Chandler From MrBeast’s Secret Roblox Addiction

Chandler known for working with Mr Beast
has a strange addiction and that
addiction is Roblox I’ve spent days upon
days playing blocks through at max level
I literally have a weapon that only devs
can give you and I’ve spent hundreds of
dollars on this game proven Kill Creek
right now
just one shot you no rewards now look
but nobody’s more of a sweat than
developers of their own games is that
who’s on top of the tree right there
who’s on over here
I don’t have this triple dark buddy
luizov is literally a Dev of this game
and he’s gonna test just how try hard
Chandler really is let’s go to the
Coliseum with uzoth we’re really gonna
test Chandler’s limits he’s gonna be
fighting countless bosses from the first
sea he’s gonna fight Blackbeard himself
and whose auth is gonna spawn 30
blackbeards at the same time and if
that’s not ridiculous we’re literally
gonna have Chandler fight uzoth himself
and see how much of a chance he can
stand alright Chandler let’s start off
with something light it’s the hardest
boss in the first C all right let’s go
oh my God he’s spun right behind me he’s
in the water I see him come here come
here hold on let me let me just uh I
can’t even see him I get him don’t worry
I I don’t worry stand back this is easy
you’re about to die wait me I’m about to
die I’m not about to die what do you
mean look is that
so guys I died I have a damaged counter
going and I’m I’m almost at 200 000
all right oh man Chandler just defeated
that monster with full health that would
take somebody like almost an entire full
day of grinding to be able to beat one
time you just watched Cricket erased by
him okay I I wouldn’t say the word erase
I would well okay you got two tapped
look I’m level 700 what level are you
huh 2450
all right I’m just a grinder 16 hour
sessions you know for like three weeks
straight it’s okay
you also look amazing by the way your
skin looks fantastic you know what who’s
on can you spawn in every single boss
from the first sea wait so he just
fought one boss he’s gonna fight all of
them every boss for the first C and I’m
gonna move over here so I don’t get in
the way Chandler you can he do that
right I might have to try they will they
will flood in one by one weakest or
strongest okay I’m just gonna start
hitting him as soon as I see them okay
oh all right I killed the first two
bosses with one slash I also have the
triple dark blade which Noah no one in
the game has except for uzon
I’m just deleting
dude they immediately die killer here
I’ll help you thank you I’m getting item
drops from these
that’s pretty much all the strong first
see bosses that is ridiculous wow
Chandler isn’t even
you look like the king of all
five-year-olds right now
can’t get this unless you’re max level
I think it’s time we moved to the second
C bosses oh
wow oops don’t want to be one yet
my guitar doesn’t do that okay later on
we’re gonna have Chandler and ooze on
the fight let me know who you guys think
is gonna win this it’s definitely me all
right it was on spawn in a Blackbeard I
want to see how he faces against this
because I literally get destroyed if I’m
a level 1500 which is an immense amount
of grinding that’s a thousand levels off
okay it’s you know what it’s not the F4
off though is it Chandler versus
oh whoa whoa level 1000 raid boss let’s
see okay I’ll join in Carl you might
want to back up oh
normally uh about five I would say four
or five people would try to go after
this thing
I just killed Creek he killed me again
Taylor what do you have against Greek
man my mortal enemy and all right he
died that was pretty easy that is
ridiculous I’m a developer I can choose
this game Chandler I’m gonna have you
fight 30 cyborgs do you think you can
handle that yeah give me a challenge I’m
30. 30 cyborgs dude that took me like
half of a day to be able to kill my
first cyborg I don’t even know what that
is oh god oh whoa whoa whoa
they’re farting while we’re over here
and he’s fighting over there who’s on
tell me about some stuff to expect for
the future of blocks fruits there’s
basically so many like appearance
changes the seas are gonna be a lot
better looking a lot of new weapon
changes fruit free works there’s a lot
to be expected there’s gonna be new
fruits in the game there’s gonna be a
lot no contact to explore it’s gonna be
a very exciting stuff to come sweet and
then Chandler decimated 30 cyborgs
before you even finished saying that
wait he’s at half Health though wait a
minute it’s over Chandler it’s my time
to shine now can I need a full hockey
come on I’m not full what bro thinks of
hockey as a sport like
that was my problem you would have been
dead if I had PVP on oh yeah let’s turn
it on Chandler your Bounty is my
dude I’m doing so much he’s at half
Health have health right now 25
I didn’t even use my sword or my fruit
you punched him to death with that that
is ridiculous do you know the
requirements for God human no I don’t
even know what God human is Chandler you
are a psycho I know you’re like the guy
at school that I would meet behind
Burger King for like the all the best
Pokemon cards he went to meet at Burger
King for Pokemon
okay also guys by the way we’re gonna be
hanging out with uzos Chandler and a few
of the other bloxford’s devs after this
and other videos to come or we just mess
around maybe do some admin controls
trolling some of the players it’s gonna
be a lot of fun stay tuned for those
videos but first I want to see it get
serious oozoth can you see one in 30
blackbeards to fight against Chandler
Chandler is downfall Kirk we gotta get
out of the way man
that’s probably a good idea I’m just
gonna go up here I don’t know if I can
do 35. he’s a little bit crazy
Chandler’s starting to freak out guys
we’re literally gonna spawn 30
blackbeards into the middle of this
Coliseum it might actually break the
surface I’m gonna have to keep some
distance here if I if I get caught in
there in their attacks like I’m pretty
much dead just don’t get caught in their
attack Chandler are you ready I’m ready
here we go
oh oh wait wait wait I messed up my
there we go oh here we go
how many times can you Unleash the Power
of Darkness bro okay I’m already oh
they’re on me quickly already all right
I’m going in the middle of the pack oh
my God Chandler’s going in oh no
Chandler is deleting already
dude I’m dead I died
it’s not Invincible oh my God the only
way you can get me to die is if you
spawn in 30 of the hardest bosses in the
game to be fair uzos was saying that he
would literally even have trouble with
those ones it’s all led to this uzoth
come over here okay I think that this is
gonna be the most fun part of this
entire video I want to see us off and
Chandler 1v1 right now is that a
flashlight what is that rocket launcher
okay you must have some kind of cheats
on it you just did 400 000 damage to me
that’s a really big flashlight man okay
no flashlights allowed news off Chandler
the sweatiest nerd I know versus oozov a
literal developer for this game start
whoa okay Chandler is much bigger than
him I’m trying to use my triple dark
blade here
oh he’s comboing me oh no oh yeah bro
wow this feels like a Dragon Ball Z
fight this would take four episodes of a
Dragon Ball Z season
does Chandler have a chance stay tuned
next time oh God
this is already gone longer than I
expected yeah this is crazy that he
survived me this long against it I can’t
tell how much health I have
thanks so much for showing up dude
Chandler thanks so much for playing me
and Creek are gonna be doing more blocks
fruits videos very soon not impossible
that Chandler’s gonna give a million
dollars to somebody that subscribes to
this video make sure you subscribe and
I’ll see you guys in the next one bye

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