that’s my dustox
oh dear dust talks got dusted the
victory goes to Jeffrey of mocha Town
great stuff Marowak Marowak that means
we get a gym badge right take it
the shame lost again you’ll keep losing
and we ain’t got no strategy did you
have to go and find me a trainer with an
annoying tick oh like Talent
how come buying Munchies is always on my
that Croagunk looks like a big big face
bully to me time for me and my Munchies
to Mosey on out of here
hey get lousy lug is following me don’t
be a wimp you’re heading in the same
direction as that nope that’s all
time out so why to stop it when I’m
stopping nah something’s rotten with
that rabble Rouser and I’m gone
I’ve been a scram before I become the
munchies hey leave me alone balloon brat
a new friend this weirdo’s been telling
me since way back at this door
oh who’s that Pokemon hold on I’ve got
my cards yes here it is pro Gunk the
toxic mouth Pokemon Pro Gunk has poison
in its cheeks and can spray poison from
its fingertips it also makes noise by
expanding its poison Sac creep
I wonder what that’s about you guys are
all so boring what a boring bunch of big
fat boys how do you stand it that’s what
it’s saying
say whatever you like but must it be
with such a poisson
yes that face perhaps if we could cover
those teeth
oh my God
and I’m not bored
what move was that it’s called Poison
damn oh I like subtle names
sounds like Crow Gunk still bought out
of its pee brain say I know I’ve just
the thing be bored no more
champ a liar
continuing their Sinnoh region Journey
Our Heroes minds are no doubt being
occupied by contests and Gym Battles
when suddenly
a scissor
whoa that’s a scissor
scissor the pincer Pokemon it
intimidates its foes with its claws
imprinted with I like patterns how cool
scissor huh hey can’t you slow down you
don’t have to be in that big of a rush
as far as I’m concerned the only place
you should rush to is by my side really
no not again
that scissors great is it yours it sure
is scissors my all-time fave anyway I
heard there’s a chimp close by do you
all know if that’s true a gym I think
the closest gym around must be the
orberg gym
she’s right it’s past Jubal life City no
that’s not the one I mean I’m talking
about a brand new gym that just opened
up that’s what we’re out here looking
for a brand new gym It’s called Power
Zone Jim what do you say we go find it
I’d love to see how a real gym operates
hey let’s all look for it oh Minnie is
what they call me hi my name’s Ash
I’m Don nice to meet you nice to meet
you come on let’s go
the name’s Brock whether you break my
heart or not
honest truth
truth power Zone Jim takes any Pokemon
that lose air and trains them to get
strong hey
such a nice thing to do sure is so I
figure they’ll want to help me too huh
hey look that’s gotta be it feels Fury
swipe sand slash
hey look at him go
we came at a good time sandwich
and that’s a Kroger sand slash the mouse
Pokemon when it runs at full speed it
sends up a thick cloud of sand in order
to hide itself
the toxic metal Pokemon it lives in
swamps and forests where there is very
little light it prefers moist places use
sand potassium
Dodge that poison Jab
you okay sand slash is unable to battle
princess power Zone wins that’s me
you were great sand slash
a valiant effort but no badge oh fear
not we will train your mate we’ll
supercharge that sand slash wow thank
you so much isn’t that nice of them
okay I’ll be back later
much later so what they say is true all
right excuse me we want a battle too
me too if you don’t mind with pleasure
out to rabbits all right who told the
twerps we really don’t talk that much
let’s think this through whatever
they’re here now besides when it comes
to our disguises they’re clueless and if
we don’t battle them then they’ll get
weird excuse us is something wrong oh no
no no no no everything couldn’t be more
right I am your not so humble gym leader
princess power zone so who will be first
I will
so you asked first all right oh man I
could have sworn I was the first one to
we will first familiarize ourselves with
the power Zone Jim rules all gyms have
different rules done I’ll bet it’s one
on one or three on three cool
the battle will be one on one if you’re
lucky enough to defeat the gym leader
you weren’t a badge each gym has its own
kind of gym badge I’ve just gotta see
what theirs is like sir may we see what
your badge looks like before the battle
starts the house loaders we gave away
our last one and I haven’t had time to
fudge anymore
fear not being the lucky younger brother
of the prince’s power Zone I can assist
you in your quest presenting the power
Zone badge
all right what now it’s gonna go flat
that’s a gym badge huh that’s original
all right wow you’re not kidding sorry
but they look like plain old bottle caps
if you ask me how dare you disappoint
the Perfection of the princess’s Royal
Oak crumbs the shine Glitz the glamor
the five zip return on the deposit okay
just don’t appreciate what good badge
design is all about now don’t you
now that we understand each other ready
with your ravishing Beauty you’ve got to
win this one
if that’s how we’re scoring then I win
you’re wrong many wins okay referee
well let’s see knowing the Challenger is
sure to be far less of a health hazard
than the power punching princess if
she’s declared loser the answer is as
clear as The Unbroken nose on my face
gym leader wins
Ash our Gym battle is always like this
whoa awesome how fast is that this is
all sizzle
snap out of it
resistance straighten his voice what
gym leader sure is skillful but the
referee’s not yeah talk about a lousy
call let’s see now where were we can use
poison stick oh God
what’s more
let’s wrap this up poison Jab
scissors unable to battle deliver his
princess power Zone
that was a tough battle sure was it was
so close well I never expected it to be
right but have no worries at our gym
loses a number one we’ll take scissor
and teach that loser to win see you may
be a lost cause but not your scissor hey
that’s not very nice but it’s awfully
nice of you to help my scissor out
and help we will and when it comes to
service we are second to none we’ll whip
your scissor into the best shape of its
Pokemon in life that’s great thanks so
okay but now it’s our turn for our
sorry but my empty stomach tells me it’s
time for lunch you’re kidding me and
just look my Crow Gunk is so tuckered
from battling the poor deer can’t catch
its breath did I miss something croakunk
looks fine well I’m hungry why don’t we
all take a little lunch break okay and
Minnie you’re welcome to join us too
thanks I will scissor promised me you’ll
train real hard
take care of scissor like one of our own
you won’t believe what a good cook Brock
is I can’t wait
there’s one born every minute their
sucker’s all right snatching Sizzle was
a blast then you’ll just love what’s on
tap why an idea whose Time Has Come hey
Bob I Choose You
hey no no ah something wrong with using
Aipom nope it’s fine hey Pokemon to
Pokemon all right let’s begin now
crogunk brick break
Dodge it then you Swift
now Focus punch
we don’t have to take that poison jab
a palm are you okay
I love that move so let’s use it once
K-pop can’t take two of those double
Swift let’s go
let’s finish this now Focus punch
Ash wins it it’s a slam dunk what do you
say referee
is unable to uh what are you doing to me
so the winner is ash from politone
if I had to battle twice I’d be out too
now that’s what I call a fun time so are
you ready for your next about what about
Ash’s badge at the power Zone Jim you
gotta win two battles in a row to get a
badge rules are rules after all that’s
not fair
is it Gym Leaders do have a right to
make their own rules I guess and here we
go dust dogs come on
one more rule which clearly states that
the Challenger’s Pokemon is the gym
Leader’s choice and my choice for you is
Pikachu is that rule real sure
and if you look closely there’s a
footnote at the bottom of the page that
basically says if you refused and you
lose guess I’ve got no choice wanna
battle Pikachu
excellent now that’s more like it all
right begin here we go
too oh who did that listen is that a
voice I hear it’s speaking to me loud
and clear
on the Wind pass the stars in your ear
bringing chaos at a Breakneck Pace
dashing hope putting fear in its place
a rose by any other names just as sweet
when everything’s worse our work is
complete Jesse
putting the dooders in there
I thought those rules weren’t right how
does Team Rocket do that some got it and
some don’t don’t worry who’s got it
cause you don’t oh come back here but we
are here
hey isn’t grew gun part of our crew
crogunk’s cheeks creep me out wait up
give back those Pokemon
thank you
okay Starly quick attack
Pikachu use Thunderbolts
maybe we could run a real gym when you
act like a real man it looks like that
seals that deals
thank goodness you’re okay this is our
but what do we do about the other
we’ll just have to wait for all the
trainers to come and pick them up hey
I’ll do that you all need to get on your
way huh but you’ve got a journey of your
own to think about right after what
we’ve been through I know I’m not ready
for gym battles yet so Sizzler and I
will just go back to the gym and wait
for all those trainers to pick up their
generosity is only equaled by your great
but I thought Crow Gunk was Team Rockets
me too wonder why it’s still here
hey Crow Gunk you want to come along
with me
I just caught a crow Gunk
you sure know how to catch him Brock wow
you sure do it works for me well guys I
guess I’ll be on my way now thanks for
your help
farewell until we meet again my charity
what is it
not you too
girl God huh
well well as the old saying goes truth
is Stranger Than Fiction not only have
Team Rocket’s Pokemon stealing plans
been stopped cold but Brock has a new
Pokemon and friend in crocong and a new
chaperone too