I Spent 24 Hours In A Doomsday Bunker

– Dozens of missile silos were built in the 1950s
and they were made to withstand a nuclear strike.
But after being abandoned in the sixties,
this one has been transformed
into a 14-story luxury underground bunker,
complete with the pool, garden, movie theater,
and so much more,
with the purpose of giving people a cool place to stay
if the world ended. (explosion booming)
And we’re gonna spend 24 hours here,
and this is how you get in.
(Jimmy knocking) (Jimmy screaming)
– [Robotic Voice] Access granted.
– Look how thick this is.
You couldn’t break into this if you had a thousand years.
Once we step inside and shut that door,
we’re stuck for 24 hours.
Okay? – Darn. Oh geez.
– Come on in boys.
The door’s now closing guys.
That’s a 16,000 pound door that just closed,
24 hours starts now, let’s go.
Door number two.
There’s another door.
This place is so secure, it’s crazy.
Got it. Oh my goodness.
Look at this door.
– That’s another thick door.
– Okay. Here’s another door.
– Another. – This is the fourth door
that we’ve had to go through.
Chandler. I’ll let you do it.
(handle rattling)
Oh, wow.
– I don’t know. – He knows the secret combo.
– On the other side of this steel bolted vault door
is a pool.
Which only makes sense.
(door clanking) – Yo.
– Whoa! – Hello?
– We should throw Chris in the water.
– Oh, totally.
– Let’s do it. – Okay.
I’m gonna go- – Yeah.
Yeah. – No.
No. (sound effect grunting)
(explosion booming)
– All right, time for huggies.
Time for huggies.
– I’m locking you guys in.
(water splashing)
– Now I don’t have to wash my clothes.
(guitar music)
– This elevator goes 14-stories deep, underground.
Whoa that looks very ominous.
Come on in.
Here is all the floors.
– [Elevator Assistant] Security and sick bay.
– Whoa.
Look at that.
That’s incredible.
– You can see everything going on here.
– [Cameraman] This is crazy.
– Everything in this area is monitored 24/7
with top of the line surveillance.
As you can see, Chris is getting in the elevator.
I bet you he Fortnite dances.
– [Chandler] He twerked.
He threw it back.
– We’re gonna go to floor number four.
Whoa. – Whoa.
– Wait, so this is where they store all the food at.
This is 47 servings of apples.
Now let’s talk about how we’re in a store.
Look at this. – Underground.
– This is an underground fish market.
– There’s like multiple stories on this story.
– How does this work?
– Whoa. – Holy crap.
(Chandler gasps) Yo is this real?
– This is where they grow plants for the entire bunker.
They literally grow everything here,
and this is Dustin.
He’s gonna answer our questions.
Why are we growing all this?
– If you were to be locked out from the outside world,
you’re gonna need to grow your own plants,
and you’re gonna be self sustained.
They grow the fish, and they use the waste in the fish
to grow the plants, and they use the plants
to grow the food for the fish.
– Crazy how they have this self-sustaining way to grow food,
and do all this stuff for people.
This is nuts.
– So you guys have any more questions?
– Do fish get thirsty?
– We’re gonna move on.
Come on. Let’s go.
(creepy instrumental music)
Now we’re gonna go to the 14th floor and work our way up.
– [Chris] Wow.
– Oh dude, it feels like we’re walking into a theater.
– [Chris] Whoa.
I’d say we probably have to watch the “Bee Movie.”
– The “Bee Movie” it is.
– [Barry Benson] You like jazz?
– Sorry about that detour, we’re back.
This next one, instead of the elevator,
we’re gonna take the stairs.
– Why? – For fun.
We should walk all the way to the top.
(Chris farts) – Oh God.
– [Jimmy] So is this floor 13?
– This is floor 13.
Is this the gym?
Let’s get our gains boys.
– This workout room is great, because if you’re stuck
in this bunker for an extended period of time,
like 10 years, you’re gonna want to stay fit.
What are you doing Chris?
– I’m getting fit. – Oh yeah!
– And attached to the weight room,
there’s a sauna.
(Chris gasps)
– See you guys later, bye.
– So Chris, how does this feel?
(upbeat instrumental music)
(switches clicking)
I wonder what the owners of the bunker
think of us right now.
– They’re probably watching us on the camera going,
“Look at those idiots.”
– Just stop.
Just stop it.
– [Chandler] What floor is this?
– Oh, this is the education place.
– Wait, really? – Get out.
– Wait, this is the school.
Were they drawing the schematics of the bunker?
This is classified information.
– Project…
Can’t even say it.
– Oh. A library.
– There’s just so many books in here.
– Not really. – That was sarcasm.
(Jimmy laughs)
(upbeat instrumental music)
– We’re about to play a game of pool, but let’s make it fun.
How about we all bet $2,000.
Whoever wins gets $6,000.
– All right, deal. – Yes.
(intense instrumental music) (balls clattering)
– [Chris] Yeah, I did that.
– So we’re splitting ’em into three.
We’re not gonna bore you with it,
see you at the end.
(intense instrumental music)
(ball clattering)
– [Chris] That’s the ball game.
– Thank you sir.
I’ll take your money.
– Oh, there’s two grand.
We take that, boom.
There’s four grand, boom.
There you go.
(cash register clinking) In his pocket.
Let’s keep going.
– I hope that was just for the video.
(Chris laughs)
– This place is really cool.
Lots of fun stuff.
Doesn’t even feel like a bunker.
I say we all split up and go have fun.
– Okay. – Okay.
– Split up on three, three.
– [Group] Split up.
– All right guys, we split up.
I’m gonna go play some ping pong
– [Elevator Assistant] Going up.
– Now that we’re split up, I’m gonna go read a book.
(footsteps clattering)
Is this the library?
It is. All right.
“Prepare For Anything Survival Manual.”
I think if you have a place in here, you’re good.
– Now that we’ve split up, I’m gonna go work out.
Gotta get those gains.
I saw a guy at the gym do these one time.
(ping pong ball clattering)
(upbeat instrumental music)
– All right. (racket clattering)
Let’s go climb this wall.
– “The Wizard’s First Rule.”
I have to read this entire 600 page book
to see his first rule?
– I was gonna work out for like 20 minutes,
but it’s really hard, and I don’t wanna.
(upbeat instrumental music)
(Chandler screams)
– I’m scared. I’m getting down.
– These books don’t really interest me,
but there’s a chessboard.
(intense instrumental music)
– [Chris] No.
– Sit down.
Time to do chess.
You wanna bet $2,000 on this game of chess?
– I don’t want to, but let’s risk it.
Let the dice roll.
– All right.
(intense instrumental music)
(chess pieces clattering)
So you lost two grand pool, and two grand in chess.
You wanna do double or nothing?
If you win, you could pay off everything.
– All right. Double or nothing.
I get to have Ryan on my team though.
– Hey. – So double or nothing,
them versus me.
If he wins, that pays off his pool debt
and the last game. – Hey Ryan,
did you actually used to play chess?
– Oh yeah, a lot.
– Did you beat people? – No.
(intense instrumental music)
– I wonder what Chandler’s up to.
(intense instrumental music)
(intense instrumental music)
Chris bet two grand on the first game
to make up for what he lost on pool.
– Yeah. – And then he lost.
So then now he’s doing double or nothing.
Four grand. – But this time I get Ryan.
– He looks sad.
(intense instrumental music)
(chess piece clattering) – Were you here?
– Yeah. – Yeah.
– [Ryan] That’s check.
– That’s checkmate. – That’s checkmate.
(chess piece clattering)
So, checkmate, GG.
Thank you.
– [Elevator Assistant] Going up.
– If you’re watching the cameras, I’m leaving,
I’m through with this place,
I’ve lost so much money here.
(Chris grunting)
– [Elevator Assistant] Residential level.
– This looks like a normal house.
– [Cameraman] Oh my God.
– [Chris] Yo.
– This floor right here,
floor number 11, costs 2.5 million dollars.
– Can we afford that?
– Each of these condos cost between one
and two and a half million dollars,
and they can support up to 10 people.
And every single floor is protected
by nine foot thick walls.
Ain’t nobody getting in.
It even has windows of the outside.
This is just a video,
it’s a TV of the outside world.
You’re getting hydrated?
Based on everything I’ve seen so far,
this is probably the most comfortable bed in the world.
Oh, feels like a normal bed.
Wait, there’s bunk beds.
I don’t even have kids
– Top bunk.
– Hi – Hi.
– We’re just gonna let ’em do their thing.
They’re like 10 years old,
they’re talking about pandas.
So we’re on the fourth floor,
and we’re gonna get some food.
– Hungies.
– So the boys are hungry.
We’re not allowed to-
– Scrambled eggs in a can.
– What we’re gonna do, is we’re gonna go
to those plant you saw earlier,
and we’re gonna cut some and make a salad.
– Through the tunnel.
– You’re our chef for the day.
What is that?
– Lettuce. – What about that?
– Lettuce.
– So we’re just supposed to cut our own food?
– Yeah. – Is that how that works?
– Yeah. – So we have all these greens
and can you harvest us some fish?
– We already have fish that have been pre-harvested
and stored so that we can cook it at any time we want.
(Chandler claps) – There we go,
fish and salad.
– [Elevator Assistant] Surface level.
So we’re back on the residential floor.
We got our greens right here.
We also got the fish that was harvested in there,
and we’re gonna make a meal with food grown
in the bunker.
– Put them in a strainer,
you wash it off all really good.
– Shouldn’t you guys wash your hands?
– I did. Did you not see me?
I went like this.
– Now we spin the lettuce.
Watch, are you ready for this?
– I’m not. (Chris humming)
– Now we take it off.
– But Chris, how are you making this tilapia?
– First off, I need a pan, some oil.
(intense instrumental music)
(oil sizzling)
– Here you are.
Please do not touch it yet.
The plate is hot.
(stately instrumental music)
– Is this in case I barf?
– Yes. – Chef Chris?
– [Chris] Yes. Yes.
– Which would you recommend I indulge in first?
– I would go with the salad,
because it can’t be raw and give you stomach problems.
– All right, I’m gonna start off by trying the salad.
– Okay. Oh my goodness.
(salad crunching)
– Oh, it tastes like salt.
– Your eyes are watering.
He’s crying. – Dude.
This is so salty.
All right, let’s try the fish.
(magical sparkling)
It tastes amazing.
(Chandler clapping) – Success.
– Now that we’ve had a good
and healthy dinner, what do you guys wanna do next?
– Sauna.
We haven’t done sauna.
Sweat with your boys.
– Chris, you hit the sauna.
You watch a movie.
I gotta take some phone calls.
– All right. – Break on three.
One, two, three, break on three.
– I’m gonna go get hot and sweaty.
– Now I’m gonna go to the security room and scare them.
I’m gonna see where they are in the camera,
just to see who we can scare the best.
That sounds so mean.
It’s okay, I give ’em money all the time.
– [Elevator Assistant] Security and sick bay.
– Yeah, right over here.
Okay, they’re both in the movie theater,
so we’re gonna go there.
Real talk.
They’ve gotten a little too comfortable in this bunker,
I mean, the world’s ending, like, come on.
We gotta scare ’em a little bit.
(Jimmy shushing)
(explosion booming)
(sharp instrumental music)
– You’ll never be able to sneak up on me.
– Well, that didn’t work,
so I guess I’m just gonna watch a movie.
(gentle instrumental music)
(Jimmy grunting)
To be honest, I completely forgot
I’m 11 stories deep, underground.
This feels like a normal house.
But anyways, I’m gonna get some sleep,
I’ll see you guys tomorrow morning.
– All right, I’m about to go to bed,
but I’m gonna say goodnight to my wife first.
I just wanted to tell you goodnight and that I love you.
– [Chris’s wife] I love you too.
I’m gonna go to bed. (Chris thudding)
– All right guys, I’m in my room,
I’m gonna go to bed, but I gotta make a call first.
Yeah, can I get a large cheese pizza and a large pepperoni?
I’m in a bunker.
(gentle instrumental music)
– Good morning.
I spent the first three hours of today
listening to an audio book on Steve jobs.
Let’s go see what the boys are up to.
(door clicking)
Chris. – Yeah.
– Wake up. – Ow, my eyes.
– Come on, we got a video to film.
– My eyes are burning.
For some reason,
whenever I wake up, my hair always looks like this
in the morning.
– [Jimmy Neutron] Gotta blast.
– I’m so tired.
– How was your guys’ night last night?
– I slept like a rock.
– I also slept like a rock.
– So we’re all in agreeance,
sleeping in a bunker
is the same as sleeping not in a bunker.
– No, sleeping in a bunker is 10 times better.
(Jimmy laughs) – And the 24 hours is up.
We are now out of the bunker.
Oh my gosh, the sun is so bright.
– Ah, I can’t see.
– Kinda wanna go back.
– I’m going back. – Yeah, they had a pool
in there and video games and-
– Wait. – Wait.
– Wait, wait, wait, wait!
– The door just closed on us.
I wanted to go back.
– Try the code again. – Oh yeah.
(Jimmy knocking) (Jimmy screaming)
– It’s not working.
– They change the code every 24 hours.
Darn it! (explosion booms)
♪ Mr. Beast 6000 oh ♪
(explosion booms) ♪ Mr. Beast 6000 ♪
♪ Yeah you know his name ♪
♪ He changed it once or twice ♪
♪ But I think it’s here to stay ♪
(explosion booming)

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