Angel Face | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network

where’s the dick maybe Johnson I know
you know where he’s headed I don’t know
Tumbleweed Turk’s always the last to
know it’s just like I told the other
Bounty Hunter I swear I don’t believe a
word do you say no
take message to your Compadre telling
his old Power interface is eating to get
together tell Jack maybe Johnson to meet
me at Dark Water Flats just like the
older days
citizens of a dead good coach we can
oh I don’t remember where Dark Water
flat is
better stuff for the night we can make a
campfire here and we will talk about
what we will do with the reward money no
it’s been fun but it’s time to go
home because there are no more
but I want to finish the adventure
which direction is the house
I’m not sure
get down
getting kicked out of the Guild of
Assassins check
capturing my first Bounty check
going to fit in Jake’s treehouse and
getting revenge unchecked Finn and
Jake’s treehouse who are you and why do
you want to get revenge I am me now me
now whoa you’ve gotten bigger
have we met before Ben is that you
that’s the tech rabbit Johnson
it is Bid tricked again look it’s me Mal
I don’t care this is my bounty yeah
take transform first
Hey Jake if you can hear my internal
monologue I’m going to kill you
your days and days are over
this part
sounds like you’re out of ammo no you
heard that incorrectly
yeah I’m coming for you
blast you Finn and Jake and angel face
this prison cell’s not going to hold me
hey Finn and Jake I’ll get my revenge
you hear me
hey are you sure you took down all
the Wanda posters yes
dig them up huh
this Pony belongs to me get out over
here yeah
thanks you’re welcome


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