we are ready to go in the performance
round of the jubalife city Pokemon
contest so let’s give a big hand to our
first coordinator from Twin Leaf towns
here we go
all right Piplup bubble beam
no one ever said it would be easy
as our heroes continue their Trek
through the Sinnoh region Dawn’s Pokemon
contest training continues in Earnest
smooth well
I haven’t eaten in so long my mouth is
thinking of going on strike that works
for me
fighting won’t feed us but we’ll never
find the Horn of Plenty foolishly flat
on our backs
I’m upright more or less so where’s my
S without
suggestions with gods of gratefulness as
a reward for being awesome hey please
don’t fail me now
I got bite marks and we’ve got company
yeah think of it those Footprints came
from the Pokemon who harvested this Heap
and who’ll be beside themselves with
anger if we steal it
oh let him be angry
oopsie Daisy
that’s all there isn’t there ain’t no
more with these Berry baskets we’ll
never have to worry about gift giving
again don’t worry I got it
except we’re looking for what might have
huh someone’s singing
those pointy Footprints we saw don’t
square up with those big feet I’ll say
one thing they sure know how to have a
good time and that would make giving
those tree party animals to the boss for
a present to placement political Ploy
imagine getting your wake-up call sung
to you
or throwing back your favorite sandwich
while growing to your favorite Tunes
takes on a whole new meaning when he
shakes his boss booty to those trees so
you can guess what he’s gonna say did
you know them friends have not only
given me a great present they’re also
helping me to stay in Tip-Top physical
shape we’ll be in great shape too
sporting our fat wallets
those sad sex is saying that that big
bunch of berries that just blasted off
was theirs in the voice play well now we
know who not to be afraid of hmm I’ll do
you one better than that first we’ll
convince those singing saps that we’ve
got their best interests at heart and
that their trust in US is well deserved
and then we grab the Grateful Gabby
gullible yeah
right we’ve been
I’m sure we can settle this in a court
of law we’re here from the Pokemon
International Court to mitigate this
food fight so from now on you will refer
to us 3 as your Pokemon judgeships
after listening to all you loud mouths
we are convinced you got no legal
grounds for nothing
we’ve only realized that you’re a bunch
of yummy berries went bye-bye but
there’s not one shred apart evidence
that those Lively beauty color lifted
them so
saying that since these fairies can’t
walk here’s your proof oh so you called
this screw excuse me buster but I don’t
seem to find your name written anywhere
did you see the name Golduck inscribed
on any surface well I don’t nowhere no
no way not today you lose
alrighty since justice has been unjustly
served cord is adjourned
all right what do you say fighting words
I am not a piece of fruit no matter what
anybody says
carnivine quick your strongest bike
this system works all is well now isn’t
it fun to have friends one thing’s for
sure you can trust us as far as you can
throw us but please don’t try and think
that one through
your family must have had their hands
full you guys must have been a trip and
Luna Colo school I suggest laying off of
all sweets the next time
thank you
strange Piplup was just here before huh
of course
I’m afraid to ask but what’s Piplup
doing with those Pokemon going on a
Pokemon it makes its home in lakes and
is able to swim faster than a gold
medalist oh looks like Piplup is leading
them all somewhere let’s follow them and
see where right
wouldn’t you know we finally have a
great plan and we’re pleased with
hyperactive Pokemon we’ve got the
berries mark my words that gold duck
will be back it’ll be a whole lot easier
to give that Pokemon to the boss than a
bunch of Kooks who act like they ate way
too much candy
who are those Pokemon they’re Ludicolo
let me see
the Carefree Pokemon when Ludicolo
listens to happy music its power grows
stronger and it just has to dance
so what is Piplup doing anyway looks
like piplup’s not very happy about
something the three of them did
I think piplups trying to help the other
Pokemon by acting as their leader
Hitler then the twerps must be hovering
close by come on details it appears
piplups befriended Golduck and its crew
it’s perfect they’ll tangle with the
loony Ludicolo and to wear themselves
out then we’ll grab gold dice
what it’s a plastic flip-flop you’re
fogging the lens out of the way you walk
the highway
it’s the twerps and Pikachu too right on
cue with Pikachu electricity and
Ludicolo lunacy how can we lose let’s
bag the whole bunch
what’s going on out there
listen closely is that a boy’s eye here
wait it’s speaking to me loud and clear
up the window past the stars
out of that freaking Pace dashing hope
and putting fear in this place by any
other names just as sweet but
everything’s worse our work is complete
whatever you guys are doing here it
can’t be good you’re so selfish just
stealing all your Pokemon will be good
for us think of someone else for the
it looks like golduck’s got that
pipsqueak on the Pokey payroll hey some
bodyguard I get it they need someone to
fight for them and Piplup agreed
stop Pikachu quick use Thunderbolt now
I love it Pikachu’s going Gaga out there
well we’re just fine I say we make them
all go Gaga
look at them all they’re everywhere just
look at them go we can catch every
Pokemon in here
you’ve got to get up you promise to help
everyone so you can’t stop now
yes you can
you can do it
thank you
that’s showing on Piplup yeah but you’re
not done yet so keep it up
they stop going Gaga and we’ve taken
over any other variety ideas since we’re
all going down the drain I suggest we
dance who do you think
so is everyone here okay
sometimes air is as good as food
especially when you haven’t been
breathing much Pikachu
Thunderbolt let’s go
man this is weird how did Team Rocket
manage to get all of these berries
oh no
and to think I love swimming as a girl
you are probably wondering where we got
those berries we were actually holding
them for you for a safe keeping really
you can’t blame us for wanting to have a
I’m starting to enjoy this the ocean
breezes the blue water in my hair if
only I could hear the Romantic swell of
violins I would truly be at peace oh how
touchy sadly this is not the time to be
cracking up oh yeah if I want to crack
up I’ll do it when I feel like it
without you keeping me on a schedule and
you wonder why we’re a team
take care everyone see ya
wow if it wasn’t for Piplup none of this
would have gotten straightened out
hiplup you were awesome
Piplup come on let’s try that move of
ours one more time
wow that’s it hey Dawn hiplup’s looking
strong for sure
I think we’re both ready for our Pokemon
contest now great Piplup you’re looking
hey racy to Jubal life City
so it was the result of coming to the
aid of some Pokemon in need that ended
up putting piplups contest skills over
the top and into competitive form and
armed with that knowledge and some
impressive moves our hero’s journey