India: Safari – Travel Kids in Asia

rosie let’s journal about our adventures today okay what’d you think about my outfit pretty big today we went on an elephant safari in india is a big country with over a billion people and all those people have different ways of getting around like motorbikes rickshaws bicycles even horse-drawn reagan’s but today we’re not looking for people we’re looking for animals on an animal safari but first we have to get past this traffic jam finally we got moving but now we had to decide who got the window seat da we left the city and drove to corbett national park the very first national park in india i sat in the window seat the whole way this park was created to protect the homes of some of india’s animals like monkeys tigers and elephants do you remember that cool spot we found to look over the park rosie yeah a tree house hello world how look at all those mountains when we go on our safari i wonder how we’re going to cross the water rosie maybe a boat our friend detendra had a better way of getting across the water elephant ride that is cool cassandra had special elephant saddles that can hold up to five people you know what i said this morning yes what tell me i said is an elephant very nice yes it is it is their feet are bigger too they um have big feet they don’t make loud noises they don’t they actually have very soft feet yes can you go up an elephant now sure let’s go can your mom come with us yes sure remember how i said there are over a billion people here rosie yep well there’s only around 30 000 nation elephants left in india that’s a lot less that’s why there are parks like corbett to make sure animals still have a place to call home here comes the water you know you can do it are we gonna step in the water yes we are going to cross the river now i’ve never crossed the river on an elephant before you are doing right now looks like it’s pretty hard to do hey it’s changing start to drink big fella is he drinking julian it’s pretty shallow over here can we give a snack to the elephants one yes we’ll do that we’ll give us back to the elephant and after we give them the snack they’ll go and have the grass and the sugarcane also still good just like us our elephant had to have something healthy before our sugar came snack she collected grass with her trunk and swung up back and forth to get all the dirt off while we were on our animals so far we saw wild wars deer and even other elephants way off in the distance time to give our elephant your snack russia can feel it whoa i was a little bit nervous about putting such a big animal but chitranja told me she was just before we start giving them the sugar we see how they take out the harnesses okay oh nice nice way to climb up yeah how come they’re going like that now now they’re going to take out whatever you’re sitting on hmm ready to have some more sugar sugar sugar elephants use the chunks like hands their trunks have over 40 000 mussels in them and helps them to eat and drink here we go big buddy good job elephants bye yeah the ride of our lives in india hello we have already been on the elephant safari in the morning how about going on a jeep safari okay let’s go rosie look there’s hundreds of them i decided


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