I Sold My House For $1

– I just bought this house
and I’m literally selling it for $1.
That truck that just drove by
could have pulled in with $1 and bought this house.
And just so you guys know,
this house isn’t cheap.
It’s actually pretty nice.
– That car missed a house.
That car missed a house.
That, ooh, that’s nice car.
It missed a house.
(upbeat music)
– Clearly this sign isn’t working so we got a bigger one.
– Get that one outta here.
(upbeat music)
– We got someone.
We got someone.
We did it.
– He’s in the driveway.
Hey, this house right here is for sale for just $1.
Are you interested in purchasing it?
– What’s the catch?
– There is no catch.
– No, there’s gotta be a catch.
– This is the first bedroom.
What are your thoughts on it?
– It’s alright.
– It’s alright? Tough crowd.
This guy was so skeptical that I literally had to
show him some of our videos just to prove to him
we weren’t scamming him.
– 54 million?
That’s that’s some real legit stuff there.
– I laid in this.
I tested it out.
It’s completely great.
Fixed the bed after, as you can see, I did a great job.
– Looks like there’s a dead body in the bed still.
– Listen, listen…
– Out back, it gets even cooler.
Follow us.
You’re probably thinking, “This just looks like
an ordinary shed.”
But if you come inside, a fully fledged gym.
– Wow man.
Get outta here.
I’ll give you $2 for this.
– We’re not done.
Follow me.
And if you go inside here.
– Oh man.
– You have your very own gaming room.
– Oh yeah.
– Look at this.
– Come on, man.
Let’s do this paperwork.
You ain’t gotta show me anything else.
– If you wouldn’t mind putting your dollar in the briefcase.
– Thank you.
– You paid the deposit.
Here’s the paperwork.
Congrats on your brand new home.
– This is it.
Can’t beat it.
Can’t beat it.
Can’t believe I just bought a house for a dollar guys.
– This is the second house.
– No I’m Karl.
– And the cool thing about this house is it’s actually
two separate houses combined into one.
– Get away.
– And instead of using this stupid sign,
I bought a billboard.
Houses for sale as high as $1, nothing more.
And that billboard is on a really busy street.
– There’s gonna be a lot of people here.
– Oh, they just pulled into the driveway.
They must have saw the billboard. Let’s mask up.
Go, go, go, go, go.
– How are y’all doing?
You guys more of a left or right kind of house.
– I like a right.
Yeah. That’s good.
– Okay, good, because that’s the one we were gonna offer.
– I take it you saw the billboard?
Have you ever seen the channel Mr. Beast?
– Yeah. Yeah. I subscribe to it on Snapchat.
– Oh, Snapchat?
You’ve only seen us on Snapchat.
– Yep.
– All right. Well, I guess we’re a Snapchat channel now.
You know, it’s like the billboard said,
the house is a dollar.
Do you want me to show you around?
– Yeah, that’d be awesome dude.
– Okay. Let’s do it.
– All right, come on in guys. This is the place.
– This is the living room.
Over here’s your stereotypical kitchen.
Never seen a washer and dryer in the kitchen
but it’s how the house came.
But follow me upstairs.
– And this is where your Nerf guns go, apparently.
I don’t know if you guys need Nerf guns?
– The master bedroom.
It’s pretty big.
Ignore the Ghillie suit.
[enemy spotted]
– So the first room is the game room.
You’ve got a PS Five, brand new gaming computer,
and then here’s your retro gaming corner.
– Oh my God.
It’s so beautiful. I think I might just live in here.
– And the best part of the house.
No, I want you to pull it.
– This is gonna be the most exciting part
of the entire house.
– A lifetime supply of toilet paper.
– It’s a lifetime supply of toilet paper.
– Toilet paper aside,
we actually did have a really cool surprise
waiting for them.
– Holy
– That’s awesome, dude.
– Yeah. So this also comes with it.
– Is it like full?
– Yeah there’s money.
– I kind of wanna dive into it.
– And while they were signing the paperwork
more cars kept showing up and we had to thin people off
by giving them bags of money.
Oh, hey!
The houses were already sold, but that’s why
we brought these bags of money.
Here you go.
Do you have any more? – You only gave me three.
– Well, it looks like your kids just got rich.
– That’s fine!
All right.
Do people just bring their entire family
to random addresses on billboards?
– You guys shouldn’t trust things so easily.
– I just bought a house for a dollar. Is this real life?
– I’ve been subscribed for a while now.
And I don’t even know what to say right now.
Like I’m in shock.
– Here is your key.
Here’s the key to your guys’ house.
You guys are now neighbors.
And now we’re back at the fourth house.
And instead of selling this house for a dollar,
we’re gonna be giving it to someone in need.
– We have a friend that’s been in and outta the hospital
and I think this would be just great for her.
– I’m glad we could help her.
So, blur this.
Todd, here’s my credit card.
Buy whatever furniture you think
your friend would like in this house.
I don’t care what it costs.
If you think your friend would like it, buy it.
This is the next house
and we’re gonna do something different.
– What are we doing?
– I want Tareq to give his camera to Karl
and then Brady give your camera to Chris.
Now we have the goofy goobers filming
and we have our cameramen here.
– Hey
– I don’t care who it is,
whoever puts a dollar in pennies
in this briefcase first gets the house.
– Oh, hey, let’s go.
– Hey.
– Hi.
– While we’re talking, Tareq is getting a head start.
– No, no, no, Tareq no.
– I need to go to a heavily populated area
that has a lot of people so I can ask ’em for pennies
and see if they can give me any.
– Yeah, this whole being a camera person
thing’s kind of easy.
– You kinda into it?
– Yeah. I don’t get why you’re bad at it.
– I mean, it’s not… oh.
– Chris, you gotta run.
– I don’t like to run.
How about a mom jog?
– What if I give you a dollar for all your change?
Thank you so much.
Appreciate it.
Five pennies.
We’re 5 cents in. Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go.
– That’s 1/20th!
– All right.
Just go to a checkout.
I feel like if I wait in line, I’m gonna lose.
If I give you 20 bucks,
will you give all the pennies that you have?
You don’t have any pennies?
– No pennies.
– Meanwhile, Todd and his wife were just going ham
buying stuff for the final house.
– I like this couch over here.
– I’ll tell you this one is good.
– How much is this whole set right here?
– $5,000 for all of it. Would you take it?
– Where are we gonna put all this?
– Didn’t they get a couch?
– Six of these?
Are you sure?
– I think this is enough from this store.
– Yeah.
– I sure hope Jimmy’s card works.
– There they are.
They’re they’re coming in here.
– Oh, he’s getting pennies.
He’s getting pennies.
– We already got this spot, get outta here.
Do you have a hundred pennies?
– You can do that?
I really didn’t think you would be able to do that.
– If I give you 20 bucks,
will you give me all the pennies that you have?
– Why would he ask a complete stranger?
What are the odds of them carrying a hundred pennies?
– Thank you so much.
– You just helped him win a house.
– I just need pennies.
Yes, thank you so much.
– Don’t get hit by a car, that would be really bad.
But it wouldn’t be funny though.
– Oh my God that’s so many pennies. If I give you $20,
will you gimme all the pennies that you have?
Will you guys gimme all the pennies that you have?
I need pennies.
Pennies. You think this guy has pennies?
All the pennies.
– You think you have enough pennies?
– I think so.
– Oh my gosh, dude. I think this is my house.
Jimmy, Jimmy.
– What’s up?
– I got it.
– Let me see.
Let’s actually confirm there’s pennies in here.
(Mario music)
99, 100.
– Yes! Yes! Woo! – Congratulations Brady.
You just won a brand new house.
Welcome back Tareq.
– Hello.
– I’m gonna show Brady around his new house
and if you don’t mind, could you film us?
– Oh, gladly. Oh, gladly.
– Now, if you go through the bathroom, follow me.
This is your master bedroom and it is huge.
– Oh my gosh.
I cannot believe this.
Look at this, it comes with a fireplace.
Holy cow. Look at the natural light in this.
Hey, there’s Jeff.
That’s our sound guy.
– Hey Jeff.
– Now Brady, you’re probably wondering
what does this creepy door lead to?
There’s stairs.
– There’s stairs.
– Proceed up the stairs.
– No freaking way.
– Tareq you really lost this one, bro.
– Now Brady has his very own movie theater room
to watch all the Disney movies he wants.
Because he looks like the kind of guy
who’d like Disney movies.
– What’s wrong with that, huh?
– Hey look, I’m a cat, meow.
– Oh gosh.
Oh my God!
– Here’s the key to the house.
(epic music)
Hope there was epic music.
Let’s go see how much damage Todd has done.
– Oh, I was gonna hop backwards and be like
I’m gonna take a nap.
– No, we’re just gonna put that in instead.
When we left, this house was empty.
Let’s see what happened.
Oh my gosh.
– Oh wow. – Hey.
– Tell us what you bought.
– Seven or eight TVs.
– Six or seven more than needed, but that’s fine.
Wait, Chris, is that a grill?
Do people put grills inside their house?
– No, that’s how you start a fire, Jimmy.
– Why is there so much coffee?
– She likes coffee.
This is my favorite room in the whole house.
Look at this.
– Look at this shower.
– Look at this pool.
– I think we should invite her over.
She’s gonna call Felicia
and tell her to come over to be in a video.
Well, I don’t know why I did this. It’s actually a video.
Felicia just pulled up
and will knock on the door any second now.
– Oh, hey Felicia, come on in.
– Todd spill the beans.
What have you been working on all day?
– This is your house.
Everything in here is yours.
– Wait a minute.
– I know, I know it’s a lot to process,
but dead serious. 100%. I promise.
– I just don’t even.
I don’t.
I’m like, I don’t know.
– Thank you?
– I don’t even know what to do.
I know I keep saying the same thing,
but I just don’t even know.
I don’t even, I don’t even believe it.
– Todd thought you wanted eight TVs,
so it comes with eight TVs.
– Hey yo, ma.
You deserve it.
– I don’t, no, I don’t deserve this.
– You’ve been through a lot. You deserve it.
– What do I do?
Just show her the grill?
– Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Show her the grill.
She’s crying!
– Oh my gosh!
– So is Todd lying to me?
Do you actually like coffee?
– She loves coffee.
– You have a lifetime supply.
– Oh my gosh.
Y’all are nuts.
– The cool thing is there’s more to go.
You wanna see back here?
My personal favorite part of the house is the bathroom.
– No.
– I’m so glad you liked the house.
– I don’t even know what to say.
I’m in shock.
– Don’t have a heart attack when I tell you this,
but we might have one more thing for you.
You can probably see it from here.
– Y’all done bought me a whole car?
– To go with your brand new home is a brand new car.
I’m so glad you’re so happy.
– I-
I’m so excited, I don’t even know what to say.
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