Pokémon Diamond and Pearl |EP15| Shapes of Things to Come | Pokémon Asia ENG

i must wait for this
there’s a chance to begin again
shapes of things to come
there it is guys it’s orberg city
sure looks like a great place to have
your first sinnoh battle also a great
place to get my first batch what do you
our hero’s arduous trek over an
impossibly steep mountain has ended in
joyous excitement all around now with
energy to spare they’re headed for the
next important stop the orburg gym
just look at this place
sure doesn’t look like the kind of gym
you challenge unless you were serious
about it yeah well then that’s for me
whoa it’s paul do i know you paul these
friends of yours no way
you must have just fought a battle get a
badge hey that’s none of your business
i’ll bet you’re here for a battle too
my name’s ash and i’m from pallet town
this will be my first battle in sinnoh
it’s great to be here
say that’s quite a long trip all the way
from kanto welcome to the temple for
rock pokemon the oarberg gym
you mean this gym is for rock pokemon
you’ve got it and our gym leader’s name
is rourke
wait then that means you must not be the
gym leader i take care of the pokemon
here the name is ian and rourke’s not
here right at the moment i’m sure you’ll
be able to have a battle with roark as
soon as paul is finished with his sounds
great thanks so until rorke gets back
i’ll be at the pokemon center hey paul
let’s suppose give it all we’ve got
what is with that guy
here’s your sinnoh region badge case wow
thank you ian
now if you win eight badges you can
compete in the sinnoh league
good luck ash thanks
hey ian do you mind if i ask where
rourke is he’s coal mining coal mining
makes sense to me that’s gotta be where
orbit city gets its name i’ve heard
orberg city has some of the richest coal
ore anywhere and while rork digs for
coal he’s exploring for hidden treasure
hidden treasure
the sound of success tells me so work
hard dig deep make some dough
suck it away at a breakneck pace putting
big bucks in poverty’s place roses smell
sweet but we prefer home a rose doesn’t
cut it if money’s your goal jesse james
the name
tired of being on the dole where a team
excuse me
twerks what look at that it’s the way in
all of his little end phrase gee i
wonder what they antwey
we heard that rourke the orbiter gym
leader was here that true
easy now don’t worry
okay you can leave it right there okay
did he say rourke then that’s him
welcome from your century to mine
excuse me mr ork just a moment i’m
having a talk with this fossil right now
you talk to fossils i sure do and right
now it’s telling me all about the good
old days
i can still feel its warmth
it’s breath
one day i know you’ll come back to life
you can be sure of it
back to life all right let’s get it to
the museum okay we got it
what were you saying i’ve come to the
orbit gym for a battle but someone’s
ahead of us well what do you know i’ve
got two challengers waiting for me you
know ian told us when you dig for coal
you’re looking for treasure too
a treasure huh of course
that’s awesome
the truth a lot of pokemon fossils turn
up while coal mine i really enjoy my
work as a foreman for the miners
you’re the foreman
hello sorry for butting in like this but
did he refer to fossils coming back to
oh yes ian was speaking of an incredible
machine it resurrects ancient pokemon
fossils and it’s just great
stealing that machine is what i’m
talking about it is right up our evil
alley and no more dog digging
welcome back rork how was the treasure
hunt we’ve really discovered something
this time this may just be the best
fossil yet
oh there’s paul he’s your first
i’m sorry to keep you waiting i’m rorke
the gym leader nice to meet you the same
here so why don’t we get started then
can’t wait to see a gym battle huh
you’ve never seen one no and i want to
learn everything about them i can well
then it’s fine with me hey paul how
about you
no prob i really couldn’t care less
you can be sure i’ll be watching you
guys battle
so this is what it’s like in a gym when
it comes to battlefields there are all
sorts of different types now of course
this gym is a rock type gym so it’s set
up to battle with rock type pokemon in
the oarberg city gym battle between paul
the challenger and rourke the gym leader
is about to get underway the battle will
be three on three and as soon as all
three pokemon on either side are unable
to continue the challenge is over in
addition only the challenger may
substitute pokemon
now let the battle begin
geo dude let’s go
oh wow it’s a geodude
geodude the rock pokemon geodude is
often found on mountain roads with half
of its body buried in the ground so it
can observe mountain
wow so paul’s using a water type pokemon
a zoomer the aqua rabbit pokemon a
zoomer lives in rivers and lakes and
while in water its body color and
pattern confuses its enemies since water
type moves are really powerful against
rock type pokemon azumarill’s a smart
choice then paul’s got the upper hand
right i guess in theory anyway theory
paul you have the honor azumarill hydro
pump go
geodude hidden power
and that was a water type move too all
right geo dude roll out
water gonna zoom around
not giving his challenger any time for
counter-attacks is how ward keeps up the
zuma reel is unable to battle geodude
wins a water type pokemon just lost to a
rock type every time geodude’s rollout
hits it just keeps getting stronger but
even so getting a knockout on just a
second attack now i understand what you
meant before when you said paul’s upper
hand was in theory
good for nothing the creep
now ella could stand by
i’m sure paul knows full well that
geodude is a ground type and also that
ella kids electric type moves won’t work
very well at all so i wonder what he’s
got up his sleeve now ellicott brick
break clever they’re using a fighting
type move but we’re still gonna stick
with using rollout
geodude is unable to battle ellicott
wins and they did it with just one hit
but how i thought ellicott was at a huge
see that goes to show that you can
overcome just about any disadvantage by
using the right moves geodude return
thanks a lot good friend
onyx you’re up next
he’s gonna use onyx
it’s huge
onyx the rock snake pokemon it tunnels
to the ground which shakes when it
raises its thunderous floor it can move
through the ground at 50 miles per hour
this onyx can do it
how do you know because i raised one
myself and i could tell just by looking
at it that this onyx has already been
through some very tough battles i’ll be
staying with my ellicott
fine since i’ve already seen your brick
break i wonder how well you’ll do now
quick elegant brick break yeah dodge
that’s fast how can something so big
move so quickly now you slam onyx
double edge let’s go
wow onyx caught elegant right when its
protective barrier went down yeah it’s
on your right but onyx got hurt when
encounter attacked that double edge
but onyx looks just fine to me that’s
because onyx can use rockhead rockheads
a special ability it takes moves that
would normally cause recoil damage and
completely prevents it from ever taking
place wow stay strong or else
rock go
stealth rock go
did he say stealth rock what kind of
move is that
stealth rock causes damage to pokemon
that appear later in the battle it has
no effect at all on pokemon currently
out there you mean if paul decides to
call ellicott back and choose another
pokemon then that pokemon will take all
the damage right it looks like rourke is
taking care of paul substitutions before
they happen making things that much
trickier for paul
if you were going to exchange pokemon
you should have done it earlier slam
onyx let’s go
hey what’s wrong with onyx it’s called
static a special ability of ella kids
how does it work when ella kid made
physical contact onyx became paralyzed
brick break ellicott now
double edge onyx
don’t get too comfortable with static
sometimes moves can be used even when
i’m impressed ellicott’s a brazilian
now ellicott return
wow what’s paul doing i guess he really
doesn’t care about the stealth rock yeah
he doesn’t care if his next pokemon get
hurt or not now gym charge standby
a fire type next eh impressive the way
you come at me with pokemon that aren’t
considered very good matchups chimp
chart use dick
try to sense where chimchar is moving
making a huge onyx jump like that is no
small feat using digs should have a
powerful effect on onyx as well so
that’s why paul had chimchar learn dick
awesome strategy now use double edge
jim char use dig one more time
stand still just feel jim char’s
when will that static wear off gym chart
do it
onyx is unable to battle chimchar wins
not bad chimchar onyx return
you were great take a nice long rest
well paul you’re giving me quite a run
for my money it’s time to bring out my
final pokemon i suggest you get ready
granny dose let’s go
grady-dose looks just like that fossil
the headbutt pokemon granny does lived
in the deep woods about 100 million
years ago and its cranium is as hard as
rork i can read you like a book gymshark
use dig
grainy dose headbutt now
what a hit craney dose is anticipating
jim jars movements jim char use dig one
more time
granny goes zen headbutts
that’s a much stronger move than
headbutt there’s no doubt that zen
headbutts got a lot more power than a
normal headbutt i’ve heard it can scare
an opponent into flinching
zen headbutt again yeah yeah quick chip
so scared that it doesn’t hear anything
that paul says
focus energy focuses your attack
strength and makes it easier to hit a
weak spot i think works planning to use
one shot to knock out chimchar you gotta
get chimchar out of there
i was waiting for this for what
chip jars using blaze watch out
blaze is a special ability that makes
chimchar’s fire type moves much stronger
when its endurance is low but i’m not
sure how much of an effect it’ll have on
a rock type like crane
headbutt again
that’s fast aim for the legs
that flame wheel’s strong chimchar’s
flame wheel was so juiced up with blaze
it was faster than cranny dose was
flame wheel chimchar once more
chimchar use dig let’s go
cranny nose focus energy now
use headbutt
dodge it quick
chimchar is unable to battle kratos wins
crazy dose how do you feel
chimchar i’ll deal with you later
ellicott standby
yep once you get used to it the effects
just keep going
now use brick brick
flame thrower
what’s that maybe it was static
what a hit
you’ve just witnessed grainy dose’s
special ability mold breaker ruining
your special ability
you zen headbutt now
cranius is just moving too slow right
now guess that leg injury was worse than
i thought brick break one more time
no more headbutt huh i see you don’t
rely on moves or types for your strategy
you just use what attack style is best
for the moment granny dose’s attack
power seems to be totally dependent on
the strength of its legs paul sure
looked at me like he was waiting for
chimchar’s blaze to take effect which
could explain the way he uses pokemon of
course that’s why he taught chimchar to
battle like that brick break let’s go
granny goes flamethrower
now zen headbutt
brick brick
now brick break again
green ghost flamethrower
is unable to battle ellicott wins the
victor is paul paul did it
thanks cranny dose enjoy a nice long
that was some impressive battling paul
and here’s your oarberg gym badge
congratulations paul
thank you very much work
i’ll see you
where are you going
aren’t you going to say to watch my
so paul has ultimately triumphed in
rorke’s orbit gym his badge proved
positive of his win but with our hero up
next we’re not going anywhere so stay

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