[Catch! Teenieping] Ep.17 LOVE ME MORE πŸ’˜

but i’m prettier than you you know
how dare you cindy in fact i would look
better in that outfit oh
oh that’s not true you see i’m much
prettier than you and your hairpin will
look better on me too
ah it looks so much better on me
girls what’s wrong with you too
it’s her fault she thinks she’s so proud
because i am i’m so so so so much
prettier than you
actually i’m the prettiest no one can be
prettier than me
don’t make friends be jealous of each
other tutu ping
oh princess
you’re the prettiest girl in the whole
wide world
it’s time to come back
princess hearts
magic catcher
here’s your welcoming present
lemons are
you said it was too sour i like it just
please don’t talk with your mouth bowl
oh come on
stop crying here’s your strawberry tart
thank you too
it won’t happen again but you shouldn’t
be so picky with your food
but your strawberry dark is the youngest
food in the whole life
you’re too cute
but i’m cuter than heartspain why is
hearts being treated differently did you
what do you think
there’s some sourness for you
i just brought it because they told me
you like strawberry tart
hearts being oh it’s not tutping’s fault
you know cha-cha
well i’ll eat it for you
sweet and sour
i really think he liked it
you guys why don’t you believe me
what’s going on
i got hearts being the strawberry tart
that she likes but she snapped at me
the strawberry tart was sour what do you
i’m not lying
it is sour
right i was telling the truth
did you put lemon juice on the
strawberries um well
the princess said we shouldn’t be picky
with food so i try to help heartspring
to eat sour food too what
you should have told me you’re really
scared meet you
it’s wrong to be picky with your food
right i did well huh
but it’s also wrong to be messing with
the food of others
so heart spring is still better than me
i’m not saying who’s better or worse but
it’s about to prank someone with their
food okay
you’re saying i’m not better than hearts
no i’m not saying
no you’re always unhappy
i hate you
but i wasn’t taking anyone’s side oh
goodbye princess
hope you’re happy with her
i’ll have to wander around again
sorry about earlier
i needed to use magic
i hope this lemon tart makes tutuping
it’s an emergency
she left
i can’t understand a thing except that
she’s leaving it’s already getting very
dark we should do something
we should go look for her
so where did she go
the footprints what you found our
footprints i found there’s no footprints
there are many cats around here so it’s
dangerous at night
she can’t use magic without this oh no
this hair
i’m certain it must be tutupingstudda
oh no i hope she isn’t hurt
it’s my fault i shouldn’t have scolded
her that badly
no it’s not it’s my fault
now is certainly not the time to regret
things duda
sorry donna pig’s right we should find
tutu ping first
look at those footprints
let’s follow them
that was really scary
i should have stayed with princess romy
the footprint stop here
i hear
something over there dude
it must be over there
wait what happened
it’s me romy
are you okay are you hurt
i thought you only like heart sping and
hated me
i’m sorry it’s not like that
doo doo ping i was seriously worried
about you
but but i thought
you didn’t like me and i got jealous
i’m sorry i pranked you with food
it’s okay i shouldn’t be so picky with
fred q
don’t you ever leave again let’s go home
i’ve made some delicious lemon tarts for
you let’s go now
really princess

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