all right pokeball let’s go
it’s all about the
a brand new challenges
new rivals
wow there’s nothing cuter than a pokemon
egg you know guys and even before it’s
hatched you just can’t help falling in
love with one of these things
although the mystery of what it hatches
into is half the fun
hang in there bill sprout
we’re going to a pokemon center right
zig zagoon
everything’s gonna be all right excuse
me what happened okay this powerful
weasel showed up out of nowhere while i
was fishing in the river back there
it dragged away my fishing rod and my
zig zagoon got knocked out that thing
sure was scary it sounds that way anyway
i’ve gotta go but i wouldn’t go fishing
if i were you
i’ve to check out that weasel come on
guys let’s go fishing
please on your way out of this
of a strong weasel are much too exciting
for our heroes to ignore and so it
appears the eterna city gym will have to
wait a little bit longer man i’m not
getting any bites i’ve never seen a lure
like that this cool huh i got this from
misty a long time ago misty right she’s
a friend of ours who’s now the cerulean
gym leader
let me give that thing a try no way don
come on
that’s better
it’s me
zoe i haven’t seen you since the jupiter
life contest you’re right there’s
something i’ve gotta show you
number one i heard you won the flow
aroma contest that’s great hey word gets
around fast check this out
i picked up this beauty back at the
oreberg gym
wow impressive what about you
you see i lost the last contest i was in
so i still just have two
you’re gonna enter the contest in
hardhome city right dawn
of course i will glad you told me or i
wouldn’t have known that’s where the
next one is
you here for some fishing zoe yeah i
thought i’d catch myself a water type
pokemon yeah well get this we came
because we heard there was a really
powerful weasel here
really sounds pretty cool
somebody’s got a bite oh wow that’s mine
careful dawn it’s huge no need to worry
that’s it
the sea weasel pokemon it stores air in
the sacks on its neck and uses them as
floatation devices and swims by spinning
its two tails like a propeller so that’s
the strong weasel awesome and it’s gonna
be all mine hip-hop let’s
go battle between two water types this
is bound to be close but i think whoever
has the stronger moves wins
now that’s strength weasel’s telling you
to bring it on it’ll be my pleasure now
once more
snap out of it quick
you go and take a good rest
huh weasel wants to take me on now it’s
a deal all right glamio curtin
jump up
is knocking them all out
wow weasel can really jump too now you
shadow claude intercepts
oh man they smash into each other
okay pikachu it’s our turn let’s do it
going up against a water type pokemon
with an electric type should work out
great just remember that weasel is
really strong don’t worry i will but the
stronger our opponent the stronger we’ll
now pikachu bolt
pikachu use quick attack
yeah i thought so pikachu used iron
come on pikachu use boat tackle
all right pokeball let’s go
pikachu look out
weasel could be anywhere and pikachu
knows it ash pikachu’s at a disadvantage
in the water quick pikachu up on the
wow even pikachu got beat
that weasel is something else
hey wait that’s my ride
so weasel’s a thief as well your fishing
rod is just proof that weasel beat a
trainer hey if you think i’m gonna give
up now you’re not thinking all right i’m
getting that weasel
i’m in two
same for me let’s do it
what a joke jerk’s not the word that
wretched little redheaded jupiter
contest to wrecker made a fool out of me
in front of a flock of frenzied fans i’m
talking about weasel weasel i knew that
that little rascal’s bad to the bone you
dopes think of what a gift that bad boy
and b for the boss i’m afraid i’ve
missed your train of thought then all
now you know the boss is always trying
to find time to get out onto team rocket
yacht for a little r r
but what happens when mother nature lays
a few storm clouds on him and he ends up
flipping his boat and his wing it could
be coins
that is of course unless the weasel will
gave him drags to soggy sap to safety
well you know how the media eats this
stuff up so you also know what he’ll say
at the ensuing press conference i have
to thank me out and friends for giving
me this wonderful weasel otherwise i’d
be cooked
genius i’m there a gift with blood
tea rockets on its head
weasel was heading down this way
hey look at that
check all the fishing rods
wow at least my lure’s still in one
i wonder if that means weasel’s close by
guess so i’m busy too but what’s wiesel
looks like weasel’s practicing its moves
on its own
that makes sense orenberries are great
for recovering strength you and i are
gonna have us another battle you know
that weasel’s crazy i think it’s special
training that’s all yeah well we can
special train too
okay pikachu iron tail let’s go
you’ve got to wonder who’s the one
that’s being trained ash is a hands-on
guy all right
i’m a hands-on girl
let’s go
aim for the waterfall
looks like weasel’s working on its legs
now okay we’re
next gee don your friends are colorful
aren’t they
whoa you know
that’s a big drop
that weasel sure knows how to move so
who wants to go with me
they’re both crazy
now piplup you be careful
let’s stop all this now peplup you gave
it your all
wow look at that
amazing since they’re both watertight
pokemon i don’t think piplup wants
weasel to win
oh man what a great dime
what was that
i hear her is voices loud and clear on
the way past the stars
bringing chaos at a breakneck pace
dashing home putting fear in its place a
world why any other names just as round
isn’t it true
who’s team rocket crooks they steal
pokemon no how lame can you get they
have to be the biggest bunch of zeros
i’ve ever seen before perhaps you’re not
good at math but there are three of us
or maybe you’re jealous of my long hair
see it weasel in the nets as close as
you’re gonna get i don’t think so turtle
razor leaf
the viper make this right
pikachu thunderbolt let’s go
you’d think i’d feel clean after a bath
i hate being in wet clothes i hate being
with two dopes with two dried hair
blasting off again
what a bubble beam
weasel was great too
huh do you want to battle with piplup
what do you say piplup
that’s great and this time i’m gonna
catch you too
you can count on it
i think weasel’s attacks got the edge
pull out
weasel dodges every attack piplup throws
don and piplup are getting nowhere fast
hey dawn try and battle just like it’s a
contest huh really
battle like it’s a contest huh
oh yeah all right
let’s use bubble bean while you spin
weasel doesn’t have a clue of course
weasel’s really strong with direct
attacks but doesn’t know a thing about
the kinds of brake combinations contests
are known for you’ve got that right all
jump up and use pack
that jump in practice paid off
hip flip’s looking good
let’s go
it didn’t work
stay right there huh
thought so pimple up use whirlpool
what a perfect combination
let’s do it this time
i know piplup’s reached the limit
pokeball please work please
hey dom that’s great guess i wanted that
weasel too but i’m glad you got it
thanks ash
don’t worry i’ll return those fishing
rods weasel stole and you get pip left
to a pokemon center asap
but what about i’m fine i think i’ll
stick around longer and catch myself a
good idea i bet you there’s a ton of
wild pokemon hanging around here good
luck i hope you catch an awesome pokemon
thanks dawn i’ll see you at the heart
home contest peace
a new pokemon for dawn as well as
reuniting with her friend and rival zoe
has made for quite a day and now our
heroes can continue towards eterna city
and ash’s next exciting gym battle
English (auto-generated)