Breaking Glass Using Only Megaphones

in that Simpsons episode where Bart
destroyed his entire town he had 15
well guess what Bart we have hundreds of
megaphones right here if your puny 15
megaphones could destroy a town oh boy
I’m afraid of what’s gonna happen to
North America let’s do
let’s take it we still didn’t break the
glass we need more guys comment is this
a dog or a bear
we hit it with the a megaphone Cannon
and she’s still standing sturdy sit
double the megaphones 16
all right Jake Pollard’s do I have a
treat for you
like I said forceps that use 15 mega
bones in this meat we have right now I’m
gonna start seeing if he’s gonna turn
them on one by one it’s every day
where are you going mr. beast dude
what’s wrong and the census lied to me
out of my face I’m done with this you’ll
be okay
you can’t let cartoons dictate your
future you’re right
know what I’m gonna bring class with
megaphones it’s the last thing I do 30
of them 32
you could that was the definition of
Gucci gang ear rape jeez all right oh
boy wait whose glass didn’t break that
was actually 32 megaphones but it’s
alright boys we’re not stopping let’s do
50 you will break this is for all you
ladies out there I have a very special
song for you alright dance till you’re
the glass didn’t shatter boys it’s time
we bring out all the 100 leafloaf or 100
mega fun oh we’re ready
alright bros my name is jacksepticeye
and we have 100 I keep wanting to say
leaf blowers 100 mega fuzz pointed at
this class we were going to break it
your protection on now let’s go
alright flight 69 you’re cleared for
alright guys it’s time for Phase two we
put it in a circle not a block this
isn’t Minecraft enjoy
whiney wonderful is what is that did did
shoot no did you shoot it I just wanted
the video to be done it’s so loud in my
ears hurt damn it
alright so the Simpsons may have
predicted Trump being president
Lady Gaga’s halftime show the 2016 Nobel
Prize winner take freedom boy tiger
attack Arnold Palmer the faulty
but you want to know what they didn’t
predict the megaphone they were wrong
they were wrong it can break glass you
just need a hundred did they use fifteen
we used a hundred all did was destroy my
eardrums The Simpsons slide we can’t
trust cartoons anymore what they can the
point of life I know right where’s the
hunting rifle guys comment below if
you’re like me and mislead by cartoon Oh
what do sponges not talk come on

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