I Filled My Brother’s House With Slime & Bought Him A New One

– Today, we are filling my brother’s house
with elephant toothpaste.
And then we’re gonna surprise him with a brand new house.
And you might be wondering why,
well, I caught wind that my brother
is covering Karl’s house with sticky notes.
And I thought it’d be funny if while he did that
we filled his house with elephant toothpaste.
Prank inception.
If you take this and pour it in this
you get elephant toothpaste.
That is insane.
Look at it, that was hardly any.
And if you take a thousand times that…
(dramatic music)
Oh my goodness.
Oh my goodness.
You get this.
And what you just saw is nothing compared to what
we’re gonna do to my brother’s house.
– Dude, it might blow the roof off.
– There’s enough in these barrels to fill five houses.
And my brother only has one,
so we’ll use a little less.
And because we have so much elephant toothpaste
I had to bring in an expert.
– That’s me.
– [MrBeast] Do you mind moving Karl?
– I’m the expert.
– Oh my goodness.
Mark literally holds two world records
with elephant toothpaste,
and has done multiple videos on it.
And this is my brother’s house.
Welcome in everybody.
This is Frank’s room,
his roommate we’re not gonna mess with that.
– We are gonna mess with this.
– Yes, we are gonna mess with this room.
– Is that underwear on the fan?
Oh, what the heck?
Can you go outside real quick and go grab Chris?
Listen, Karl has no idea his house
is currently being sticky noted.
And CJ thinks he’s pranking Karl,
but CJ’s actually getting pranked.
It’s a lot to keep up with.
As I keep saying,
we will fill this entire house with elephant toothpaste.
But first we wanna test things in the bathroom.
Let’s do it.
– [Mark] You just pull. – [MrBeast] Pulling it.
Oh God.
– [Karl] Oh, I think so, oh I think so.
It’s steaming.
– [Mark] Oh my God.
– And I turned around and I felt a wave of heat
just engorf me.
– I’m so glad that you turned around,
cause I turned around when you did.
– You guys violated the safety protocol.
– Well, what was the safety protocol?
– Get far away.
– When we actually fill his house
I am going to be 30 houses away this time.
Oh my gosh.
– Oh, look at the ceiling.
Oh my goodness.
– And we’re gonna do this
to his entire house when he comes home.
Not gonna lie,
I’ve never been so scared of foam in my entire life.
Now that we got that out the way,
I gotta go check in on CJ.
I need to check his progress on sticky noting Brady’s house.
Pause, you might be confused why I just said
Brady’s house is getting covered in sticky notes,
when it’s obviously Karl’s house.
Well to not spoil my brother’s video
we couldn’t tell Karl his house was being sticky noted.
So Karl thinks we’re covering
Brady’s house with sticky notes.
Mark, I’m putting you in charge of the boys,
I’m gonna go check on CJ.
– I’ll do my best.
– All right, my brother has no idea we’re parked here.
And he’s currently filming a video where he’s gonna
cover Karl’s entire house with sticky notes.
I can hear them talking inside.
Dude, can you grab CJ’s footage,
and see what they’re talking about.
– The sticky notes keep falling down,
and I’m running out of sticky notes.
I need you to grab some more.
– Got it, I’ll get you some sticky notes.
All right Jake, here you go.
(sticky notes clattering)
– Thanks CJ.
Appreciate it.
– Let’s get out of here before our cover is blown,
they’re sticky noting the inside.
And they’re saving this part, the outside, for last.
All right, let’s go.
– [Chris] Let’s do it.
Go, go, go.
(upbeat music)
it broke the TV.
– I leave you guys alone for two minutes.
– [Chris] It’s your fault, you left us alone,
we need supervision at all times.
(upbeat music)
(group exclaiming)
– It’s gonna be 20 times the amount of foam
that you just saw in this room alone.
– I’m an expert, don’t try this at home.
– [Chris] Eurgh, that didn’t look worth it.
That just didn’t look worth it.
– [Karl] (screams) Oh, I’m stuck.
– [MrBeast] Mark, what is this?
– It’s Mark’s fault, he left us alone.
– I just got back from scouting out the sticky noted house.
According to my calculations,
he should be done sticky noting in under an hour.
And when he pulls in that driveway, what do we want?
– Foam. – We want his house
to erupt in foam.
Right when CJ pulls into his driveway
we’re gonna unleash all the elephant foam.
It is literally gonna blow every door
and every window out of this house for a mile.
I need four barrels in this room,
four barrels in his room, four barrels in that room.
And put the other barrels wherever else they fit.
– Woo.
– This is insane, just big, and crazy, and chaotic.
Windows will be blown out.
– One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight, nine.
10, 11, 12, 13, 14 drums of elephant toothpaste.
And let me remind you,
this is what one drum looked like on its own.
And we have 14 of these.
– I washed my hands of this, all right?
– If things go bad it’s all my fault.
– Thank you.
– Because I trusted Mark.
What is the current elephant toothpaste world record?
About 290 gallons of hydrogen peroxide.
– Okay, and we are using 500 today.
– Yeah, you guys are.
– We are almost doubling the current world record
for elephant toothpaste in CJ’s house.
– That’s right.
– The world record toothpaste is almost ready.
The second you get a phone call from me
don’t even answer it, let it rip.
– Okay. – Let it rip.
I will call you when we are ready.
All right, let’s go check out Brady’s house.
Brady lives on the other side of your neighborhood Karl.
So we’re coming up on your house, right Karl?
– [Voiceover] Oh no.
– Yeah, we are.
I wonder why.
Wait, why am I so dumb?
What the hog?
– [MrBeast] So this whole video.
– Oh my God.
– [MrBeast] The plan has always been
to sticky note your house,
and we were using Brady as a cover up.
– Why did I not even see that coming?
I really genuinely didn’t see that coming.
– [CJ] Karl.
– I hate you, both brothers, I hate both brothers now.
– [MrBeast] Not only did you get pranked on our channel,
but you got pranked on his channel.
(door knocking)
– Oh hey. (group laughing)
– You don’t have to let them in, right?
– Yeah.
– You could just keep the door locked.
They promised that they wouldn’t do my room,
and I was like, “Yeah, that’s fine.”
– Wait, they did my room?
That’s not even how you spell it,
you didn’t even spell it right.
What do you mean, what could I…
(group laughing) Oh my.
– Closet wizard strikes again, what?
– What can you guys all get out of my house now?
We should leave now, huh?
That’s what I’m thinking about.
I’m thinking about leaving.
– Oh, you’re thinking about leaving?
– Yes.
– [Chris] We’re about to take your record, sorry about that.
– Yeah, I think windows will get broken.
– [Chris] Oh, windows will get broken?
– Yeah. – Oh my goodness.
Sorry if we fill your yard with slime, we’ll fix it.
Is this legal?
– Define legal.
– I think that’s a good enough answer for me.
– Wait, where’s your house, huh?
I don’t think I’ve ever been to your house,
it’s right past all those cars.
– Through this road? – Yeah.
– Well, I just wanna see it,
I’ve never been to your house before.
– [Brady] You live here? – Mm-hmm.
– All right, so three, two, one.
– Three, two. – Oh my gosh,
here it goes. – One.
Oh my gosh.
– [Mark] Pull. (suspenseful music)
– [Chris] It’s coming out the chimney, oh my gosh.
– Oh my gosh, it’s coming out the chimney.
– What did you guys do to my house?
What did you guys do to my house?
Wait, who let you in the house?
– [MrBeast] Oh you know, Frank.
– Oh my God.
– You spent the day covering Karl’s house
with sticky notes to surprise Karl.
And while you were doing that
we were filling your house with elephant toothpaste
waiting for you to come home.
– [Chris] Oh yeah,
should we throw a rock through this front window?
– [Brady] Open it, open it.
Oh, run CJ run.
– [Karl] CJ, CJ no.
– Chris, I give you permission to break my front window.
– Can Mark Rober help?
– Yeah. – Yes, you can also help.
– Thank you CJ, I love you.
I’ve always wanted to do this.
(glass smashing)
– Oh, it went through.
Chris do you wanna open this door for us?
– Please and thank you.
– Here we go.
(group exclaiming)
Oh my God, this is literally real life “Goosebumps”,
I swear. – I didn’t mean to set you up,
I didn’t mean to set you up like that.
– Oh my gosh, that was so hot.
– Oh, it is hot.
– Oh, woo, that’s steamy.
– Hey, let me in.
(group exclaiming)
Whoa, whoa.
– Dude, I wanna run through there so badly.
– How did you guys actually do this?
– Mark Rober.
– Yeah, Mark Rober.
We got your roommate’s permission,
we brought down Mark Rober,
and we took everything important out of the house.
So what are you buying Karl?
Since you sticky noted his house.
(group laughing)
I can’t.
– I did leave some money for him.
– Okay, okay, the sticky notes can easily come off,
but this obviously is a lot more damaging.
Which is why CJ we’ve bought you a brand new house.
– Really? – Yeah.
– Really, where’s it at?
– This is CJ’s brand new house,
come on in, check it out, check it out.
– Oh my goodness,
I still cannot believe that this is my new house.
(upbeat music)
– Do you like this house?
Because I can get you a different one if you’re not happy.
– No, I actually like this house,
it’s actually great.
– And just to clarify,
I have a team working around the clock to fix his old house.
Don’t worry, we’re not gonna screw him over.
I wonder what that means.

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