I Put 1,000,000,000 Christmas Lights On A House (World Record)

– I bought over one million Christmas lights.
And not only did I buy all these Christmas lights,
but I also bought these three houses.
Shaun, you decorate this house, Cassidy, this is your house,
and this is Sarah’s house.
Whoever’s house looks the best will keep it.
– We can do this. – Yeah.
– Let’s go, we got this. – All right.
It starts now.
(suspenseful music)
– Hurry Mark.
(suspenseful music)
– I got this one, I picked it out.
Why would you steal my light?
There’s literally like 2 million.
– Wait, you get yours.
– No, no, no, don’t do that. Don’t.
(suspenseful music)
– We’re gonna go with a MrBeast themed house.
We’re gonna manipulate Jimmy to vote for us, pretty much.
– We’re not gonna win if I am putting down lights, okay?
I’ll point and tell you what to do.
– This is my house.
– You wanna win it?
– Dude, why are these so tangled?
– I don’t know.
– What? Look at this.
– Why’d you grab the tangled one?
– I don’t know. – There’s a million lights
over there and you grab these, of all them.
– There’s actually 2 million.
– You’re right, I have a confession.
So, one million looks better in the title,
but there’s actually like 1.7 million lights over there.
– He click baited.
– I have a million, but it’s 1.7 million.
Click baiting would’ve been two million.
– So, that reverses everything.
– The challenge is officially underway, Shaun,
and if this house looks the best, it’s yours.
You literally have a house.
How old are you?
– 18.
(upbeat music)
– It’s crazy how they put so many lights on their houses,
and they barely made a dent in this pile.
Chris’s house is looking really nice.
Chris, you’re doing a good job.
– You sure about that?
– Karl, you’re doing a good job.
– [Karl] Thank you.
– Chandler’s house on the other hand is-
– [Cassidy] Is what?
– Whoever’s house looks the best, keeps the house.
– [Chandler] I know.
– We’ll just move on.
– Oh my God.
– Hey, you okay? – I ran as fast as I could.
– You guys are probably wondering,
how are we gonna determine which house looks the best?
Well, here’s how.
We have four judges and tomorrow morning
they’re gonna rate each of your houses.
Our first judge is MatPat, the host of Game Theory,
this channel, this channel, this channel
and all these other channels.
Our second judge is Quackity, come on up here.
– I’m taking bribes.
– And our third judge is Damaris.
She is a random subscriber that we randomly picked.
The fourth judge is probably
the smartest human being on the planet.
He’s probably really great at everything.
Yeah, our fourth judges is me. Hey everybody.
(spectators cheering)
We’re gonna rate your houses on a scale of 1 to 10.
Whoever has the most points, after all four of us
judge their house, wins the house.
– Let’s go. – All right.
– Why are you wasting time? Get back to decorating.
– Yeah. (Christmas music)
I got some pliers here.
– Sheers, to be specific.
– I have some sheers here.
Chandler, you can clamp one string of lights.
– [Chandler] Yeah.
– Oh no, it got the bush. It got all the bushes.
– You get to cut one cord on Chandler’s house.
– Be nice, I’m in last.
– You can cut one of the ones dangling.
– That’s what I thought. – Oh my goodness. No.
– Wait, scratch that Chris. – That’s my favorite.
– Oh, before you do it,
I want you to look Cassidy in the face.
– Oh! It did all of them, it did all of them.
– Yes.
– Karl, you better destroy him.
– Chris, this is the only strand of lights
that leads to top of your house.
If he cuts this, does he cut everything?
– Please, don’t cut that one.
– Did it cut off the roof?
– No, that light does nothing!
– There, I only lost a bush. So, hey we’re chillin’.
– Actually, you lost three bushes.
– I’d say our only competitor is Karl right now,
and this is war, we’re taking him down.
– It’s funny how Chandler’s pissed off
but he’s taking it out on his own house.
He’s mad that he’s falling behind
and setting himself more behind.
– This is pointless. Why is this here?
This stupid stuff, doesn’t mean anything.
Letters to Santa, guess what? They’re empty.
Is that a tree?
– Did he just, he just tackled the tree.
– These are our trees, Karl!
– Technically that’s sabotage, but it’s funny.
So, I’ll let it slide.
(country Christmas music)
– All right, we’re clearly behind.
I need to call everyone I know, we are going to win this.
Let’s do it. Hello, help?
– [Announcer] Five minutes later.
– I’m glad y’all are here ’cause we’re exhausted.
– I was home snoozing in the bed, counting sheep.
– Let’s get it. – Look, we got to make
a comeback.
– The Hallows are here to win. – We can win!
– Do not doubt these people,
no more. – Let’s get it.
– Win!
– Yeah. – All right.
– Let’s get it.
(suspenseful music)
– I’m really exhausted. I think my family’s got it down.
I’m gonna go to sleep, take a nap.
And then be back before the, you know, before it’s over.
Good night.
– So, Chandler just went to bed.
– What? – And he said,
“You’re taking over the leadership.”
– I can’t even believe that boy lasted this long,
to start with.
– You guys have been doing a good job.
The pile is starting to deplete.
As you guys know, I bought over 1 million Christmas lights,
but that’s not all I bought.
I also bought hundreds of inflatable decorations
and you guys can use them.
– Sweet. – Now?
– Yeah. Go for it.
– Hey, come on. Snowman’s mine.
– He’s mine.
– What are you, you’re gonna take him off?
– No.
– Shaun you have- – No.
(suspenseful music)
– That’s so difficult.
– Oh my God. It’s so hard.
– So difficult. – I got chills
and it’s not just because it’s 38 degrees outside.
It’s because there are 10 minutes left!
– Guys, guys. We got less then 10 minutes, come on.
(suspenseful music)
– Judges. Are you ready?
– As ever. – I was born ready.
– Let’s do it. (blows air horn and clapping)
– Let’s go.
– That’s it.
– That’s it.
– We are gonna be judging the houses one at a time,
starting with Chris’s house.
So, if you’re not on Chris’s team, leave.
Like I said before, we have cards ranging from 1 to 10
and before we rate Chris’s house,
we need to do a tour of it.
Chris, you have five minutes to show us anything
and everything about your house.
Judges, give him your undivided attention.
– So, the theme is actually MrBeast videos.
So the first one, we have a lot of snow, a lot of ice,
from I spent 24 hours in an ice block.
Do you recognize this thumbnail?
– Deserted islands.
– Yes. See, that’s the palm tree.
– That’s pretty creative.
– Let’s see if you guys can guess
what MrBeast video this is.
– Oh, I know this one.
Adopting all the dogs in a dog shelter.
– Yes, look at these cute little dogs.
They’re all hanging out.
– Dude, this is actually pretty creative.
– For the final video, we have theme trees.
One of the best videos of all time.
One of my personal favorites.
– This laptop’s hooked up to a drone.
What did you wanna show us?
– If you guys see that, it says,
“Sup, to Quackity and MatPat.”
– Let’s go, let’s go.
– Did it say sup to MrBeast too?
– Well, so- – I know what I need to know.
Time is up. Judges, select your score and put it face down.
– My sister needs this house so bad guys, please.
– Let’s start with MatPat.
What are you rating their house out of 10?
– I’m giving it a 10.
– Oh, oh. – Yes, yes.
– Whoa, a 10 out of 10.
– I am rating it a nine.
– Yeah! – What? Oh my gosh.
– A nine. – Thank you.
– I’m giving them a 10.
– Yeah! – Whoa!
– Obviously this was creative. I don’t know if it was a 10.
There were a little things here and there.
My score was, don’t hate me, I love you.
It’s nothing personal. An eight outta 10.
– That’s not bad. – I think that’s pretty good.
– I don’t know why you hate me, but that’s not that bad.
– If neither of them score a 37 or higher,
you win your $300,000 house.
Head on over to the dungeon.
I’ll let you know what they score.
– All right. – Great job.
– Up next is the Hallow family. Let’s go on a tour.
– We welcome Santa every year, with his favorite saying.
Ho, ho, ho. We have snow with the north pole, yes.
Right up there, that’s the landing strip
where Santa likes to land and take off, to bring gifts.
– Chandler. What does this say back here?
– [Chandler] It spells out BEAST.
– Ooh, why didn’t you just start off with this?
– Well, it’s the back.
– We’re starting off with MatPat.
What do you rate their house, outta 10?
– An eight out of 10, solid.
– My score is another solid eight.
– Okay, all right, all right. – Okay.
– I am going to give you guys a lucky number seven.
Please, don’t hate me.
– I’m also gonna rate it a seven.
There are some, you know, things here or there
that could be better.
Scored it, 30 out of 40.
I can’t tell you what Chris scored.
Now we’re gonna judge Karl’s house.
– So you had over a million lights?
We had probably half of that in the front lawn.
I don’t think it’s a contest on who has the most lights.
– Agreed, you guys really put lights everywhere on the lot.
I will give that to you.
I will admit, I like what they did with the lights here.
This is kind of cool. – Party.
– This is legit.
– What if I were to tell you there’s an entire backyard?
– What is this? – Oh my God.
– What is this? – Oh my God, no!
– Look at the blue around our backyard.
– It’s a YouTube sub-button.
– [Jimmy] MatPat, start us off.
– I gotta say this was a really solid house, guys.
Only thing that was missing was a theme
and for that, I give you a nine.
– Oh. – Very solid.
– My score for you guys is also a solid nine.
– I gave you guys a 10.
– Oh, oh! – Yes!
– I give it a nine, which means you guys
have the exact same score Chris has.
What is up with you people?
Now people think our videos are rigged.
Why would you do this?
I’m sending Tyler to get a fifth judge.
One of the fans over there watching.
They’re gonna decide which house wins.
– [Announcer] A few moments later.
– The tie is between that house and that house.
So what I want you to do is I want you to take a quick lap
around that house and that house
and form an opinion on which one you like better.
– I’m so nervous ’cause our whole thing is the theme
and she’s not gonna understand it, probably.
– That’s the reason it tied in the first place
is ’cause he didn’t think I had a theme.
– Ashley doesn’t know whose house is whose,
so she’s not being biased.
So, purely based on the lights on the houses
which one did you think was decorated the best?
– I’m going with this one!
(everyone cheering and clapping)
– We did it.
Dude, we didn’t stop working all night
and it paid off.
I can’t believe it, holy cow.
– 12 hours, 12 straight hours of hard labor.
Yeah, I’m in high school. – Shaun’s literally
a high schooler with the house.
Holy cow. – I’m a senior.
– Congrats, dude.
– Now I know you two must be very sad, but,
as you remember, there was a car in your driveway.
Let’s walk over to it.
You may not have won this house but the runner up prize
is the car in the driveway.
– I know it’s a car and it’s really awesome.
But compared to a house it still hurts.
– I have a confession to make.
You didn’t actually win this house.
– What? – What did we win?
– Now, I know I said at the start of the video
that I bought these three houses and that was a lie.
But I did buy a $300,000 house down the road
and here’s me giving it to Shaun.
I can’t wait to see Shaun’s reaction.
Come on in to your brand new home.
– Oh my God.
– As I said before, this house cost
over $300,000 and it is all yours.
– Holy cow.

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