Pokémon Diamond and Pearl |EP14| Leave It to Brocko! | Pokémon Asia ENG

there’s that old familiar song star city
this ain’t food and foliage restaurants
throw out this garbage at the end of
every day that’s it
i’ll make you something out of that i am
a gourmet chef you know you are cook
well looks can be deceiving if you can
time this gunk into glorious grub to
knock yourself out
it’s all about the challenges
leave it to bronco
inching closer to the oarberg gym and
ash’s first sino-region gym battle a
towering mountain provides a last hurdle
for our heroes to overcome
there we go it’s just over this mountain
great let’s climb over it quick oh
but there’s a pokemon center right there
let’s stay here tonight and go tomorrow
what do you mean
that orbit jim’s been waiting for me for
a long time now
bonfire could eat solid pokemon food now
wow first we learned bonfly can use
mimic and now this
what’s that
let’s have a look okay
wait i’m your friend
please i just want to help you but i
can’t do anything if you won’t give me a
chance so please just stand still
you just leave this to me but who are
i’m brock gorgeous i’ve come to you with
the behest of the finger of faith
nesley lives in dense overgrown forests
and occasionally comes out to frighten
people i know that nuzleaf like to live
in groups
that’s beyond me
this nuzleaf’s injured and i was trying
to do what i could to help
unless we do something this nuzleaf will
always be afraid of people let me see
what i can do
it’s okay
when you approach a pokemon that’s
feeling threatened you open your heart
then hide your hands to show you mean no
harm and crouch until your eye level
with it
that will relax it
oh yeah i just remembered
love to blow on leaves like that brock
sure knows his pokemon stuff
eat this orenberry you’ll be better in
no time
still scared huh i’ve got someone you
should meet
botswana come on out
here eat some of this
see bonsai’s not scared now it’s your
i bet you’re hungry
there’s more where that came from
amazing a moment ago nuzleaf was so
scared brock wants to become the
greatest pokemon breeder in the world i
see makes sense now let’s get you well
hold still for a sec
this is for your wounds
it might sting a little bit
now you’re as good as new man that guy’s
the best at everything
i wonder why nuzz leaves here in the
first place
what do you mean just on the other side
of this mountain grows a
thousand-year-old tree
there’s a group of c-dot and its evolved
forms nuzly and shift tree living in it
and that’s the only place you’ll find
any nuzleaf within a hundred miles of
here well there’s gotta be a reason this
nuzleaf got separated from its friends
hey let’s get nuzly back to the tree
yeah sounds great
i’m sure your work at the pokemon center
keeps you super busy we’ll take care of
this nurse joy
huh you will
count on it
well that’s awfully sweet of you brock
nozzle are nice nozzly for trickier than
nice but the bosses still love it sounds
like a match made in heaven to me
imagine the boss home from the office
trying to chill after a hard day’s wake
the majesty of a beautiful sunset makes
him take stock of his life to this point
you know i got more money than anyone i
know but it still ain’t enough when
suddenly the sweet sound of a leaf
whistle breaks the silence huh
you know this does leave me out and
friends gave me shows me what it’s all
about money don’t buy me happiness so
i’m giving mine to them
and get some dough money isn’t
everything especially when you’re rich
they’re just like old friends it
wouldn’t surprise me one bit if
nuzleaf’s thinking bounce lie is a grass
type pokemon when bunch lies really a
rock type tree
wow a shift tree maybe shiftery is one
of nuzly’s friends
there you are you shifty shift tree who
are you guys oh just your typical
mountain climbers i’m a girl though this
shifter has been searching for it’s
nicely pal for years day after day rain
or shine
thirty years nonstop should choose never
given up hope this day would come
you’re saying this nuzzly’s been lost
for 30 years
aren’t you pushing it a bit
i’m an actress and this is what we do
did you hear that
it just said get over here
that’s a shiftery huh
the scratch cat pokemon when it sees
wrong objects it plays and loses track
of time oh that’s a meowth nah that toy
bet’s pokey decks must be under friends
i mean shift tree history who are you
listen is that a voice that i hear it’s
speaking to me loud and clear
past the stars and in your ears bringing
chaos at a breakneck face
dashing hope putting fear in its place
arose by any other names just as sweet
when everything’s worse our work is
and james yeah that’s a name putting the
do-gooders in their place we’re team
we’re leaving
there’s no room for twerps especially a
big one hey we could get a ticket i’ll
show you
let’s go
use your wings to go throughout
all we have to do is put a ribbon on it
and give it to the boss and we’re rich
hold on
you can’t take nuzleaf away from all of
be a good friends if there is such a
i’ve got to get nuzleaf and bonds lie
away from them
there’s that old familiar song star city
this ain’t food and foliage restaurants
throw out this garbage at the end of
every day
that’s it
i’ll make you something out of that i am
a gourmet chef you know you a twerp cook
well looks can be deceiving
this is great wow that dwight making me
cry here’s a joy
if he can make food out of this slop he
can probably turn lead into gold
maybe if i give him some coal he can
squeeze me out a few diamonds
and remember there’s a lot more
i want you to use double edge on this
one more time
i know it’s hard
just a little bit more you can do it
you see
you did it
did you see brock
now what let’s go to where team rocket’s
balloon went down right now that’s all
we can do right
wow i wonder how i’m going to meet back
up with ash and dawn
oh the tree first off we’ve got to get
nuzleaf back to its home and friends
while we’re stuffing our starved faces
the torchworm pie tails it out of there
you blew it jane and i suppose you were
both having your nails done at the time
if we don’t get over these rapids we
can’t get to your tree
i know you don’t like water much
okay sudowoodo return
you see
nuzleaf really wants you to be out here
as well can you handle it
let’s go everybody
way to go soon
now one more to go
i’ll grab nuzleaf while you get across
let’s go
we’ve gotta hurry no take your time
after dumping us down with a delicious
and delectable dinner we wouldn’t think
of letting you leave not until you give
us dustling no way
we’ll see what the viper says
hey crow gunk it’s just you and me
poison jam
once more
i think it’s time for a nice rest
car divine front and center
deja vu
bullet seat on them
come on push back with bullet team
use mimic
the imitation pokemon disguised as a
tree it’s the evolved form of bonsai
bonsai must have evolved cave rock we’ll
take it from here thanks but sudowoodo
and i can handle this
this battle has pseudowoodos first since
it evolved no way we’re gonna be backing
that’s it i want to stop them from
taking nuzleaf too
go for it
twerpish twit countervine bullet seed
hang in double it let’s go
let’s go
okay pikachu let’s get in there
the wicked pokemon its large fan can
cause winds in excess of 100 feet per
second and can blow anything away what a
wind bag what do we do leave it to your
pal that shift tree’s the one who was
nasty to you nuzzly we were only trying
to be nice and help you out
that’s a lie they’re the bad people
don’t we do this kind of bad stuff year
round nothing
razor wings
to be just a trifle more self-sufficient
you try and get good help
can you get this
we’re blasting off
you’ve come a long way since you were a
baby boss like crying all the time
i guess all that bottle feeding brock
did really paid off
finally back home with its friends and
now you stay close to the nest
and take care of your friends
hope to see you again
warburg city is just over this mountain
and so is your first gym battle ash all
right my first battle of the sinnoh
league and my first win too
sometimes the most important lessons in
life can be found in the most surprising
of places for a pokemon trainer or a
pokemon breeder now our heroes close in
on ash’s first sinnoh gym battle


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