Pokémon Diamond and Pearl | EP17 | Wild In The Streets! | Pokémon Asia ENG

after witnessing Paul’s impressive
victory at the orberg gym Ash waged his
Premier Gym battle in the Cena region
against Rorke the orberg gym leader
battling with Fierce tenacity as he
teamed up with his apom Turtwig and
finally Pikachu however the end result
of Our Hero’s efforts was not to be the
same as poles when Ash’s hard-fought
battle against Rorke ended in a
mind-boggling defeat
the challenges
wild in the streets
awesome stuff way to go guys
wow they’re all looking great guess the
orberg gym battle is yesterday’s news
using that colore for training was a
great idea Ash yeah with so many
different kinds of rocks around it looks
like you made the perfect choice thanks
just look at how psyched everyone is now
we keep trading so we can do it in our
sleep and that badge is ours but Ash
they aren’t really the best matchups for
the rock types at orberg gym if you know
what I mean yeah except for church wig
hey I know call your friend the TV
Pokemon poet Don Professor Oaks a
professor that’s the guy doesn’t
Professor Oak have a whole bunch of
different Pokemon just call and ask him
to send you some of yours that are
strong against rock types or I could
lend you Piplup nope I’m sticking with
the Pokemon I have but Ash don’t you
want to win of course I want to win look
I don’t need to change Pokemon to beat
Rorke doesn’t matter who you’re up
against there’s always a way to Win It
you see we’re a team and we’ll stay as a
but they’re just not the right type of
Pokemon look at Paul he didn’t have the
right type of Pokemon either but did
that stop him no way
well if he can do it then I know I can
do it too so guys let’s win it at the
orberg gym but we’ll do it our way
silly me I don’t know what I was
thinking I do have an idea the perfect
training partner for what you’re gonna
be up against huh what do you mean Brock
let’s go
that’s right as we all remember rockhead
is an ability that makes Pokemon immune
to The Recoil of Moves Like double edge
and which can save you a lot of damage
in the long run that’s the same special
ability that Roar Sonics has exactly
right you train hard against Sudowoodo
and I guarantee you’ll have some
insights on how to win an orberg gym
that’s grape rock thanks hey guys what
do you say we get down to it
all right just watching you has gotten
me totally psyched as well we’re gonna
go back to the Pokemon Center and start
to work on some new combinations I’ve
been thinking about for a while good for
you I’m sure they’ll be great and good
luck with all your training come on
pimple benveniri let’s go
here’s the side of the next Pokemon
contest that exciting event will be held
in Flora Roma town be there it’s a
beautiful location that’s not to be
missed so for all of you coordinators
out there beginners up through seasoned
Pros I urge you all not to miss this one
we’ll be there and we hope you will too
wow for a robot Town don’t you worry
Marion I’ll be there for my ribbon no
way they couldn’t have stolen it oh the
fossil restorer must have been taken
after we went home
what about the revive Pokemon they’re
all fine there was no damage to the
fossils in the storeroom either
we’d better get in touch with Officer
Jenny right away right
well at least none of the Pokemon were
injured during this awful ordeal
except there was a Pokemon inside you’re
right we were in the process of
restoring a Pokemon
if it completes and then somehow it gets
talk about being restored so to speak
stealing the fossil restore is going to
restore our rap first we dig a hole now
we’re on a roll whenever we hark back to
doing what we do best the rest is
history okay
like putting money
must ever so many fabulous fossils it
isn’t even funny
James show us the first one Yelp has it
you got the wrong guy it’s Jess oh hold
on finishing the fossil was your job I
was in charge of machine maintenance I
was in charge of whole maintenance
you always mess up my brilliant the
brilliant ideas come from me
a prefab fossil it appears to have been
placed in times past and it looks like
it’s finished bacon then that means
all done what’s all this new it’s a
fossil cool
it’s an Aerodactyl Pokemon for me and
you without further Ado let’s go
that must hurt oh and great not every
ancient Pokemon gets into Team Rocket
what is that hold on let me see
you’re almost there
yes here it is that book’s been dubbed
Giga Impact
catty May well that names our claim to
fame nowhere redacto’s gonna give me to
brush off
it’s winging its way to town shall we
let’s hey hold the phone before we head
back into that open sprawl let’s crank
out a few fossils to Take Along say long
range and they sent me out the strings
so forced off it’s time to do a little
Pokey show prep Church double
Church week’s moves have gotten a lot
stronger but that’s still not enough the
rock type Pokemon at the orberg gym of
Tons of Speed and Power
I’ve got to figure out how to deal with
and just fighting back with pure power
that’s not the answer either hey Ash huh
hey how about a break the Pokemon are
feeling kind of wiped out yeah you’re
right you are working hard
hey Roar rock as far as the eye can see
it is a great way for you to get ready
for another battle in my gym and you can
be sure we’re working super hard just
don’t work too hard you simply figure
out a strategy that suits you and your
Pokemon as well
okay but I was just thinking about the
way you fought Paul hang on a sec huh
this has been eating at me since our
last battle just who is it you’re trying
to beat anyway
oh that uh right it’s understandable
that you’d be concerned about Paul but
it’s not Paul you’re gonna be battling
with it’s me right yeah I hear you good
you’ll be fine and I’ve got some serious
digging to do what now looking for
fossils right right I’ve always loved
ancient Pokemon like that
I found that Cranidos fossil when I was
just a kid and so I had to have it
restored you restored it yeah we sure
did what an amazing thing to restore
Pokemon fossils thing is crani dose was
the first Pokemon we used it on awesome
amazing what science can do yeah but
these fossils are more amazing you see
Pokemon have been changing in a process
that’s been taking place for millions of
years to get to this point
it’s almost as if these fossils have
come back to tell me all about their
ancient secrets
yeah fossils are as beautiful as it gets
wow you were great
you nailed it perfectly now don’t forget
any of it one more time
was that an Aerodactyl how could that be
Aerodactyl the fossil Pokemon an ancient
flying type is equipped with sharp
sunlight teeth but how it couldn’t have
escaped in the museum right huh
the museum
you hear that sound sure do aerodactyl’s
in a rage Aerodactyl
oh no it had to come from the restored
fossil it’s coming here
he pops in our mall door heading out
let’s go okay
in the pokeballs right
place the blue tops armaldo
but what happens next
true beauty there’s nothing more
beautiful than these
something terrible has happened what
tell me the ancient Pokemon are on a
we’re now formulating a plan to capture
all three of them at the orberg mine but
in the meantime all citizens must
evacuate at what the orberg mine that’s
where Ash and the others are
my God not a moment too soon hey wait we
need to find Aerodactyl the search
helicopters on it now but we need to
deal with them you’re right hold on huh
you’ve got to let me handle this ah it’s
granny dose will help us we want to help
you out too okay I’ll distract them
while you look for an opening and then
you take them both down guys
rainy goats Zen headbot
yeah that’s it
you can never get too much of an old
thing no way the fossil restorer huh
listen is that shocked towards I hear
they’re fetching to me loud and
at a Breakneck Pace dashing hope putting
fear in its place arranged by any other
names just as sweet when everything’s
worse our work is complete Jesse and
James that’s a name
so you’re behind this awful crime return
the machine on the Pokemon at once like
that’s ever gonna happen we’ve got a lot
of restoring to do and we’re gonna make
an army of the baddest bunch of ancient
bullies you ever saw no you’re not ready
Ash wait huh we’ve got to be careful how
we do this if not our model Kabutops and
the fossil restore could be badly
Sound Logic so do what twerks do best
which is sip while we make a museum run
for more old guys whoa
hurry yes sir armaldo returned Kabutos
whoa that’s Giga Impact Giga impacts
craney dose intercepting
pushed that Aerodactyl strong
hey Ash are you okay it’s done
we’ll take care of this now
Giga Impact again no problem watch this
hip-hop finary let’s go
not yet just a little more time
okay do it now
that’s great we’ve gotta learn those
wow it worked excellent go Pokeball now
thank you we’re all safe now thank you
you’re welcome oh yes them
now let’s grab Aerodactyl and vacate the
tough luck losers now we’d like our
machine if you don’t mind don’t
mind and not even that guy we have no
just now yes
go rampartos
great rampartos finish with Zen headbutt
ancients overrated anyway
no it’s not and you will make us one of
those machines sorry but I never liked
up again
amazing and so powerful
Pokemon and the evolved form of Cranidos
it’s head but attack is so powerful that
it can pulverize even the sturdius of
objects with one hit thank you rempardos
thanks to you we have our machine back
and to you for your Brave assistance I
salute you Jenny my darling I salute you
for your amazing charm and awesome
hey Rock can we please have another
battle tomorrow I’d love to go up
against your Rampardos oh have you
thought of what strategy to use yeah
okay then you can have the honor of
being rampartos Premier opponent
really well thanks
John do you think you can help me train
a little bit sure it’ll be good training
for me as well thanks that’s great you
know what after all that I know I’m
gonna get that badge all right you just
give it all you’ve got and so a fierce
battle with an Aerodactyl provides our
hero with a clue a clue which
undoubtedly helped formulate the battle
strategy Ash so confidently alluded to
while Roark and rampartos await
promising to be a challenge that Ash or
none of us for that matter will soon
forget you’ve got to stay tuned for the
action foreign

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