Can Finn Complete The Mission❓❔❓ | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network

dude I think I figured it out you can’t
summon the spirit of the forest because
you ain’t playing that flute for him you
got a crush on HW HW is just training me
to live an ascetic life like her okay I
buy that for like zero seconds
before we hunt the thunderbore you
should drink from this Enchanted spring
it might give you crazy dreams but when
you wake up you’ll be immune to The
Boar’s electrical attacks let’s roll
those dice
hey dude are you sure you want to do
I’ve had plenty of weird dreams before
okay that was fast
welcome I am the spirit of the forest
wow dude we’ve been trying to summon you
for weeks and why do you seek me I don’t
personally but Huntress wizard really
wants to talk to you man did you know
that a wolf’s eyes are on the front of
its head but yeah didn’t you guys used
to hang most predatory species are like
that this little buddy doesn’t even know
I’m here fella I don’t want to have a
science talk right now Huntress wizard
only sees Straight Ahead eyes on the
prize now why did you really need to see
me oh yeah can you make me immune to
electricity here whoa now merge with the
pointy end
and this will give me immunity to
I’ll do it to help Huntress wizard
how long was I out seven long harrowing
seconds hold still
yeah I feel fine okay now we can hunt
down the thunderbore oh yeah the boar
try to stay focused
magic dog what do you smell
mostly Finn but also some kind of giant
wild pig there
oh my God
Jake’s joking I smell fine
hey good work
you just wanted a task
you should have asked oh
you can stop
he is not coming
he’s gone for good and I should just
deal maybe if I played it a little
jazzier like all syncopated hey why
don’t you two try playing together use
that chemistry to guide the music yeah
just get in there cozy up I guess we’ve
tried everything else
who summons me with a sweet song of
longing oh hell can you see me now yes
how’s it been going I’ve been talking to
a lot of Twigs Where Have You Been dude
I’ve been right here but the forces that
Drew Us close became obscured as you
drifted into the lifestyles of Magic
City living attracting forces come and
go it’s the way of the world it’s
I can’t tell if you guys dated but I’m
ready to come back now are you though
that’s what I’m saying Finn who was your
flute spell for
I was playing my flute for you the whole
time but I knew you had a thing with
this dude and he seems cool so I was
just gonna keep playing this flute song
about my secret feelings until my fluid
I uh I worry that hard meat don’t get
eat that is to say if I ever find what
I’m looking for I’ll become soft and
I’ll cease to matter in this world what
fear of softness is what drove me to the
mad and sad world of Wizarding
and Finn yeah what
my food spell was for you too you’re an
exceptional beast and you have great
hair but exceptional beasts like us
cannot fall in love that is the secret
of ordinary people uh that’s real dumb I
agree wait you agree with me or her
take it easy Huntress wizard
man I can’t believe all you can do is
upgrade your armor in this game it’s all
about patience and treating each cooling
repetitive battle as if it were your
oh snap
what a bad and boring game it was just
what I needed I’m sorry it didn’t work
out with Huntress wizard she just needs
time to miss how cool you are attracting
forces come and go man

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