[Catch! Teenieping] Ep.25 THAT’S NO, NONOPING! πŸ’˜

that’s a no no no pain
no no
this is so slippery no no
I hate writing on a season by myself no
paint this playground no no no no no no
no no no no no oh come on let’s try it
um come on you might like it sweetie I
hate it I don’t want it it’s gross
first of all eating is a no no
stop there no no pain
why don’t you come over and play with
other Timmy pings I’m sure we will have
lots of fun come join us
all right then the good thing is I’m
full of energy today
stop now or I’m going to use more
powerful magic
that kind of magic is a no no
come on block this again
no problem
that’s a No-No
playing together is a no no
you should hurry back where did you get
your magic wand fixed too going back is
a No-No
no no this time you go get it oh so mean
Romy we’re a little bit behind schedule
can you help me please no no oh I’m busy
okay that was weird
Romy huh I baked your favorite chocolate
you want to try them
no no I don’t want to
outside just a while ago
Romy wants him uh no no it’s so annoying
oh that was mean I’m not annoying who
wants to help me prepare the science
class oh Romy can you help me
uh sure I will
oh no no oh
so girls I want to bake a walnut pie for
my dad’s birthday today would you girls
like to help me out no no
Romy Maya needs our help I think we
should help her out come on huh I said
are you mad at me what
oh why is she bothering her she said no
okay don’t do it then I don’t want you
to help me either I’m disappointed
that’s a No-No okay what for huh what’s
wrong with you I don’t even like you
that much
catching Timmy pinks is a no
so what should we do Cha-Cha maybe it
has something to do with the broken
heart Wing what let’s ask for help too
doctor please
what’s going on you guys
it looks like the wand was hit by an
overwhelming power spell if no nothing
capable of such power too oh no not
really I’m not sure how but it seems
like romy’s magical power made the
effect of no no pains tinklepuff last
longer and the one couldn’t bear romy’s
powerful Magic
it seems like Romy has grown a lot am I
right so what do we do now oh visit
Harmony town soon fix the heart Wing
thank you
but bringing the princess back to normal
is up to you guys
sure we do it
he couldn’t have done that fight you no
that’s mine no no
that’s no no oh
I Hate Everything absolutely everything
it’s an oh no
oh that’s definitely a no
I hate everything
how can this happen
nothing is working now Coco first we
need to get his magic part too how can
we distract no nothing Lala
I found something about no no being here
really no no ping hates everything
except for one thing and one thing only
do I really
do this challenge
I hit everything absolutely everything
it’s a no no
a broccoli
well you’re not catching me
good luck next time
no no ping you forgot about me now take
this is a definite no no
no hmm
homework is a No-No
you just need to catch him
no no
you’ll see this will never work no no
what can I do
um all right then don’t catch him no
not catching him is a No-No help me out
Chacha ping
princess silver transformation time
princess silver of Hope make your wish
don’t ever catch him oh never ever ever
No no princess silver magic catcher
I’ve been cut and that’s hot I know
can we have some snack now
we’re hungry
no way
just kidding I’ll give you double for
your hard work today
uh no no ping would you like yours alone
eating alone is a No-No
all right
baking pies is really really difficult
oh no the party’s starting soon what are
we going to do
huh who is it hmm
I’m sorry girls please accept my
did you bake this uh-huh it’s the least
I can do for my friend Maya
around me
thank you no worries

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