Her parents | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network

yo my bad I’ll get him
hey man how’s it going it’s going crud
cow I know I know I’m sorry but they
really like me your plan is working
perfectly being poked in the buns and
laughed at was not my plan not in the
plan look Finn you know I got your back
forever but right now you’re the only
one who can help me come on homie
homies help homies
hey guys you ready to get this game
going again oh no we’re pooped yeah
we’re about ready to break out our
picnic basket and dig in whoa no you’re
my guest let me take care of you
help me cook something please
okay thanks Finn okay don’t worry about
a thing Finn will make a great lunch
he’s a little raw but he’s got great
taste what wow
see it’s so generous ah I was hoping
that I was afraid to ask
oh okay
Jake I think they want to eat me of
course we do Jake Jake’s you’d make a
great lunch
come on stop it guys come on the all I
said stop
now that’s enough nobody’s eating fit
he’s not my brother and he’s not food
Finn is my friend I’m sorry I let the
lies get so far out of hand I just got
so scared of losing lady but if they
hate me so be it no more lies
oh you’re a dog yeah I just oh look I’m
sorry about everything I was
a happy day
what did she say she says she was
worried that they’d freak out cause her
parents are bananas for dogs JJ flip
what the zip yeah she says a dog saved
her dad in the war wow that’s flipping
listen I just want you to know how sorry
we are about trying to eat you this is
we thought we’d never get another chance
we thought humans were extinct oh so
this isn’t human oh no this is soy
people oh I’ve never tasted real human
before but they say you can’t even tell
the difference
ew soy
Finn you’re delicious
getting princess hairs is impossible
they all just think I’m in love with
them ugh I can’t do it you’re gonna have
to spend the rest of your life in this
witch’s butt
dude if they think you like them then
use that embrace it find the least
terrible princess you can play her some
music cooker a meal smooth talker until
she likes you and then get the hair wait
you mean like go on a date marry a
princess if you need to just get her
okay hold on
Princess Bubblegum hi Finn I need you to
come with me why I’m watering right now
just come on we don’t have much time
what is this Finn we’re gonna have a
spaghetti dinner whoa really where do we
sit yeah
um again
put your butt here hurry oh
hey Simon make it romantic
here show this in your mouth it’s hot
and I don’t understand please princess
just stick it in your mouth well okay
I love spaghetti
um princess do you like me then of
course I like you really
yeah yes now give me some of your hair
oh thin that’s sweet sure I’ll give you
some of my hair
here take it you cutie
thank you princess bubble gum my
spaghetti my cat had kittens and I’m
thinking of naming one little whiner
what do you think is that a good name
totally did it
genuine princess hair you hear that Jake
all right lady a deal is a deal
this isn’t here
it’s bubble gum what
it is bubble gum oh I guess you failed
say goodbye to your dog
what if I learned anything today it said
I’m awesome at talking to ladies and
lady you are crazy ugly
having beautiful hair isn’t gonna get
you anywhere because you’re ugly inside
and out so ugly I wanna throw up boom no
one will ever find You Beautiful ever
and it’s got nothing to do with the old
Chrome Zone it has to do
with my friend now
he’s right bear don’t get me wrong I
know I’m ugly and Evil
but I thought if I had some beautiful
hair I could learn how to love myself
gee I feel kind of bad I know hey witch
does it have to be princess hair no just
beautiful hair well then check this
you’d really give me your hair sure
so how do I look totally beautiful
inside and out thank you Finn and now to
use my hair for evil what cause I’m evil
what did you want from me oh no I think
I fractured a branch


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