Doraemon US New Episode in English – The Woodcutter’s Pond

hey why do you have two gloves well my
glove is all old and worn out but
nobody’s glove looks brand new
and what’s weird is we’ve both had our
gloves for the same amount of time the
difference is unlike you i take care of
my things yeah right you’re the worst
player on the field you’ve never caught
a single ball
that’s why this glove looks so good
because you’re so bad at baseball i am
not i’ve got an idea you guys should
swap gloves i mean it should be used
that’s a great idea this glove’s just
going to waste with nobi anyway
but i still need a glove
thanks man see ya enjoy that ratty old
mitt hey that’s not a fair trade
what you don’t like my old glove
love it
hey what’s the matter
your dad
he did something truly terrible he ate
if i’d known it was the last one i
wouldn’t have eaten
don’t worry buddy he’ll get you another
one yeah but i wanted this one
well you still have half of it left but
i want more than half i know i’ve got
just the thing you do
i’ll use the wood colors
looks more like a kiddie pool to me
you’ve heard the tale about the honest
woodcutter before haven’t you
this is the tale of the honest
woodcutter once upon a time an honest
woodcutter was cutting down a tree when
suddenly his hands slipped and he
dropped the only axe he had into a
nearby pump
little did he know the lake was
enchanted a beautiful lady appeared i
thought you said she was beautiful
pay attention and then the woodcutter
whoa who are you i am the lady of the
lake did you by any chance drop this
gold axe or this silver axe she sure
sounds funny for a lady that’s not
important to the story and if you ask me
she sounds lovely
neither of those are mine i dropped the
plain old iron axe i can see that you
are an honest person and i shall reward
your honesty by giving you all three
wow you mean it this is so cool thank
you thank you thank you
the next day the honest woodcutter tells
his friend about the three axes he
received and so his friend also a
woodcutter decides to go to the pond and
try his luck as well
this has to be the place okay lovely
lady come on up
did you by any chance drop this gold axe
or this silver axe into the water and
the greedy wood cutter answered why yes
both of those belong to me
you are a greedy lawyer and i don’t give
anything to greedy liars so the lady of
the lake angry and disappointed went
back into the water hey don’t i even get
my junky old axe back
and that is the story
come on it’s awesome
just drop the half-eaten yummy bun into
the pond
did you buy any chips drop this gigantic
yummy bun into the water
you gotta be honest tell a lion you
won’t get anything
nope i dropped a half eaten yummy bun
into the pond
i see that you are an honest individual
i’ll reward your honesty by giving you
this giant yummy bunny
hey wait a minute shouldn’t she give
back the half-eaten yummy bun too
there’s a pond not a lake the rules are
no wait i’m brilliant what if i drop
this old glove in the pond
go ahead
did you by any chance drop this shiny
brand new glove into the water
no no the glove i dropped was all old
and worn out i can see that you are an
honest person and i’ll reward your
honesty by giving you this shiny new
so see it always pays to be honest
check it out i got a brand new glove
how’d you do on the math test today
oh what am i gonna do what am i gonna do
i’ll drop it in the water and turn it
into a perfect score
stop stalling and show me that uh
did you by any chance drop this
beautiful sheet of paper into the water
no that’s not mine that’s not mine at
all you are clearly an honest person
i’ll reward you with this beautiful
sheet of paper despite it being marred
by a horrible failing grave
how could you get a zero you didn’t get
one right
explain yourself you look pretty good
back here right now hold on nobody
wait for me
ah that didn’t work at all yep prettying
up a zero is like putting lipstick on a
i know
let’s take the woodcutter’s pond over to
sue’s house and see if there’s anything
old she wants to swap out
yeah she’s the perfect person to share
this with she’ll be way excited i know
oh yeah i said
what’s she getting that’ll make her so
no uh nothing important yeah it’s lame
well after you sir indeed
something doesn’t smell right with those
two then i say we follow them come on
sue you home
coming oh
hey guys it’s you what’s going on i’ve
got a surprise deraimon has something
amazing and you’ve got to check it out
really if it’s something cool i want in
what you said okey dokey
it’s all set and ready to go
i brought this dress it’s my favorite
but i’m afraid it’s gotten a little
ratty in places then drop it into the
pond and it’ll come back better than
ever well if you say so
did you by any chance drop this
beautiful new dress into the water no
huh the one i dropped in was old and
worn out
i can see that you are an honest person
i will reward your honesty by giving you
this beautiful new dress
no way i can’t believe it i got a new
pretty cool isn’t it yup totally cool
holding out on us again huh if it’s for
real then we want in on it too
so which epically awesome thing should i
take and make even more awesomer
hey did i get here before big
g then i get to go first so what did you
bring to swap out sneetch
this guy
but that thing’s brand new that 3d
player just barely hit the stores you
can’t get better than that
what this piece of junk it’s almost
three weeks old already ancient
did you by any chance drop this brand
new handheld 3d game palm into the water
yeah that looks exactly like the one i
dropped what’s up with that
yep mine definitely mine i know my
incredibly awesome 3d game from anywhere
ah that’s not how it works
what you have just told me is a lie
and i don’t give anything to liars
hey come back here where are you going
with my cool game pop it serves you
right sneetch you should have told the
yeah okay i get it i’ve learned that
lesson now
stupid magic pot
did you by any chance drop this enormous
boulder into the water no oh not mine
not mine i can see that you are an
honest person and i shall reward your
honesty by giving you this potentially
yeah that’s gonna leave a mark
oh sneetch are you all right i have a
boulder on my back does it look like i’m
all right there’s a much nicer rock
granite okay i’m ready let’s do this
i’m smarter than you nerd brains who
brought just one thing by smarter you
mean greedier than yes you’re just
why look jealous down
did any of you by chance drop this
beautiful big g into the water
no ours was a whole lot dirtier and way
smeller than that guy
look at that smile totally creepy it’s
just not right take it away take it away
i can see that you are all honest people
i’ll reward your honesty by giving you
this nice and well-mannered big g
hi guys
it sure is a pleasant day isn’t it
the scent of lilacs in the air makes me
feel like sharing what do we do
i’m not really sure but there might be a
little more peace and quiet if we keep
him i just want you to know how happy i
am that we are friends




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