so much to learn about it’ll make you
wanna shout with me
square circle triangle rectangle octagon
star oval trapezoid Diamond Pentagon
square circle triangle rectangle octagon
star oval trapezoid Diamond Pentagon
oh my there’s so many shapes
shapes All Around Me shapes
oh my there’s so many shapes
shapes are what shape the world
slice of bread is a square
full moon is a circle
chips are triangles
school buses are rectangles
square circle
rectangle square
rectangle square circle triangle
rectangle octagon star oval trapezoid
Diamond Pentagon shapes
oh my there’s so many shapes
shapes All Around Me shapes
oh my there’s so many shapes
hips are what shape the world
stop signs are octagons and chicken eggs
are over
starfish or star-shaped and a Kai is a
oval star
shapes All Around Me shapes
oh my there’s so many shapes
shapes All Around Me shapes
shapes are what shapes