Marceline’s closet! | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network

concept album based on 500 years of my
journal entries so here’s some
preliminary notes I
I want to make this the most emotional
album ever so private and secret that
I’ll never let anyone hear this is so
wrong no one can ever hear it ever
pick one
hello Journal it’s me it’s been a while
since we talked about my life and stuff
let’s start with my feelings about my
friends oh wait I don’t have friends
we’ve crossed the vine I’m getting out
of here man yeah do it because
what’s it doing
oh what
what happened uh
where are you oh there you are my broom
stupid thing no
is it safe I don’t know man go sculpt
the scene
what happened man I’m not going back out
there well what do you mean what
why are you talking I’m wondering if
she’s awake well if she’s awake she can
definitely hear you talking I’m
whispering well now we’re about quietly
screaming I can hear both of you
disguise yourself full
what are you bozos doing in my Lair dude
I think she sees us
dude dude shape changed to look like me
yeah hey
hey explain yourselves
we’re playing hide and seek in your
closet and you came home so we hidden
there all day we saw
no glob I mean whatever you do to us I
just want to say we’re sorry so sorry
okay apology accepted what I hide in
your house all the time

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