Split Decision | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network

pussycat come here
help don’t worry his spells never last
who are these guys this is a great fight
yeah you never fought them they come out
every day at four o’clock on the dock
i guess that’s because i meet lady
rainicorn every day at four o’clock on
the dot oh shoot i’m late you should
stay man at five o’clock every day i
chop both their heads off and they grow
em back for the next day oh man that
sounds awesome i do want to stay and
fight those guys but i also want to hang
out with my girlfriend boo
i should probably go
i’ll see you later buddy bye yeah
sorry i’m late finn and i were fighting
this shark and science cat and i lost
track of time anyway i’m here now i’m a
lady and i have brought to you half an
nice now make that green
yeah that’s good
oh sleep but we were supposed to play
viola together
yeah sorry again for coming so late
good night
oh hey shelby why are you looking so
down in the dumps
no response huh guess you’re good i’m
fed up shelby hmm whenever i hang out
with lady rainicorn i miss out on fun
times with finn and then when i hang out
with finn i’m missing out on lady
hey jake why don’t you just hang out
with both of them at the same time and
then i won’t miss anything shelby my
problems are solved
isn’t this great this is totally great
isn’t it yeah isn’t it
what what did she say she says she also
thinks it’s great oh yeah
hey did you know that you both have an
awesome sense of humor we do yeah
anybody have a joke oh i have a joke
okay okay knock knock knock yeah she
said who’s there diarrhea
did you say diarrhea who uh
no no she didn’t say diarrhea who she
say it
lady how about you tell a joke
well the joke doesn’t translate very
i might leave is it okay if i leave i i
kind of want to go fight something no
don’t leave there’s only some way you
two could talk to each other directly
oh dude i just remembered there’s a
universal translator device at the
bottom of lake sullivan the lake guarded
by evil lake nights yeah i can’t
remember why i threw it in there let’s
all go and get it whoa jake you’re
inviting rainicorn no offense but isn’t
she a little too sweet for deadly
adventure trust me finn she’s the rowdy
queen she can do anything hmm
all right trust pounds
underwater camouflage
lady you are incredible you should
adventure with us all the time
all according to plan oh come on
uh what here’s the translator
let’s hear
voice options are old man nerdy alien or
nightmare try saying something
and toots i ate all the peaches in the
orchard and that farmer was so angry
i like this voice
that’s the end of my story
well at least with old man


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