CAST AWAY! ICE KING ON A SAD VACATION | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network

oh you’re so pretty while you sleep
ice king what are you doing in my
bedroom baby i was trying to surprise
you banana guards
babe come on we promised we wouldn’t
make our problems public take him out
baby no what are you doing
this is just so crazy if you can
honestly look into your heart and tell
me you want me to leave i’ll go okay
leave wow did you look in your heart
like all around it yes
i see
then obviously you have got some heavy
emotion stirring in you and you have
said some very rash things
take me away
ice king get out of princess unleavened
uh i don’t know did i say the right
i can never tell with that girl
all i can think about is you baby girl
i gotta leave ooh start somewhere fresh
goodbye gunter you’re the man of the
house now
where am i
hmm no signs of life
just me and these palm fronds
and that bird over there
i won’t be needing this anymore
huh i miss her man
is someone there
there now i can look around and swing
mother of glob
this island doesn’t have a lady
this island is a lady oh hello there
hello is my singing bothering you
what no
hold on a sec
ew what was the question
i asked if my singing was bothering you
no well not at all in fact it was quite
enchanting i always sing when my
boyfriend is away boyfriend yeah party
god do you know him are they sure i mean
i know of him
oh no that’s him quick hide he gets
crazy jealous
hi hey babe that is it on your face
gross you seen my boombox
i totally puked in jimmy’s stereo and
killed the party i was at he was like
hey party god you can’t spin faster than
me and i was like i totally can’t jimmy
so we started spinning then i got super
dizzy and was like
ragging to the speaker
found it
okay i’m bouncing out babe oh you want
to hang before you go oh yeah
well i’m sort of in the middle of a
party so oh well it would just be for a
minute but uh i puked in jimmy stereo i
can’t party foul the party i’m the party
god okay
don’t be mad babe i won’t i’m not okay
what a wod bag oh he’s okay sometimes
girl he is no good for you
i know
ah who am i kidding my gf princess
bubblegum treats me like poopies too the
expression on your face when he bounced
out on you well i might as well have
been looking in a mirror

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