Returning Destroyed Rental Cars Prank

– What is this bro?
– Why is he video taping me?
– Call the cops.
Right now, call the police.
– Here’s what we’re going to be doing.
I’m gonna go to a dealership,
rent a car, take it to a junkyard,
find an identical looking car.
Take that identical looking car
and we’re just gonna beat the crap out of it
until it looks like trash.
Just be like that.
And then we’re gonna take that trash beaten up car
back to the dealership and act like it’s theirs
and film their reaction.
And it’s actually pretty hilarious.
So we went to the Nissan dealership
and found a car we liked,
and then we proceeded to rent it.
So here’s us destroying the car
– Watch out.
– And next is Ninja.
It’s Ninja, he’s in a default skin.
All right, viking time.
– Now it’s time for a real sport.
Did you wanna get in this door?
Try and open it now.
– You succeeded.
Good job. – Thanks.
Satisfying sound.
– Oh god!
– Nice.
– You’re not gonna be able to get that off
unless you tow it.
– Wow I really like this car.
You can see like nothing.
– It’s got good breeze. – Yeah, it does.
Partially because it doesn’t have windows
– Dude I people are like, what the is that?
– All right moment of truth.
– Just do the quick release on it.
– Oh God no, no.
– Oh my God his brake light.
There’s no brake light.
– All right, here you go.
Take a right.
I don’t know if you can see through the shattered window
but we’re back at the dealership.
I’m gonna hide the camera.
All right we’re pulling into the dealership.
We hit a pothole. – We hit a pothole.
– Are you all right? – Yeah, we’re good.
– [Dealership Worker] Oh I thought you guys said
you hit a pothole.
– Yeah we hit a pothole. – Yeah, we did.
– What is this bro?
– Nah it’s good. – Yeah.
We didn’t like the way it rode.
So that’s fine. – Yeah.
We test drove it and we hit a pothole and-.
– He drove off the road by accident.
– Did y’all lose the plate too?
– Oh yeah we lost the plate.
– Must have fallen of.
Wait really?
– Did y’all seriously not get the dealer tag?
– Nah.
– He hit a pothole?
– Yeah. – Yeah.
And then we went into a ditch.
– Where at?
– Like right out there.
– Call the cops.
Right now, call the police.
– Just tell him it’s a prank.
– Did you think it was your car?
– Here take this, take this.
Let me grab an extra camera.
He thought it was real, didn’t he?
– He thought it was real.
You guys ever watch any YouTube videos?
– This your channel? – Mr. Beast.
Yeah we bought a car with pennies.
Like that way.
– Yes, I do remember that, man.
– Can I get a picture with you?
For him?
– His son loves us.
So shout out to his son.
– There you go, man.
– Sometimes it’s not what it seems.
I have a brand new vehicle guys.
– I don’t like it.
I like our…
Oh you like that dashboard?
– Oh, oh god.
All right we’re on the road, boys.
Oh Chris, don’t worry.
I’ll check our blind spot for us.
I got a mirror but oh wait,
my mirrors broken too.
I’m doing our turn signal for us.
All right.
Grab this and go hunt.
– [Dealership Worker] Did you get in a wreck?
– Yeah. – Yeah.
– We ran off the road with this thing.
We were just kind of driving around and-.
– Yeah.
– Just kind like lost control.
And like hit a ditch.
– This one was actually an accident.
– [Dealership Worker] This one was an accident?
– Yeah. – Were you in there?
– Yeah, it was me and him.
He was driving.
– Y’all weren’t hurt?
– I cut my arm a little bit.
– When did it happen? – 10 minutes ago.
– 10 minutes ago. – Yeah.
– Really? – Yeah.
– Just out of curiosity,
why is he video taping me?
– Oh, I don’t know.
Aw man.
Yeah, we were just recording a video
where we test drive cars
and then we drive back destroyed cars
and see how people react.
So should we just drive our car away?
– I don’t know.
Y’all drove this here?
– Yeah.
– From over there.
We got a trailer.
Everyone subscribe. – Subscribe.
– Put up your fist.
If they don’t subscribe,
these guys are gonna beat you up.
See this car?
This is what you’ll look like
when these guys are through with you.
If you don’t subscribe.
Yep facts.
It’s too nice for here.
– We can’t afford that.
– Four car or something.
– Yeah it has four wheels.
They only like three.
– Dude your car looks amazing.
I can see you through the hole.
Your car looks bananas.
– Nah, this isn’t a car that the monkeys assaulted.
Watch your privilege.
– Later comrade. – Later man.
– People are judging us.
– I know.
– Just ’cause we can’t afford a better car.
Doesn’t mean we’re less human.
Chris I like your window.
– Thank you.
It works really well.
– I think someone’s in your blind spot.
– I think everything’s in my blind spot.
Nope I’m checking my blind spot.
We’re good.
Man, it’s raining pretty bad out here.
We need our windshield wipers.
– Oh we better close this.
– Let me get this outta your way, sir.
– Thank you.
– You can’t get it off?
Oh gosh, good gosh.
– I made it worse. – Chill, chill, chill.
– What’s up man? – Hey.
– We were test driving your Altima.
And we like, we it up man.
We just test drove it, my bad man.
We hit a deer.
– Really? – Really?
– It like rolled and stuff.
Hey it hit us.
And then we went in the ditch and we like
we kinda like messed it up real bad.
– [Dealership Worker] When did this happen?
It happened, we test drove.
We were probably gone like 10, 15 minutes.
It’s the dealerships.
– [Dealership Worker] Where’s the tag?
– I don’t know I guess it fell off.
I didn’t even see a tag.
– Oh yeah remember?
We meant to pick it up.
– Can we get insurance for it?
We didn’t sign no paperwork.
– So now what?
– You were the one driving.
You figure it out.
He was driving it.
– I mean it was unavoidable.
To be honest.
– I understand
– I didn’t even know we had this car.
– He said you got it from the owner of what was it?
Like some club or something?
– [Dealership Worker] That’s the only black one we got.
– [Dealership Worker] The black one he traded in
had the black wheels and all that stuff.
That’s the older model.
That’s the older model.
That’s this is like 15.
– Nah this is it.
– Is there anything
you want to say to him Chris?
– The worst part is this is all a prank.
– Yeah.
– We were just seeing how people react
when we return destroyed cars.
Did you know it was a prank or did you-.
– I suspected because I sold you your last car.
So I knew something was going on.
– Good to see you.
– If we ever need a car we’ll be back.
Chris, we haven’t showed the viewers.
What we were sitting on.
Me and Chris were literally just sitting on shards of glass.
– Yeah.
– This one looks a little tougher.
I don’t think we’re gonna be able to beat it.
– Yeah, you’re right.
I don’t feel like breaking this car on my own.
Good thing I have a monkey army.
Come here minions.
I summon thee.
Come here, come here, come here.
Give me content.
Hey, I already told you guys
if you touch me, no bananas.
No bananas if you touch me.
All right?
See this car?
It said your mom’s fat.
Monkey are so stupid.
Jesus the car, not the ground.
You idiot.
– Something just flew that way.
– Be gone.
Wait a minute.
You guys aren’t monkeys?
I feel betrayed.
You’re not a monkey either?
– My life is lie.
At least we beat the car. – Yeah, good job.
– Thanks, boop.
– Go ahead and try and crank it.
– So we tried to start this car
so we could prank some more dealerships with this car,
but the battery would not start no matter what.
So I don’t know.
We can’t use the car because it literally won’t drive.
Jake I think it’s ’cause you went too hard on it.
Stop car views.
Oh, I like your mirror. – Oh yeah.
– So when you’re one mirror doesn’t work,
so you just use your other mirror.
I can’t see anything.
I can see everything. – So ,
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
– Oh, you see yourself being a camera?
That’s kind of lame.
Come on set better goals than being a camera.
Come on boys.
– I’ll be damned. – Still runs damn good.
– Still runs. – Yeah, it does run.
We’ll sell it to you for like how’s 10k sound?
– No, I want $20,000.
I gotta fund my Twitch stream donating-.
– Oh hell yeah.
– You wanna take a look at her?
– No, I ain’t got…
I can see her.
– That’s not that bad.
– Yeah, so you don’t want to give us
10 K for it?
– I’d hope not.
– Wanna have the car for free?
– Oh no I’ll pay you something for it.
That way it’ll help something.
Help you get something back out of it.
– Hey, how much?
– $300?
– Okay sounds good.
– $300?
Okay what do you want us to do with the car?
– It’s fine right there man.
Just cut it off right there.
Okay I’m gonna need you to get that money
so we can go to a Ninja stream and make him drop a gun.
Goodbye car.
Thank you for the viral video.
We appreciate it.
Eric, give it a smooch for me.
Thank you.
Now kiss the camera.
All right all you guys close your mouths or eyes
and like the girls.
Here you go.
There you go.
♪ Mr. Beast, oh ♪
♪ Mr. Beast, oh ♪
♪ Mr. Beast, oh ♪
♪ Mr. Beast, oh ♪

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