I Ordered Pizza And Tipped The House

– I just bought this house
and I’m gonna give it to Chandler.
– Really?
– No. But I am gonna give it
to a pizza delivery guy, and here’s how.
We ordered a pizza.
– [Woman On Phone] Domino’s Pizza, how can I help you?
– Can I have a pepperoni?
Delivery, please.
Then we pay to pizza delivery guy
to help us “move” furniture all day.
We just need help moving furniture.
If we were to give you a few thousand dollars,
could you just help us move furniture all day?
– Really?
– [Mr Beast] All we told him is that we are YouTubers
and we needed an extra hand moving furniture
because our friend Chad got laid off
and we really wanted to help him,
but little does he know Chad isn’t real,
and at the end of the day, we would actually give him
100% ownership of the house
he is helping us move furniture into.
– Pranked! – Got him.
– Surprisingly, he’s going along with it.
All he thinks he’s getting is a few thousand dollars.
After we can move all the furniture in,
I’m just gonna be like this key is yours.
– All right.
To Walmart it is.
We’re trying to just fill his house so furniture.
– So let’s start in the bedroom.
– [Voiceover] Oh baby.
– What do you think of a chair like this?
– It’s a Serta.
Oh, and it’s got air lumbar.
– Chad’s lumbar do be needin’ air.
– Chandler, what do you think of this?
– Did y’all hear that?
– Joey, can you give us the knock test?
– Yeah.
– See you guys.
This is why we brought Joey.
He’s incredibly helpful
– That actually just bought my mom this TV.
– What do you think of it Joey?
– It’s a nice TV.
– Let’s do it.
– We have a TV, we have a book stand,
and then we have a chair.
Let’s grab another TV.
This one has Roku in it.
– I think we’re good to go.
Are you with them?
– Yes.
– He’s our Domino’s guy.
We just bring him everywhere.
– Did you think you’d be doing this today?
– No, I didn’t at all.
– So the total is $2,360.
Way less than I thought.
So we got the furniture store stuff.
– All right, we got a U-Haul for this stuff
for Chad’s house.
(people chattering) (furniture clattering)
– See, this is why we brought you Joey.
Throughout the day,
anytime Joey told us he likes something,
I would go to a different aisle
and I called Jake and tell him.
Jake was in charge of covertly buying stuff,
so when we surprised Joey with the house,
we could have all this other cool stuff
that means a lot to him in there as well.
– Jimmy’s calling me.
Hey, what’s up buddy?
Hey, so I rode with him in the car and I got some intel.
– Okay, what you got?
– I need you to get him the newest iPhone,
a bunch of stuff for dogs,
and then he had a monster sticker on his phone
so get him like a thousand.
Get him a thousand.
– A thousand? All right.
You ready Marcus?
We got it. – We got it.
– Let’s do it.
– We got the gravy bone.
– Hey guys, we got the cat food.
He said he needed cat food right?
– He has a dog.
– Oh.
– What is he thinking?
– How are we gonna get a thousand monster?
– Load it up.
– Let’s get all of them.
– [Mr. Beast] Very important intel.
Are you ready?
– Yes, we’re ready.
– He has a three year old daughter.
Get her lots of toys.
– Oh three. – [Mr. Beast] Go.
– Perfect, thank you.
– [Mr. Beast] Despite the fact that
you’re like ginormous and scary,
you’re the perfect guy for this.
– Yes, bye!
Do we get her a Playhouse or do we get her
one of the really cool motorized cars?
– You can’t go wrong with getting both.
– Well let’s do both then.
– I think he’s going a little overboard.
– Driving blind.
– We’re at store number two.
Some more furniture.
Chris, this looks good.
– Leather. – Oh, I like this.
– How’d that dive feel?
– It didn’t hurt.
I want both these.
– Oh yeah, this one up.
– This is going so well.
– He has no idea.
– Remember, right now he’s helping us pick out furniture
for his own house.
– So what do you think about this whole thing?
– I think it’s kind of cool that y’all are helping this man.
– So next up, obviously we need a bed for Chad.
– Oh.
– All right, I want it.
– So far we’re up to $2,400.
I wanna spend more money and that is store number two down
– $1400.
– Wait, that’s a wrap.
– And we still have four carts.
– Look at this receipt.
I hope they’re happy.
They should be.
We got a lot of good stuff, bro.
Well these about to fall boy.
– Is that it?
– That’s it.
– Get out of here.
– We’re now at US Cellular
because we could not buy a phone outright at Walmart
so we can surprise him with a new phone.
We’re doing a video
and we’re gonna surprise the guy with a brand new iPhone 11,
everything here, these cool.
Awesome, thank y’all so much.
– So Joey’s currently getting coffee.
He took a little detour,
so we’re to shop a little without him.
Before Joey gets back here,
how do you guys think it’s going?
– I think it’s going good.
– He has no idea.
– He has no idea.
– You think he’ll cry?
– He might cry.
– I think he’s gonna break out into tears.
– So you said you hadn’t spent enough money yet, right?
– You spend hardly anything.
– Oh, you’re about to drop a lot of money here.
– I dare you.
– We want the set of the Maytags.
You get this one, got a tablet on it.
– I blow hundreds of thousands of dollars on dumb stuff,
but even this seems excessive.
– It’s got a speaker in it.
– Nevermind, that explains it.
Let’s get it. Hey Chandler.
Chris is now for sale, $799.
You worked $1500, but you’re on a discount.
– Yeah, it’s ’cause I’m kind of broken on the inside.
– So how much do you think this total’s gonna be?
– I say $9,000.
We’re at 55 with all that,
we gotta get a grill and a lawnmower.
– $2,800.
– Your total is $9,586.
– All the shopping is done,
let’s load it up and head to the house.
(furniture clattering) (upbeat music)
All right, let’s take it home for Chad.
– You’re good.
You’re good.
Come on back now.
I’m scared.
I’m scared.
– That is U-Haul number one.
– Oh god.
– And that is U-Haul number two.
Now we need to fill the house up
so we can surprise Chad tomorrow.
– Let’s unload some U-Hauls
– What are you looking for?
– Some milk, man.
– Why would milk be in the cabinet?
– There’s no fridge.
We gotta put it in.
Go grab the fridge if you want milk.
– Okay.
– Dude you got crumbs all over Chad’s new countertops man.
– Good thing we bought paper towels and Clorox wipes.
– This is a lot of stuff,
and I know we have Joey here to help,
but we still needed more backup, so I brought in army.
Come on in guys, assemble.
Let’s set up this house so tomorrow we can surprise Chad.
(people cheering)
The box is breaking!
(people cheering)
Where am I going?
(people cheering)
We’re bringing Chad here tomorrow at 9:00 AM,
so we’re gonna surprise him then.
We have to have everything ready by tomorrow morning.
Chris you’re in charge of the washer and dryer.
Chandler, you do what you want to do
’cause you’re Chandler. – [Voiceover] Huh?
– Let’s go people.
– What we have left is this beautiful fridge
that I’ve been looking for my whole life.
This bad boy, 4,000 Watts.
It’s got 20 lights in it, four cabinets, and a button.
Let’s get it off.
– Do you wanna come back tomorrow morning
when we surprise him? – Sure.
– Really? – Yeah.
– They drop this lawn mower, Chad ain’t gonna be happy.
– There’s gotta be some milk in this fridge,
for my Oreos of course.
– Oh gosh.
(plastic silverware clattering)
– Where’s the milk?
Where’s the milk?
My fridge comes with milk
– Chandler, if you don’t mind,
they’re trying to put the fridge in the house.
Please just step.
All right, go on.
So we low key called back his store
and his manager actually drove out to the shoot
and he had this to say.
We told you the story on the phone.
We ordered a pizza, Joey delivered it,
and now he’s just helping us move furniture,
so yeah, at the end of the day, we’re giving him this house.
– Wow.
– You said Joey needed the house too right?
– So could you tell us a little bit more
’cause honestly he hasn’t told us much
about his personal life.
– When the kid’s off, he works on side jobs all the time.
– Really?
– He lives in a place right now
where the landlord’s not too cool.
– Joey has to drive an hour to work every day,
and this new house we’re about to give him
is only 15 minutes away from work.
I’m just really happy that he needs it,
and this will genuinely change his life.
– Smart TV, 65 inch, 4k, you know.
– Ah, don’t hurt me!
– Get on the ground.
(people screaming)
(upbeat music)
– Whoa, what is this?
I didn’t expect that to be in that many pieces.
Somebody else’s problem, Marcus!
(upbeat music)
I call it desk a la abstract.
– Oh my God.
You did that? That’s you?
– I read the instructions.
They were in Vietnamese.
(upbeat music)
– It’s been 14 long hours.
We bought a house.
– We did.
– Which cost almost a hundred grand.
And then we spent tens of thousands of dollars
on items for said house.
– I spent almost 10 grand at Lowe’s by myself.
– Thank you.
– See, we weren’t spending much.
I’m proud of you.
You get a raise. – Thank you.
– Joey’s been following us around all day,
no idea that this house is his.
We bought this house and he is going to keep it forever.
It is his.
He’s gonna walk through that door and I’m going inform him
that this is in fact his house.
Let’s do it.
Sorry about that interview.
How’d it go?
– It was alright.
– Yeah, was it awkward?
– Yes.
– If you can tell something’s up.
We spent so much money on this furniture
that we can’t even pay you the few thousand dollars
we promised ’cause we put all the money into your house,
so yeah, sorry about that.
– Okay.
– Your house looks nice.
– Yeah.
– What do you think of his house Jake?
– I think it’s awesome.
I think he’s really gonna enjoy it.
– What? – This is your house.
– What? – Yeah.
– Yeah, your house. – Oh we didn’t tell you.
This is for you.
– We were lying about Chad.
– This whole house is for you.
– Chad doesn’t exist.
– Are you serious? – Yeah.
– That is awesome.
– You are Chad.
– Thank you.
– So we noticed earlier
that you had a Monster sticker on your phone,
so we bought you a hundred cans of Monster.
– Wow.
– And then you said you had a dog,
so we bought you a bunch of dog food and some toys for ’em.
We didn’t know which brand,
so we just got all of them.
– Wow.
– We reminded you of your favorite thing.
– Pizza. – Pizza.
– Oh wow, there’s more pizza in the stove.
Didn’t even know there was.
– Did you have any idea all day?
– No, I did not.
– No, you really didn’t?
– No.
– We were getting kind of worried
’cause Jimmy let it slip a couple of times
and he is like, oh yeah.
– I really didn’t at all.
It is awesome.
– Oh yeah, we got a couple of extra things too
we should show you.
– We bought some toys,
’cause you mentioned you have a daughter
so we got her some toys too.
– Wow.
– I know this must be, I don’t know,
so I know it’s a lot.
– It really is, like is awesome, yeah.
– But it’s all yours.
– It’s like, this owl is yours.
Do what you want with it.
Just throw it.
– Just throw it. – Yeah it’s yours.
(people cheering)
– Oh my God, this is awesome.
– All right, there’s still more rooms.
We don’t know too much about decorating,
but we assume this would be your room,
so you’ve said you like hunting,
so we got you hunting things.
– I love camo so.
– Oh really?
– Y’all are like making my entire life right now.
– And here’s the final room.
I know just the bed.
You mentioned you got a PlayStation
so got some PlayStation stuff and a Switch.
– Oh my God, y’all are amazing.
– So we were talking to your manager out there,
and he said that you are like a hour drive away from work.
So this will put you in only like 15 minutes.
– Probably not even that.
– That’s great to hear.
– Do you wanna just say anything to the camera?
– These people are, they’re amazing.
Like my body’s shaking a little bit.
(people chattering)
Yeah, it’s bad.
– We literally tricked you into decorating your home.
– Get pranked.
– Would you have done anything differently?
– No, I like it.
– All right, I could never ask for anything like this.
Okay, like the house we were in, it was a horrible house.
It was very unsafe.
This house is honestly gonna be a lot better,
safer for my kids, and better for our family.
We tried to get a house done the day before
y’all gave us this house.
Honestly, I was going into this thinking
I was just getting a couple thousand dollars
to help move furniture.
Someone just really just gave me a house.
Now we can stop worrying about
where we’re gonna go from here.
This is really just a great opportunity
for me and my family,
and I just wanna thank you Mr. Beast for honestly
answering all our prayers,
’cause this is something amazing for me.
(people cheering)
– This is your brand new house.
Here is the key.
I actually lied, I did have the key.
It is yours, seriously.
No strings, no catch, no nothing.
– That is awesome.
You mind if I give you a hug?
– Yeah of course man.
(people clapping)
And there you have it.
I bought a house, ordered pizza, and gave him said house.
Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram
and buy merch if you wanna be entered in to compete
in the million dollar series.
♪ Mr Beast 6000 ♪
♪ Mr Beast 6000, yeah you know his name ♪
♪ He changed it once or twice, ♪
♪ But I think it’s it ♪
(explosion crashes)

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