Would You Swim With Sharks For $100,000?

– We are currently surrounded by countless sharks.
Maybe even a thousand.
I don’t think it’s that many.
And in this backpack, it’s a hundred grand.
And if you retrieve that a hundred thousand dollars in cash,
I’ll give it to your number one fan.
– Oh.
– Who’s conveniently right here.
– Oh!
– Let’s go, Chris.
Okay. Let’s go baby.
– There’s literally shark- look Tareq, Tareq, Tareq.
– Oh my God.
– The sooner you get the money, the sooner you’re out!
– Got it.
Oh really?
Got it.
Gotta make it back.
Get back to this boat.
– Here’s your a hundred thousand dollars in cash.
If I was you, I’d kiss Chris.
This is my friend Airrack.
To your right is the coldest room in the world.
– It’s freezing in here.
– And to your left is the hottest room in the world.
– Youch!
– Hot or cold? Pick.
– They’re both horrible options, but I’m gonna go cold.
Oh my gosh.
Bro, this is freezing.
– At least in here you have a bed.
– What is this, Jimmy?
– Every hour you survive in this room,
I’ll give a random person 10 grand.
– Starting right now? – Starting now.
– No.
– The time starts now.
– You better stay in there.
I’m not leaving here until you win millions.
– That’s right, man!
You and I are gonna bankrupt Jimmy today.
– This is what 10 grand looks like by the way.
– Hey, Hey, it hasn’t been an hour. Get outta here.
We’ll see you guys in a little bit.
For this next challenge,
we brought back something I know you all love.
Glass Bridge.
And we brought back 4, 5, 6 from our squid game.
It’s pretty simple.
You guess a platform left or right.
If you pick wrong, you fall.
And if you can make it to the other side
I’ll let you keep the 456 grand over there.
– 15 Platforms?
– I’m gonna give you a hand. Pick right on the first one.
– Oh.
– Now obviously the probability of him getting
to the other side of this bridge is extremely low.
So I’m just gonna tell you the answers.
You jumped right,
then it’s left, left, left, right, right,
left, left, left, right, left,
right, right, right left.
You should get to jumping before you forget.
– All right. It’s left for sure.
– Correct. 13 more, John, 456 grand on the line.
– This one
– It was three lefts in a row.
Sucks for 456.
We brought back 067.
The correct answer is right.
And if you can make it all the way to the end
I’ll let you keep the 456 grand over there.
I’m gonna give you all the rest.
Right, left, left, left, right, right, left, left,
left, right, left, right, right, right left.
– Can I get that again?
– No.
– Oh, all right.
– Your heart looked like it stopped there.
– It did. if you could just-
– That’s the good option.
– Oh my God.
– That is not the good option.
– Oh, are you okay?
– Yeah. I’m good.
– I’m not gonna lie,
I thought they would make it a little further.
– Oh, no.
So you have heard me say all the answers
to two different people?
– It’s a bad time to have a horrible memory.
Oh gosh.
Am I gonna die?
Am I waiting to die?
– I am so glad you picked the right one here.
– No, I picked the left one.
– Oh gosh. He went.
I give up. Next bit.
– So my plan as of right now is to snuggle up
in this ice bed that Jimmy has made for me
and pretty much just sleep through this entire day.
– Now we’re back at the world’s coldest room
and it’s officially been an hour.
So here’s 10 grand.
You’ve suffered for an hour.
She’s won 10 grand.
How are you doing?
– I’m feeling like you need to go get more
of those briefcases out.
– Almost the entire time lapse you’re laying in the bed.
Were you actually asleep?
– I’m sleeping.
Yeah, it was great.
– Hey Chris.
– No, no, no, no, no, no.
– It’s literally just sleeping.
– You can’t feel cold when you’re asleep.
– You know what to do.
– Whoa!
– Crazy, buddy.
We got the job done.
– Where are we?
– Go take a nap. – Okay.
I’ll see you in a couple more hours.
We’re gonna go film.
– Why would you do that?
– We are now on top of a 1000 foot tall canyon.
– I’m terrified.
– And if you’re crazy enough to cross this canyon
on just that slack line,
I’ll let you keep the 20 grand on the other side.
– I’m pretty nervous.
The wind keeps on picking up and like slowing down.
My goal is to get to the end of the line where that 20 K is.
– And my goal is for you not to fall.
– Let’s freaking go.
– She is now descending onto it.
The 20 thousand’s on the other side.
– Please don’t fall.
– I’ll try not to.
– Thank you.
– All right. She’s doing it.
As long as she’s not dangling from the rope, she’s still in.
– She’s fearless.
– This is crazy.
And while she’s crossing, I’m gonna tell you guys
about experian, which is a free mobile app
that lets you take control of your credit score.
I can’t even focus on the ad because this is so crazy.
– You got this, just focus.
– Take your time.
This app gives you access to your credit score
and helps you improve it.
experian also has experian Boost.
So you can basically leverage things like your
cell phone bills, your utility bills, even things
like Hulu and Netflix to build your credit score.
Do you know what your credit score is?
– No idea.
– Okay. Sorry. Don’t worry about it.
Boost is only used on your positive payment.
So if you have a late payment,
it won’t hurt your FICO score.
– The money’s right here.
– Oh my Lord.
– She is not looking.
She’s so focused.
– This can obviously help you qualify for affordable loans
that you can then use to buy a car, a house or a yacht.
– Sup guys. How’s it goin’?
– I’m just holding your prize.
– People on average using experian Boost
saw a 13 point increase on their FICO score.
She’s almost there.
Oh my goodness.
– Oh God.
– Oh my goodness.
– Woo. Oh, thanks guys.
That’s one of the scariest things I’ve ever had to do.
Thank you so much, Jimmy!
Download experian.
– Just click the link in the description
and download experian now.
And congratulations on 20 grand.
Meanwhile, Airrack’s been freezing for hours.
– Five. Not that anybody’s counting.
I am so bored, but more than that, I am horribly cold.
– How you doing in there?
She’s starting to win some pretty serious money.
– Yeah. That’s the goal.
I’m gonna bankrupt you!
– That’s scared me.
Somehow he was still going strong,
so we decided to crank up the difficulty.
Hey, see the timer?
It’s paused until you give us your hoodie.
– What if I give you the hoodie but you give her 10 grand?
– But shake on it.
I’ll give her 10 grand for your hoodie.
– Okay.
– Oh my gosh. His hand’s cold.
All right, bye.
Here’s the thing.
We’re not forcing you to stay in there.
– Are you bankrupt yet?
– No. I have tons of money.
– I’m staying.
I hate those guys.
– This is Marcus and in front of us is 40 grand.
You have two options.
You can either steal this 40 grand
and keep it all to yourself or split it
with a random person you will never meet.
We also brought back this guy that was stolen from
in a previous video.
– Wanna steal it then.
– The guy that lost out on 10 grand
is gonna be watching this.
– Wait, what?
– Let’s see if his luck got better.
– What do you think he’s gonna pick?
– Steal.
– You think he’s gonna steal?
– Steal.
– You don’t even wanna think on it?
– Not even thinking about it.
– Oh my God.
– What I tell you?
– Sorry bud.
– Oh man.
That’s painful.
He’s looking at the camera.
That is not good.
So messed up.
Yeah. Yeah.
He’s taking a money bath.
He’s swimming in it right now.
That’s a good day he had.
– He’s having a good day.
– I’m gonna go talk to the guy who just lost 20 grand.
How’s it going?
This guy was so much worse than the girlfriend before.
– Didn’t hesitate.
Right? He’s taking pictures right now with Chris.
Oh, you’re forever gonna be here.
Are we just gonna keep going until someone
actually splits it?
And now we’re inside the alligator capital of the world.
And as you can see, there are literally hundreds
of alligators all around this place.
And three can I borrow the camera?
Do you see those two briefcases over there?
There’s $20,000 in them.
If you go retrieve it, I’ll let you keep the money.
– Not doin’ it.
I’m not doing it either.
I didn’t even get to ask you.
I’m gonna be honest.
I knew the boys would say no
which is exactly why I brought Brian.
He spent his entire life handling animals
and I know he’s gonna attempt it.
– Absolutely.
– Unlike Tareq.
– Tareq, you’re a wimp.
– All right. So Brian, I don’t know if you see
but there’s an alligator at your feet.
– He’s just really jumping in there with it.
– You just get out there
– Get back here, back to back, back, back, back back.
You go away.
You go away.
Nice Jimmy, why am I doing this?
– The alligator didn’t like that.
You should step lightly.
– This alligator right here’s like,
“hey guys, can I be on camera?”
They want some screen time.
Only two more steps.
Congratulations, Brian, on winning $20,000.
How are you gonna get off that island?
– I didn’t think about that.
– Oh!
– I didn’t either.
I’m gonna go to the next bit.
– I am so cold.
I’ve never been this cold in my entire life.
Ugh, Eve I have nothing left.
I have to get out.
– It’s okay, man.
– Buddy, you look a little cold over there.
– I’m freezing.
– You just crossed another hour mark.
So here’s another 10 grand.
– Do we feel good with 80 grand?
– Yes.
– Okay. We’re done.
Oh boy.
Outta here.
Oh my gosh.
– Congratulations on winning this
80 grand in cash. Bring it in.
We’re going to the hottest room.
– Stop. Stop.
You can’t go from the coldest room
in the world to the hottest room psychopath.
Most of the contestants you saw
in this video are random subscribers.
If you haven’t already, hit that subscribe button
because it could literally win you money.

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