Dungeon Train! | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network

Whoa man boss battle let’s chew it up
okay but this is the last one okay
man remember we were going to that weird
cave I bet it’s not too late to check it
yeah we’re good we’re drink I’m over
what okay Boss Loot
oh yeah
no thank you Jake hurry next car
and crimes you have fun I’m just gonna
watch yeah
hey also man aren’t you like getting
kind of hungry yeah man I guess we’ve
been here for a while more than a while
dude I’ve already missed my bathroom
window yeah I guess I could take a snack
break okay well we’ll go back to the
tree house and I’ll make us some lunch I
can make the toaster pancakes you like
or maybe I can boil up some hot dogs
look now we’re not gonna do that thing
you wanted to do
caught with your pants down ants for
nothing forget about it what’s wrong
feeling fancy
dude this is the ant car we already did
the ant car we did all the ants same car
but those are blue ants these are red
ants Finn I think we should take off I
think this place is bad news for you man
no way all this feels good
like my inside voice is saying hey keep
it up this is good stuff
like when you made those biscuits way
back and I kept eating them until they
were all gone like that then I made
those biscuits with so much butter you
were just responding to the butter this
whole place is better yeah
yeah yeah
check it out battle Moon
Ben this is the future Crystal look
that’s you dude you’re old you’re alone
and you’re still fighting on this dumb
get the end of town
whoa I’m gonna have the best life
dude I’m bored I’m tired and I’m going
back to the tree house
you can come with me if you want what oh
man it’s better on the train stuff makes
sense here

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