Let me show you around, I’m the expert, alright?
So what’s gonna happen is
it’s gonna explode- – Bang!
– Why did that get me?
– See how I didn’t move at all.
– Now, we’re gonna launch 150 fireworks at the same time.
We had a lot sitting on the table
so we’re just gonna do ’em all at once.
– We’re about see 150 explosions.
– Let’s do it. – Right now.
– We’re back in command center.
– I’m pumped, dude.
This is about to be sick.
– Three, three, three.
(fireworks explode)
– Wild!
– I’m really excited for the $40,000 firework.
It’s gonna be that, but 40 times better.
– That’s just math.
– It’s officially time
for the big boy fireworks to come out.
A $10,000 firework show.
Give me a countdown and I’ll launch it.
– Two! – I don’t care.
I’m launching. Fire!
– Whoa!
– [All] Oh! – I farted.
– [Jimmy] This isn’t just one firework.
This is an entire show.
– They’re like little popcorns.
– A little bit bigger than popcorn.
– [All] Oh! – [Karl] My god!
Oh my god! (guys clap)
– Whoo!
(fireworks continue to explode)
– Did you guys enjoy that show?
– It was loud. – It was good.
My voice cracked.
– It was good.
– I think we could all agree the 10 K show was cool.
– It was wild.
– But it was a little long.
That entire five minute show that you just watched,
they’re all gonna launch at the same time now.
Tyler, when you press fire,
you are gonna launch 4,000 shells
at the exact same time.
– This is too much power. – I am terrified.
– [All] Three, two, one. – [Tyler] Fire!
(fireworks explode)
– Oh, wow!
(fireworks crackle)
– That was the coolest thing
I’ve ever seen in my entire life.
Dude, that was dope.
– Guys, that was dope.
– I’m not gonna lie.
– That was dope. – That was dope.
– [Tyler] I pushed the button, I mean.
– Things are about to get crazy.
This is a $40,000 firework.
I could have bought a car.
I coulda put a down payment on a house.
I coulda give Chandler 40 grand.
Or I coulda bought 10,000 copies of Shrek,
but I did none of that
and I bought a $40,000 firework.
This $40,000 firework is literally
gonna blow your socks off.
– No pun intended.
– It is over 9,000 shells.
That $10,000 firework was 4,000 shells.
This is going to be four times bigger.
$40,000 is a lot of money.
There’s a lot of stuff we could do with this.
– Three, two, one- – [All] Fire!
(device beeps)
(fireworks explodes)
– [Karl] Oh my god!
– I’m terrified.
I thought I was gonna die.
– That was crazy! – That was the best thing.
– I can’t hear.
– How are we not arrested?
I literally had to back up it was so bright.
– I know.
Now that we did that,
was that worth a Tesla model three?
– Yes. – Speak for yourself!
What’s he talking about?
– That was $10,000, a second of flashing light.
But that’s $40,000.
Imagine $160,000.
– It doesn’t get better than that.
We just peaked.
– We’ll see.
– Bro, are you kidding me?
Look at this one.
I can fit inside that.
Do you think I could fit my head in this one?
I wouldn’t tell you to put your head in it.
– Why not? – It’s a safety precaution.
– It’s not even on.
– Ready to see the world’s largest firework
and light up the sky!
– It’s supposed to be freaking nuts.
– We are about to launch the largest firework
anyone in mankind’s history has ever seen.
Literally, a world record.
4,000 pounds, 15 feet deep holes,
we literally needed a forklift.
First things first, you have to turn the control panel on.
– Oof.
– You then turn the key. (device beeps)
– Oh my gosh!
– Let’s all press it together.
– I’m shaking.
– Five-
– [All] Four, three, two-
– Skip number one! (device beeps)
(fireworks explode)
– Yo, you can hear that over-
– [Tyler] I felt it in my chest.
– [Jimmy] Oh, up there. – [Karl] Oh my god!
(fireworks pop) (dramatic music)
– That is so bright.
– It’s literally raining fire for like a mile.
It’s so scary.
– It may not look like that,
but that’s literally like a mile.
What were your thoughts, Chandler?
– On the second boom,
I heard like this whoosh.
– All around us.
– Literally. – I felt it in my chest
and we’re 2,000 feet away. – I can still feel it.
– Anyone else still just shaking a little bit
from that shockwave?
– It like realigned my heart.
– I know. I still feel it in my chest.
Was that better or worse than you thought it would be?
– That was spectacular.
– The $10,000 one was a little better.
– And that, boys, was the biggest firework
in the history of mankind.
Hit the subscribe button. Goodbye.
– Hit it now! (fireworks explode)
♪ MrBeast 6,000 oh ♪
♪ MrBeast 6,000 yeah you know his name ♪
♪ He changed once or twice but I think it’s here to stay ♪

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